Monday, March 23, 2009

Jewel explains the use of snaggle teeth

This is actually pretty funny. Good one, Jewel.


Anonymous said...

Yeah the last lines were funny.

I'm going to think of uses for my physical flaws now while I wait for my tea to steep....

Anonymous said...

that is a riot. she is way cool

Anonymous said...

lol that was hilarious, would love to see more celebs making fun of themselves, instead of thinking their burps are perfume.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see more of these. Imagine... Madonna making fun of her sinew and GRISTLE, Rosie O making light of her heavy weight and Mickey Rourke bagging on his busted, post-surgical face.

Who else?

Oh yeah, Oprah could put herself on blast for being a BIGOT.

Anonymous said...

She'd be so cute if she would get those nasty fucked up teeth fixed.

Anonymous said...

''She'd be so cute if she would get those nasty fucked up teeth fixed''

id like to see you put your fucked up face on here