Go get your annual pap test. Yes, I know it's disgusting, but, just go do it. If cervical cancer is caught in the early stages it's easy to treat. The operation is nothing. Trust me. It's not even as bad as a trip to the dentist. And I know some of you ladies are putting that check up off.
Jade not Jane, Dishy. Figured you should hear it from a friend before the meanies started.
Oh, I see it. Thanks.
Also spotted "Valeri"..I'm on a roll today.
I had the Gardasil vaccine, I highly recommend it for anyone under 26 that is concerned and wants to help prevent HPV, but is also sexually active.
I'm guilty of putting this dreaded test off, but your right, if its caught early enough, you still have hope for recovery. Rest In Peace, Jade.
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