Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Gosselin weapon of choice for morons

Red spoon, meet small quarter Asian ass. I finally saw the famous red spoon in a Greedin episode. Kate's mentioned before. Once when she told a kid to go to time out and they hesitated, she asked "Do I need to get the red spoon?" The kid couldn't get to the corner fast enough. On a rerun I spotted it in Jon's hand as he bossed kids around. He wasn't cooking and wasn't mixing anything. It wasn't a pretend drumstick. I can only assume it was a weapon. And that's what it is, don't kid yourself by saying it's a disciplinary tool. Have you ever been beaten with a belt, a switch or a spoon? I have. I learned nothing from it except how to run fast from some psycho adult who couldn't control their temper. I DO get it when a parent has had it up to their eyeballs and hand meets ass once in awhile. It's not right, but, I get it. But, people who use weapons (Jesus!) and it's premeditated (Double Jesus!) are really stupid piss poor parents who don't deserve kids..let alone eight of them. The Gosselins give parenting advice and people eat it up. I wonder if that advice is how to get a free ass whippin' spoon of high quality heavy construction? I wouldn't want to be hit with that thing by someone who's three times my size. I'd kick their ass. I'd wait until they were sleeping and set them on fire. My name isn't Rihanna .....and neither are the Gosselin kids.


Dirty Disher said...

And it's interesting to note that though they DO beat their kids, the kids are still badly behaved and won't mind. Screaming fits, back talk and piss poor bratty behavior should tell the shit for brain parents, it doesn't work.

Anonymous said...

I doubt they have ever used that spoon. It's a threat tool. My mom's favorite spanking tool was a fly swatter. To this day, I don't have one in my house, and I never will.

And for the record, I think a spanking is not a bad thing, and I've had my share. Don't go overboard and abuse children, but a little ass tap ain't never hurt nobody.

Anonymous said...

It's about a small being being threatened by a large one who has control over every aspect of their lives. The opinion of the Gosselin family would take a nosedive if they ever showed any of those moments, even if as 4:19 puts it, it was 'only a threat'. When you are larger then and can easily overtake a smaller living being, threating isn't an acceptable form of teaching consequences and discipline.

Anonymous said...

I was raised in the south and my grandmother used to tell me "Go out and get a switch and then bring it to me", and we knew what that meant....legs were going to get switched. I was the only one of us who would just head for the hills, so I'm with you, DD. Bring it back, yeah, right on, Grannie.

But I did get hit with a belt and a hairbrush, and I made up my mind that I would never use that kind of intimidation on my own kids. AND I DON'T. Beating someone 1/4 your size doesn't make sense.

Anonymous said...

What is upsetting is not the fact that J&K are hitting their kids with the spoon(it is but that's not my point) is how many other parents have STARTED to hit their kids with spoons simply because J&K do it. Yes, Jon and Kate should not hit with an object but it's like the Greedlins are promoting it and introducing it to other crazy ass brainwashed moms who are fucked up anyway.

Anonymous said...

Intimidation doesn't work if you want to discipline....from what I have seen, cause then the kid is just gonna push you as far as they can because THEY KNOW you won't follow through. I was never beaten or cussed at when I was growing up, heck I never even saw my parents fight/yell at each other, but I did get one or two swats on the butt followed by a long accion-consequence talk. When I say one or two it was REALLY one or two that I can count. I feared when my dad took us in the bathroon and sat us on the toilet to let us have a piece of his mind...he would tell it like it is...he didn't even raise his voice, he was kind and all but boy!!!!! words have way more effect than anything else.

Anonymous said...

The old saying goes "Spare the rod and you spoil the child". I am a firm believer in a spanking when absolutely necessary but by no means a beating. I think the kids still act up (Mady in particular) is that they are desperate for attention from Jon and Kate. Not do this while I go and organize something or hide in my bedroom. The endless trips that Kate makes most likely leads to anxiety and animosity for the kids. I honestly believe that Jon really tried to be a good parent but has been brow beaten just a few too many times and its hard for him to now have any input in the monsters Kate is creating. They know acting up garners attention....attention = love....BINGO. Mady will be a runaway or pregnant teen before you know it. Too bad Aunt Jodi can not be around...she was the only female with some normalcy around..unless all those "babysitters" have a degree in child psychology.

I think that Kate should stick closer to home...pop one of those kids in the mouth the next time they mouth off and send them to their room. How can they learn manners and respect when she acts like everything is owed to her.

Anonymous said...

Someone who knows this family and who would never ever want to be identified told me, upon me making the comment that the G kids must be well-disciplined (and she knew I meant it in a good way) because they go so easily to the corner and stay there without any fuss or muss. This person said that, yes, that was true in life as on TV, but the kids have learned to do that the hard one, from the time the kids could be disciplined, they either went to the corner or got what she called a "good swat".

I'm not saying that's good, bad or otherwise. Just reporting what I know to be true.

Anonymous said...

I was raised in a "Spare the rod, spoil the fun" household and I am a successful person with a half century of life behind me. I don't think the issue here is really the "red spoon of death" but rather the Greedlings inability to effectively control their children without it. The most painful memory from my childhood was not a spanking, but rather my father shaking his head and telling me how disappointed he was. THAT hurt! Mady acts out in order to receive attention, but STILL gets ignored. Kate is going to reap her sour reward when all of the time she spends away from her kids comes back to haunt her later. Jon? Meh...he's a decent enough daddy, but lets his anger at Kate spill over to his treatment of the kiddos. MAN, could this family ever use a good ol' GRAMMA!! Of course, Aunt Jodi was a wonderful calming influence, but Kate didn't want to share either the money or the spotlight. Sad when ego overrides intelligence.

Anonymous said...

Some may ask what is the difference in terms of child exploitation regarding the Gosselin's, the Roloff's, and the Dugger family?

Probabely not much. However, I do think that the R's, and the D's have more of an argument for allowing cameras in their home.

The R's want to show the world that little people can do "everything a normal sized person can do...just in a different way."

The D's have a religious agenda to promote. (whacky as it may be )

Those families have some integrity.

The Gosselin's don't use their "platform" for anything but lineing their pockets. They could show the world, patience, recycling (living green, for fucks sake all those kids consuming, one can imagine how much they contribute to the local land fill ), but they choose instead to NOT learn from their behaviour, and continue episode after episode to be the monsters that they are.

All parents have moments of frustration, myself included, however, hitting is barbaric!

Anonymous said...

All that anger is going to go somewhere and the kids are the easiest target.

Anonymous said...

And another thing.

Why is it that with this new huge house we don't see a room set up like a pre-school room. We see in the basement a lovely sectional but no little kid-sized tables, or art stuff?

Most of us that have little ones would love to designate an area just for them, a toy-room, a play-room.

At our house, I converted our dining room into my daughter toy-room. Painted chalk-board paint on the walls, and made it her room.

And they have eight?

Kate, those of us who don't travel and go on trips that cost money, we DON"T just stay home and stare at eachother! We do shit with our kids!
Why these losers have a show, I have no clue??

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many of our jails and prisons are filled with people who were "disciplined " with a wooden spoon?

Anonymous said...

heck I never even saw my parents fight/yell at each other,

Wow. I thought I was the only one who could say that. People always tell me I'm LYING when I say my parents never fought and they respected each other.

However, having parents like this has hindered my relationships because nothing I can have can EVER match what my parents had.

Anonymous said...

The show used to fascinate me on how parents were managing with meager incomes and all of those kids...even when Kate preached about organic I got on the bandwagon a bit. I only have 3 children and my husband and I are just plain exhausted after working and looking after them. I even enjoyed the way they would bicker. It seemed real. My husband and I argued like that. I would get frustrated and holler he would look at me and ask if I was done yet. Real life. Then the free crap started happening...and the loss of Beth and Jodi. Jon quitting his job. The whole reason I loved the show was the realness of having to depend of friends and family to help you out when you need it. Working together....That Jon worked a regular job, that trying to feed that many kids and plan activities and pay your darn bills is just plain hard! I felt like I could suck it up because hey, look at them..they are doing it. They have taken more vacations now in the last 2 years then my family has in does that happen on their "income"...which is in no way a realistic thing now. Moving to a million dollar home, free trips, free toys, free promotional is this realistic? Did they actually pay for those spa trips for Kate? I can not afford a mani pedi with my brood in this economy right now and it feels like ...hey...have a butt load of kids and get tons of free stuff! Mmmmmmhhh, wonder where the "Octo-mom" got her ideas?

Anonymous said...

The Roloffs don't have a mightier than thou attitude like Kate does. They seem more grateful for new experiences. The Duggars might have a religious agenda but they are living their faith and are sharing it with those whom wish to have that knowledge. The older kids helping the younger kids and a close knit family that I would be proud to have as my own. They are appreciative for what they receive and show it. Gosselins don't do that.....If Disney were to put me up at the Most expensive lodge they wouldn't hear one complaint. If Disney workers brought my children ice cream you wouldn't see me having a fit if it was would hear a Thank you! But every episode when they are receiving all their free have to hear Kate complain about something.

Anonymous said...

Let's play the Free or they really paid for it game!!!

Kate's Tummy Tuck
Kate's Purse
Kate's Tanning
Kate's Hair Stylings
Kate's Spa Treatments
Sesame Street Live
Sesame Street Place
Ikea Trip for furniture
Jon's Gym work outs
Jon's hair plugs
Jon or Kate's Teeth Whitening
Kate's Botox
ect. ect..ect....

Anonymous said...

How do you know the G's never hit their kids with that spoon? By now, they wouldn't "run" if it was just a threat.

I still remember the episode when Jon took that stick away in the woods and broke it...that little girl cowered in a way kids would if they had been hit regularly.

Sorry, but I think they do hit their kids. Not on camera of course. But they just seem to almost hate their children nowadays. They're frustrated and impatient and angry. They're hitters.

Anonymous said...

"They're frustrated and impatient and angry."

Agree wholeheartedly

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:55,
I agree with you. About the ice-cream at Disney, how much "planning ahead" would it have taken Kate to roll-up 8 little t-shirts in her purse so the kids would have had a change of clothes. Even I would have done that, and I'm not the super-mom that Kate is.

Anonymous said...

Did they actually pay for those spa trips for Kate?

Kate said in an interview that she uses the donations people send her for spa visits.

Anonymous said...

Anyone got a link to any clips of the red spoon?

Dirty Disher said...

schmedelle, I agree with you. Anyone who has kids around has tables set up for them, small chairs, boxes and drawers of art supplies available any old time. The Gosselin's don't. It's weird and creepy how those kids are either at some super expensive FREE show, vacation, game..yet at home they are unsupervised and running in the basement. There's no outlet for their creativity or their energy. Their parents are just tired of them and the whole show is nothing but hitting, screaming, fighting.

I liked all your comments. It's good to see not everyone is fooled by these greedy liars.

Dirty Disher said...

And they DO hit their kids, they've admitted it in talks. It's ridiculous, the lies they tell. As for that comment about popping a kid right in the mouth? Jesus! That's nice. How are you different than Chris Brown? No, tell me. I'd love to hear that.

Dirty Disher said...

4:28:00.."Go get a switch and bring it to me." OMG, I remember that so well. Switched until your legs bled. It didn't work. But, my Grandma could stop me with a look and she never raised her voice.

Anonymous said...

Jon, at least, has been shown brandishing the big red spoon in an episode I saw. The twins were apparently at their own desks and they wanted the little ones to sit at desks for a pretend preschool class. Katie Irene was pontificating that Cara held in her emotions and then exploded, bringing up things from the whole month she didn't like. And we see Jon take a step toward her with the big spoon in hand (Cara, that is) and she literally jumps back to her chair. So the big red spoon has probably been around for a while.

Dirty Disher said...

I saw him pinch and slap Cara once. It was the oddest behavior for an adult towards child. He's clearly immature.

Anonymous said...

Well, if all that slapping and hitting has been on tv the kids can sue their lousy pimping parents someday.

Denise said...

And yet we hear Kate bellow "We don't hit!" to the tups and twins as they bash each other in the head.

Wonder why?

Anonymous said...

I read the Gosselins admitted they spank (and have heard the red spoon story before) but off camera. Clearly, all their spanking and time-outs do not work because they are not teaching their children how to behave in the first place. They don't try to stop fights with the kids, as Kate said..."it's a waste of energy". As much as she slapped Jon, no wonder the kids hit each other. Young kids do not "get" the sarcasm that their mother dishes out in liberal doses either. Kate also plays favorites to the extreme. The constant repeating of birth order doesn't help these children with sibling rivalry.

Imagine what life is like for these little "money makers" when the camera is off. Just the way mommy and daddy treat each other is appalling and kids absorb what they hear and see like a sponge. Seriously, I think Kate hates men...I feel sorry for the little guys.

Anonymous said...

Obviously their preferred method of discipline doesn't work (and the parents are bright enough to have figured that out.)

Those kids are the most ill behaved kids I've ever witnessed.

None of them listen the first time they are told something. All of them have "meltdowns".

They are much too old to be behaving like that. Not the kids fault at all, don't get me wrong. It's the parents who aren't there giving them positive attention that are causing this.

The continued lack of privacy is also probably causing alot of inner stress on those poor kids causing them to be on edge and displaying poor impulse control.

I wish they would take the show off the air to give those kids 1/2 a chance at a normal life.

Anonymous said...

I figured out some time ago that they were hitting their kids. In the Thomas the Train episode I noticed one of the children flinch and cower when Jon went off on her. After that I watched carefully and have seen a child flinch and cower several times. Even on the MSNBC interview Kate grabs Alexis' arm and you can tell she hurt her as the child rubs her arm throughout the rest of the segment. They are poor disciplinarians and I am sad for those children. Yet they have so many people fooled!!! That's the part I just don't get.