Jennifer Aniston is in New York filming a new movie called
The Baster. Yes, it's really called that. And yes, it's really about what the title suggests. Kudos to Jennifer for tackling what for her must be a very sensitive matter, childless, unloved wretch that she is. Unfortunately, there is absolutely no fricking way this movie will be released with that title. It would be awesome if it were, but no one in Hollywood has the nerve.
She needs a new agent...The Break-Up and now The Baster. Talk about self profilled proficy.
A sense of humor and fifteen cats is all she may have left to keep her company.
I have several friends from way back when who elected not to have kids and who are now divorced. They are SUPER HAPPY! They answer to no one, they make, invest and spend their own money. They send nobody to law school. Jen is just living her life and I think she's probably very happy with it or she'd change it.
Having fifteen cats is instant happiness, in my opinion. Good for her!
Ms. Aniston may not have what every one ELSE seems to want for her...monogamy, screaming kidlets, talent, etc., but she's living her own life, dammit! She makes some almost kinda ok movies, racks up some serious bankroll, travels the world, dates famous guys (occasionally marries/divorces them), shows up on every red carpet in the WORLD, and still manages to look fresh faced and awesome! You go, Jennifer!
I can't look at her without hearing the refrain in her head..."I am loveable, I am capable, God don't make junk."
LOL @ sprite.
Not having or wanting kids isn't a sin and it doesn't mean theres anything wrong with you.
I personally think she's self absorbed and likes her life the way it is, a baby would mean the end of all her me me time.
Photos like that remind me that MANiston is *not* going to age well.
Not well at all.
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