The problem? I've never seen her cook. Her kids have "blood sugar" meltdowns all day every day. They will do anything for food. ANYTHING. Two tortilla chips and three grapes on a paper plate, from craft services is a bang up lunch. Also microwave popcorn for dinner and "organic" marshmallow fluff on white bread is a big deal. These kids cry and beg, literally BEG for a bagel or granola. Nope, you will eat your popcorn and be quiet.
So go ahead, all you Greedlin trolls who lurk here, send Kate some more money. I don't know why the kids are almost 5 and still have to wear bibs and sit in high chairs. I think it's a little Kate joke, like, ha ha are you ready for dinner?? And then she laughs as they drool. She knows dinner isn't coming. Constantly hungry and grouchy..it keeps them working. The promise of real food that never comes. There's your memory making, Kate. But, she will give you one M&M if you make poop on camera. It's like watching starving dogs who wag their tail at their tormenter in the hope of a scrap. There are no scraps..Kate is at Mr. Chows.
Has anyone out there ever seen a glass of milk on this show?? Ever?? I didn't think so.
How anyoe can watch a hungry child beg for a bagel is beyond me. Crying and begging for plain simple food. Kate MUST control.
Control becomes a real issue for me, when you let your children go hungry. Oh, and then try and sell people a cook book. I'm so mad.
You hit it right on the head with your analogy of starving dogs wagging their tails and begging for food. (I am an animal lover and that mental picture kicked me right in the gut).
That little bit of food isn't enough to keep a child healthy in mind, soul and body. I compare what we see to what I give my kids and I wonder how these children have any energy at all. Maybe that's her game, to make them stay small so the Kon can continue?
Remember when she made that edible playdough? All the kids did was gobble it up because they were so starving.
My son is 22 months old, weighs 15 kgs & eats what she serves for lunch as a mid afternoon snack after a pasta & fish lunch, cheese cubes, banana & yogurt & an hour before his meat & potatoes dinner. Every day he also has 4 pieces of fruit, toast, cereal & some mini cookies after dinner & drinks around 16 oz of milk everyday too, so I gotta wonder how are these kids still alive cause you can still see my boys ribs as he burns off all that food in running around & is totally lean for his height.
They must be constantly hungry or else someone is secretly feeding them behind that bitches back. Maybe the film crew takes pity on them?
Nevermind that the kids are hungry...TLC needs drama for the show. Pfft. It's all about ratings, not taking proper care of your kids.
For J&K to allow this is child abuse.
Hasn't Kate stated that "real cooks don't use recipes??"
I hope she tells us how to cut a sandwich and what to do with that second piece of bread.
DD, those "trolls" amaze me.
Why on EARTH would the woman FEED them! They are marketable pieces of meat she has sold to tlc and any pervert who want to watch them while he jerks off....Feed them...
Ha! with her speaking schedule she barely sees them anymore. They have become expendable just like the friends and relatives.
Scrape em off so she can go to the spa and plan for her talk show...Those kids have been her ticket to fame no more no less. They mean NOTHING to her...
Yea, those kids are all so skinny and starving. They look very undernourished like those big bellied babies on TV. They never run around laughing and playing cuz they are so weak with hunger. When we do see they happily running around its only because evil Kate is cracking a whip off camera. WORK! brats WORK! RUN and SMILE at the same time!! Really makes the kids move! She's such a bitch.
Those kids are apparently Oscar material. They look so damn happy on tv. But we all know its a big act. And the Oscar for best actress in a reality show goes to..... Alexis!! wheeeeeeee...
Maybe Krate read that the camera puts on 10 lbs, hence starvation diets all around.
Just a thought.
I was always a mom that fed. Now I'm a Grandma who feeds. I could never eat unless my kids had eaten. I worry all the time about what they're eating and if they got enough of the good stuff. It hurts my heart to watch Kate's kids beg for ordinary food and be bribed with food. It really does hurt to see the lil turds so tired and hungry and then she slaps a paper plate of nothing in front of them. That crap is okay once in awhile, when you've had a hard day, and you're planning a REAL meal at dinner. I guess all Kate's days are hard. Dinner is usually worse crap. What a fucking joke she is.
And an orgainc lollipop is still sugar on a stick. Rare treat, ny ass.
I think those kids get all their calories from all the juice they suck down. Her so called recipes that we've seen on the show have been around forever and a day so I think she's using public domain recipes and having some ghost writer spice it up with some phoney Gosselin trivia. Right memorable meals from Kate are those where the kids end up crying because they're not allowed what the others are having or giving them sugar fill carbs. Such a fake mom. I really can't understand anyone with children and families of their own finding anything worthwhile in this shrew.
These kids have to be the fugliest children I've ever laid my eyes upon. Seriously, they all look like they have Downs & most of them, esp. the boys act a tad slow.
I think Aaden and Joel look thin, but lots of kids their age are thin. I'm judging her meals only by what I've seen her serve. Nothing more. They do seem happy, the kids, and healthy. I just can't figure out why what we've seen her feed them looks like snack food.
A cookbook? Remember when she 'cooked' a cake with her girls and it was under-baked slop that she still dished up to them. She couldn't even follow a recipe designed for kids and she's writing a cookbook?
It'd be like me trying to write a book on nuclear physics when I didn't finish high school XD
You know another food thing she does that pissed me off? She threatens them with food. If you aren't good, you don't get snacks. Every mom knows kids need snacks to function. They aren't like us big people who can skip meals. She's an asshole.
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