Star says Angelina Jolie is considering sending Octomom a few thousand bucks to help her through her difficult time. "Angelina is worried about the best interests of the kids," a source said. "As a mom of six, she knows how chaotic and costly raising a big family can be." Angie may know how chaotic that is, but only her accountants know the cost. I'm sure Angie herself can't be bothered with matters like that. I just wish Angie would learn to keep her stupid nose out of things that don't concern her. Octomom has received enough validation - she doesn't need any more. And I'm guessing she's not exactly strapped for cash, unless she's stealing all that shit she's constantly being photographed pushing around in a shopping cart.
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If Angelina sends her money this bitch will drop on all fours and get pregnant again. Money is the last thing she needs right now. We'll see her at the Chanel counter and wearing Jimmy Choos and jewelry.
Oh jeez, this is problematic. 'Cause Octomom? WORSHIPS Angelina. Can't you see it? She's been re-done to try to LOOK like her, and she popped out a brood of kids to BE like her. Things are pretty fucking nuts.
A few thousand dollars wouldn't buy Octomom a week's worth of diapers.
Whatever, and I don't even know why I am commenting on this I can't stand octomom when I hear her name I usually ignore or turn the channel, I got suckered in by the photo of Angelina's hungry for baby wolf eyes and then felt like throwing up. If it were true all you need is LOVE to raise a baby we would all be naked and living in the woods and there would be no welfare or living off the state.
Octomom recently spent over $1000 on clothes & crap for herself & seems to get weekly manicures. She's the last person who should be getting any money from the rest of us. She has so much free time, she could try getting a job seeing as how she doesn't seem to spend much time with her FOURTEEN children.
Dearest Angelina...please do NOT send money directly to this nutjob! Set up a trust for the kids, get an account in their name at a store, ANYTHING but give this woman money! She will spend it on herself...PERIOD!
Anyone else notice how freakin' GORGEOUS Angelina is? Maybe it's just me...
"Octomom stealing"?
From the taxpayers of Cali, maybe. But other than that, it's not exactly a secret that she's been raking in the dough hand-over-fist from all the media interviews, etc.
And 3:35? Octo's already wearing Jimmy Choo's and Chanel... Where've you been?
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