Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Gosselins..true celebs

Jon and Kate had dinner at Mr. Chows. If you're so upset because you have no privacy, why would you choose Mr. Chows, where the TMZ paps hang out all day? And why does Jon have that shit eating grin on? I don't think either one of them is "culturized" enough to eat anywhere but McDonalds, where they could order the white trash special with extra cheese.


Anonymous said...

I saw this video. I wish the parishoners and the people who attend the G's "talks" and scrape the last few coins from their coin-purse to support these two grifters and their 8 little meal tickets could see the menu, the bill at Mr. Chow's. And where were the kids while Mr. and Mrs. DumbAss Con were playing celebrity in Hollywood? They say they don't have a nanny. Give me a friggin' break. The orange prune and her ball-less husband, now that's real news. Isn't there a journalist out there who will take on this con of the century??

Anonymous said...

If she is so "culturized," don't ya think she'd know her hair is so last decade?

Anonymous said...

Any celeb who dines at Mr Chows gets no sympathy from me when the paps get 'em. It's like the paps live there. What, there are no other good restaurants down there? Media whores.

Eric in San Diego said...

Poor misunderstood, overworked, pious Gosselins! Why, oh WHY can't people just leave them alone?? Can't they even have a simple meal without being hounded? Oh the hypocrisy!! Jon is smiling because Kate let him have an ice cream!

Anonymous said...

That's an ORGANIC white trash meal!!

Who is with the kids?? The "not a nanny" can't be qualified to stay with them for days, can she???

I'm sure Access Hollywood or whatever show that's pimping them paid for lunch. I doubt Kate had a coupon for Mr. Chows.

Anonymous said...

how dare you peeps insult jon and kate. they are excellnt parunts and they are just tring to make a decunt living for theyre kids! you try having 8 kids! 8! you dont walk in theyre shoes and you have no idea what its like or how hard it is! you are a supid bunch of stupid fuckers who can go eat shit! Kate and jon live by the bible! you dont even read it to talk this fucker shit about the gosselins! they are awesome and you suck. you suck. you suck!!!!!!!! go to hell!

Anonymous said...

C'mon, Jon, did Kate tell you to post that last comment? You should have asked for spelling help!! lmfao...

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:51 is the most obvious troll I have ever seen LOL!
The ONLY reason to go to Mr. Chow is to get photographed by the paps.

Anonymous said...

8:51 said..."they are just tring to make a decunt living for theyre kids! you try having 8 kids!"

so anon...did you really intend to type that? Jeezuz...*decunt*??? Really? Cuz' I don't think it's possible to "decunt" that cunt.

Anonymous said...

so what if i dont type good when i am mad. you fuckers can not talk about the gosselin like that an get away with it. i seen them with they kids and they are grate pepeple. kate makes tham mind! FUCK YOU! YOU TRY READING YOURE BIBLE!

Anonymous said...

OK, thats's on. You need a damn dick-shon-ary! Use it and not just for ass wiping this time!

Anonymous said... me Bible...still lookin' for "thou shalt spawn many from thine loins and thou shalt pimp and parade thine brood and seek ye great riches..."

Anonymous said...

anon 9.33...LOVE IT! hahaha

Anonymous said...

Boy TMZ is scraping the bottom of the barrel with filming of the Gosselin's. What was Andy Dick busy? These 2 just love the cameras and they think they are celebrities. Kate would not know "culturized" if it crawled up her botoxed, plastic surgery, lazy, cunt white trash ass.

And the fans of the G's are just a buch of hypocritical bible reading fucks who secretly beat their children and pimp out their daughters to their men. They probably think that they are "culturized" too because they read the art section in their TV guide within their shitty single wide.

The Gosselin's can suck it.

Anonymous said...

hey, this post is fun.

Anonymous said...

Look at her face. What a miserable shrew. I bet she ordered chicken fingers.


Anonymous said...

don't you mean ORGANIC chicken fingers ?

Anonymous said...

Kate is always scowling...doesn't she know that someday her face may just stick that way forever.

Anonymous said...

Mary and Joseph invented IVF, how else could Jesus have been born? Virgin birth? Please. They are the original kid pimpers. Octomom and Kate are doing it New Testament style.


Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with cultruization of children. That is all Kate is trying to do! She wants them to be well rounded and well behaved! I spank my kids with a belt. The bible says spare the rod and spoil the child. The Gosselins are the best parents in the world and I am trying to have multiples also! My husband works two jobs to pay for my treatments and we will look to the Gossleins as role models. Shame on anyone who puts them down. I don't like stained clothes myself so I don't see why you even make fun of her for that. I even got a hair cut like Kate. Someday my dear husband and I will go to Mr. Chow and we will be laughing at you jealous people. We might even be on television. It sucks to be jealous like you!

Anonymous said...

Sell your kids soul, BREEDER. OctoCunt has you beat already.

Anonymous said...

So, CaliMom...your hubby works two jobs so you can afford 'spensive (tehehe) hair cuts like Kate's and fertility treatments, while it sounds like you are frustrated at home alone, thus taking it out-er-I mean spankin' the kids you do have just 'cuz the Bible tells ya to. Jealous??? I think not! You have my pity, because you sound very, very unhappy with the life God did bless you with. Otherwise, why in the fuck would you strive to emulate this clown??

Anonymous said...

Someone is having fun typing fake G support messages to get you all up in arms... relax people, it's obviously a joke...

cupcake said...

Um, I do believe the obvious trolls on the thread are all the same person, looking to stir up some shite.. I know who that might be... anyway, to answer everyone's question the 8 kids are in the kitchen working off Jon and Kate's check for their dinner.

Anonymous said...'s probably Crabbie!!!

Anonymous said...

yep...Crabbie thinks the spelling errors will throw us off...smarty pants.

Anonymous said...

You all need to go FUCK yourselves!!!!! Jon and Kate are doing better than MOST people I know that only have ONE child. You all need to go read about kids that are abused and killed by their parents before you talk shit about these parents who are doing better at raising their kids than you have ever thought of doing. If you think that Jon and Kate have only one person watching their kids than you need to watch and earlier show of when they went to a talk show and left the babies at home. They have Jon's sister and brother-in-law and some close friends keep the kids. Yeah now that they are in their new house they have now found someone that stays with the kids every so often but she is not the one that stays with them for days. The babies are now old enough that if Jon and Kate go some where to a talk show or something like that then they take all the kids with them. As for the people that have a problem with Kate having liposuction have you had sextuplets and if so do you still have all that extra skin on your body. I watch their show every week and have never seen an episode that talked about her having botox. Personally I think that before you go and judge these people, you need to either have that many kids or walk in their shoes for a day.

Anonymous said...

Oh man what a funny thread that's the most I laughed all day

Anonymous said...

Kris1992...go fuck yourself and get the hell off a celebrity blog...go write a letter to Ladies Home Journal or something.

Anonymous said...

they are in Beverly Hills eating at Mr CHows Yes the paps camp out there permanetly know why ?? cause OcotMOM stole their spotlight! kate aint having THAT !
and Jon looks drunk off his ass, just like his pictures at the bar with the young honeys.. I say he drinks. gawd knows living with her its his escape

Anonymous said...

Kris, I assure you that Jody and Kevin are no longer taking care of the G kids and haven't for a long time. They were cut out of the G's life over the show and money. Kate would not allow anyone to get paid but her. You are sadly uninformed. Good parents don't leave eight sick children to go have hair transplants. They don't leave sick toddlers with fevers on the laundry room floor and they don't sit a child on a potty and turn off the light at bedtime. They are NOT good parents, they are child pimpers. I don't want to walk in their shoes. I don't want a litter for money. I wouldn't leave my dog with Kate Gosseling for one day.

Anonymous said...

Ya ha! These fucked up Gosselin sheep. Baaa baaa! Look at my kid naked for twenty dollars! You bunch of whores.

Anonymous said...

The stupid cunt wouldn't have extra skin on her tummy if she didn't use her vagina as a clown car! What a retard.

Anonymous said...

What the fuck show do you watch Kris1992? It's not J&K plus8 because Kate is NEVER home! The Gosselins are the world poorest excuse for parents. She's a mean greedy bitch and he's a nutless wimp. All their kids are screaming howler monkeys!!

Anonymous said...

Where do I sign up? To be in Kate's shoes for a day that is. Ok, so I will sleep in then, while my husband makes my coffee and leaves it at my bedside. When I finally wander out of bed, it should be time for my organic chef to arrive with our meals for the day. I won't have to worry about the kids, because I will have a Vietnamese nanny, ah helper that is. Oops. Then it will be off to the spa, then squeeze in a haircut, before I go to Ann Taylor and Gymboree to pick up my free clothes. Hey, I am liking this! I'm sure I could find 25 minutes to go and give a talk at my church on how tough my life is. Maybe a bit longer than 25 minutes, because after all, I have to wait for my love offerings to be collected. When I get home, I only have to spend time with one of my children. Then I can retire to a bedroom that is mine all mine, with no interruptions from anyone, not even my husband.

Travis Noodle said...

The Gosselin supporters that have posted here need to STOP DRINKING THE KOOL-AID.

Jon and Kate earn $65,000 to $70,000 FOR EACH EPISODE. With them doing 70 episodes a year that comes to $4.5 MILLION.

Kate keeps LYING about their financial situation. She was pleading poverty when she was on Oprah a couple of weeks ago.

Wake up Gosselin supporters, Jon and Kate are not what they claim to be.

Unknown said...

Mary and Joseph invented IVF, how else could Jesus have been born? Virgin birth? Please. They are the original kid pimpers. Octomom and Kate are doing it New Testament style.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Good one Sprite!!!!! That's too funny!!!

Anonymous said...

Jon & Kate are in LA, simply to pimp out their kiddies to any film producer. We all know Kate & pussy wipped Jon are too lazy to work and what better way to make even more money? By selling your kids to Hollywood executives.

Anonymous said...

Want a laugh?? Go to and what the video full-screen. They come out of the restaurant and she just thruts her purse to him, and he takes it and does not give it back. She just yanks on her sweater and hops in the car and he gets in with his purse....wait...yes...that's's that pussy's purse and she was just holding it for him while he opened the door for her to make her big exit. That's why she doesn't seem overly motherly to me...she has a cock under that skirt!

Anonymous said...

Sorry...I meant "watch the video" and that she "thrusts" the purse at him. See, just like that Bible thumper a while back, I make spelling mistakes too, but it's 'cuz I'm lmfao!!!

Anonymous said...

awwwww! i'm totally speechless. i just keep thinking of those women pre-contraceptives who did it hard, got pregnant every year to have more children than gosslins and octomum and had a very, very HARD life. only a FEW generations ago. these people (IVF people) are so SOFT. what has become of our soceity that we worship these lazy monied bastards who pimp their kids? really!! its just too sad..............almost worse than factory farmed animals

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
so what if i dont type good when i am mad. you fuckers can not talk about the gosselin like that an get away with it. i seen them with they kids and they are grate pepeple. kate makes tham mind! FUCK YOU! YOU TRY READING YOURE BIBLE!

March 25, 2009 9:23:00 PM GST

Try taking English lessons.
Better yet, pay attention in school and stop playing on the internet when you should be studying.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the bible-thumper learned to say, "FUCK YOU" in her bible! roflmfuckingao!!
Gosslin's are baby prostituters, Media whores with no talent, no skills,
The most talented thing Jon did was fuck the shrew when she had a mega dose of clomid in her....She pumped 8 cash cows out of her and sold them to reality tv....Fucktards both of them!!

Anonymous said...

Bible thumper with the vulgarity must be BabyMama. She's got a serious case of the hots for Kate!

Dirty Disher said...

I see the sheep have found a pasture. And they brought their bibles. Let's all have a prayer meetin'. Cough.

Anonymous said...

Yeah DD I praying these stupid Fucks die already with their bible crammed straight up their dumb cunts!! With luck they'll take the Gosslin Whore with em!

Dirty Disher said...

12:35:00.. They don't have room for the bible in their cunts. They're all carrying million dollar multiples. Hopefully they have an Anne Taylor purse.

Anonymous said...

They have Jon's sister and brother-in-law and some close friends keep the kids

Jon has a sister? I think you are watching the
wrong show.

Anonymous said...

Kate's culturized rules for Jon..
1. You WILL walk 2 steps behind
2. You Will carry what ever I
tell you to purse, my
sweater, my 8x10 glossies for
my adoring fans, no matter how
demeaning it is for you.
3. You WILL NOT ever interrupt me,
talk over me, or in general,
open your mouth.
4. You WILL look happy no matter
how I treat you or those 8
little meal tickets.

Eric in San Diego said...

What a buncha hooey! Kate's hair looks like the south end of a northbound skunk and Jon is wearing the same shirt he had on when mowing the lawn! What freakin' tour bus did these clowns wander off of? The look on Jon's face is NOT a smile...he's experiencing the wonders of impaction! Non-organic foods do that to Gosselin's...well known fact.

Anonymous said...

"'They have Jon's sister and brother-in-law and some close friends keep the kids'

Jon has a sister? I think you are watching the
wrong show."

Sorry, it is Kate's sister and Brother-in-law.

Anonymous said...

Wow....Um, I dont really get all the hate thats going on right now...and Im not quite sure why we are talking about John and Kate on a celebrity blog site. Anywho, I like the show, and I like how they shows that they arent perfect, and that like every relationship, they have ups and downs and arguments and makeups. I dont think they are media whores just because they went out one time to a restaurant that is popular with paparazi. That just means that hey, they were in town, have heard about Mr. Chows, and wanted to try it out. I dont see the big deal. And also, who cares if they have a regular babysitter? Do you expect them to sit at home everynight no matter what? That doesnt make much sense. Just because they have more kids than most people doesnt mean they should have to stay at home all the time. Lighten up people.

Dirty Disher said...

LMAO! I suppose you're buying her cook book too? How to throw a grape on a paper plate and bitch for 12 hours.

Eric in San Diego said...

Wow! Anon 2:01 is a tad bit confused. Let me try to straighten you out...Jon and Kate went to a notorious Hollywood paparazzi fueled restaurant because they are FAME WHORES! There is no other reason to do Mr. Chow's! Yes, parents should get out and enjoy themselves...that's exactly what they are doing! Enjoying being FAME WHORES! Please take your condescending, ill-informed opinion to a site that caters to Gosselin Kool-Aid drinkers like yourself, where you can whimper about how badly you were treated here. Ass...

Anonymous said...

If she threw such a fit over a coupon for a shower head she wouldn't be eating anywhere that didn't have a two for one special going on. It's like flushing money down the toilet.
She has more than enough money to do whatever she wants and it ain't from clipping coupons. She'll just use any excuse she can to de-man her man. I wouldn't blame him a bit for looking elsewhere, I'm not saying it's right, but he's "not providing, protecting" or any of the other p words Steve Harvey preached about on Oprah. He's getting his P elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Cali mom i believe in that to but i myself hate stains but i also dont like the gosselins if my kids got gum on thim i dont go crazy though and if my kids were at disney world and got icecream on there clothes i'd say whatever because a responsible parent wouldbring extra clothes i have 4 kids and i dont go crazy over germs like she does.

Anonymous said...

The Gosselins have been trying to pimp their kids from day one. Kate is even talking about and shown putting VCR Tapes into envelopes to be mailed off to TV stations in the hopes of publicity when they were showcased in the Discovery Show Twins & Sextuplets.

What I find hilarious is it was JON himself who started the whole
"Kate & Jon are getting separated" BS. IF he didn't go out and get shit faced and tell the patrons at the bar he was at that he and Kate were separating while under the influance he'd wouldn't have to deal with the consequences of his own actions.

He and his ball busting wife are piss poor examples of what any child should model themselves after.

imoneproudmommyof3 said...

Wow most of you Kate haters,are most likely hating because,You don't have a Show,or that you cant do those things she does with her kids,and our pissed,Because if you do have kids have given them FAST FOOD more the one time. She does things with her kids,While she was getting her tummy tuck "She still had time to cook enough food for two weeks".How many of you lazy fucks can say the same? Most of you either cant have kids or suck at being parents GROW UP! I am a young Mother of three and i look up to Kate why? Because she is a real person she does not pretend to be something she isn't, she makes sure the house is clean,That the kids eat healthy.She takes eight kids to church every week.Also maybe the family cant help anymore because they live kinda far from them now did you ever think that?

Anonymous said...

"so what if i dont type good when i am mad. you fuckers can not talk about the gosselin like that an get away with it." Oh on the contrary my feeble minded friend, I CAN talk about them & get away with it. See Im doing it right now.

Anonymous said...

Calimom- I dont see alot wrong with trying to culturize kids to a point. Did the kids seem unhappy when they came out of Mr Chows? Oh yeah. No kids were there. How did the kids seem at one of her book signings? That's right. No kids there either. HMMM...Spare the rod & spoil the child? Well hell maybe we should extend that over into adults as well, so the next time you're eating & talking & you spill food all over your shirt someone should get up & bitch slap you!You may be working at Mr Chows if you have more kids & your husband already has 2 jobs to pay for the treatment to have more. That's crazy! You cant pay for treatment, what makes you think you can afford to pay hospital & dr costs if the babies have extended hospital stays? Girl, you need to come up with a better plan.The only way you'll ever be at Mr Chows is if you work there & you probably wont have alot of time to laugh while you're washing dishes. Also you may very well be on tv, but probably on COPS cause your husband bitch slapped you.

Anonymous said...

"Personally I think that before you go and judge these people, you need to either have that many kids or walk in their shoes for a day." But I dont have a show, so that I can go mooch off of stores so they will give me free shoes like Kates.

Anonymous said...

Well Ive seen tons of book signings. No kids. Mr Chows is in California right? They live in North Carolina? No kids. Yeah she's with those kids ALL the time, huh? Her tummy tuck? Well hell that was at the beginning when Jon & Kate were just starting their con. Tell me in the last 6 months or year were you've seen her doing that again.Ive got 2 kids, but allow me to say on behalf of those that dont, the worst thing is to want kids & then read stuff from a girl with 3 kids thats a bitch & it seems has no husband & it seems cant keep her legs closed. You're an ideal Kate fan!Go to the free clinic (they probably already know you)& tell them to test your skanky ass for everything.EWWWW

Anonymous said...

The 3:54 post was for imoneproudmommyof3. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Kate if you read this please get a new hair style . please