Friday, March 13, 2009

It's all about the baby, if you ask me

When I read that Howard Stern had been arrested for supplying drugs to Anna Nicole Smith, my first thought was, what took them so long? We all saw that video he made of Anna high as a kite, nine months pregnant and old Howard getting off on the dreams of money he'd make by selling it. Way to take care of your "wife", huu? Then he had the nerve to keep that cash cow baby, knowing it wasn't his. Can't they throw child endangerment charges in there somewhere? They got that fucked up doctor of hers too, Dr. Kapoor. They're both evil. I think Howard is one of the most evil people alive. I guess being evil isn't against the law. They'll probably get a slap on the wrist.


Anonymous said...

Howard K Stern is a microcosm of 99% of lawyers slithering this planet.

When he was being grilled by the judge in Miami and he had to answer questions about his relationship with Anna Nicole; both personal and professional, it was clear to me that this guy is a parasite and a criminal.

I hope he finally gets his due for drugging her, taking pictures of her dead son, and abusing his power as an officer of the court.

Anonymous said...

Poor Anna Nicole. She was a sad human being that was surrounded by people wanting to exploit her. Her story is so sad. I hope her daughter continues to thrive living with her dad.

The drugs were out of control in her life. I started sounding like her when I was given anti-seizure meds...I had a mom that advocated for me and made sure I wasn't reduced to a slurring sick person. I didn't know what the hell was going on, I was not able to help myself. Anna Nicole was not a perfect human being, who is? I feel very sad she is dead. A whole little family died.

Anonymous said...

Well said, anon 1:09! I was going to comment something similar.

All too many people are drawn to get law and medicine degrees for the prestige and power society confers on those who hold them. People who seek positions of power are internally weak. I can only say that of 10 doctors I know personally, that one is a true humanitarian and the rest are transparently selfish and childish, drawing attention to their possessions and lifestyles.
Silly, sick people.

Anonymous said...

I suspect that Anna Nicole wasn't the only one he helped along. He probably knew that her son would have inherited everything (since he was an attorney and her "husband" he probably had access to that information).
It never made sense to me that her son, who was so happy to see her, would overdose in her hospital room. Made no sense to me, also the idea that he flushed stuff in the room. It's all very incriminating. A very sad, and evil business.

Anonymous said...

Who care about all that. LOOK AT HER FACE. Hard to believe it's the same Anna Nicole Smith. That face didn't come from weight loss...

Anonymous said...

I noticed that they arrested Kapoor in "Whittier, CA"-- the same city that OCTOMOM lives in!

Christ on a bicycle. You can't make this shit up.

Anonymous said...

3:36, it's since come to light that her son, Daniel Smith had a drug problem going back several years. Anna Nicole was allegedly well-aware of it, as was Stern.

Regardless of Daniel's joy in seeing his mother and new baby sister, the fact that he OD'd in her hospital room was sheer happenstance. It could have happened anywhere, and eventually, it would have.

Anonymous said...

anon @ 2:29 wrote-
"I hope her daughter continues to thrive living with her dad."

As long as her photos sell and the money train keeps rolling along, I'm sure she will.

Anonymous said...

you know, there are so dang many scumbag men in the news right now that this story doesn't have the impact it would have had a year ago. Oh well, when he goes to jail he'll be in good rich-scumbag company, hopefully.

Anonymous said...

I want him charged in Anna's and Daniel's deaths.

Anonymous said...

I have no problem with the baby's father making a little money by going on Entertainment Tonight or appearing on People. I am sure he has legal fees from fighting to get her back from Howard and keeping her out of Grandma's clutches.

She seems well cared for and is thriving. She had surgery to correct her eye, she appears happy and healthy. It's not like he is walking down Robertson Blvd. with her and calling paps. Isn't he living quietly in Kentucky or something?

Don't bother telling me he is exploiting her. He is NO Octomom or Gosselin.

There was so much publicity about Anna Nicole's death. The media was relentless. He has satisfied people's curiosity and is not in Hollywood.

He is a huge improvement over that evil bitch, Anna Nicole's mother. One look at her and you can understand why Anna was so messed up.

Anonymous said...

Hey, DD. He's an attorney. "Evil" goes with the territory!

Anonymous said...

and thats what nearly happened to britney last year. you might say what you like about the spears family but at least they were there for her when she needed it.

Barb said...

Howard needs to be put away for all the evil he has done and would continue to do given half a chance. But, no one can say that he didn't have fertile ground to work with. Anna Nicole chose her own way of life. Ultimately, she made the choice to do drugs and to allow her son to do them. And, of course, her mother is really an evil snake. Pray God that she never gets her hands on the baby. I don't care how Larry gets the money, as long as it is in the best interest of the baby, which it seems to be. The rest of the people should live and die in obscurity from now on. An obscure jail that is.