Sunday, March 15, 2009

Mooning Bart and Lissa

Lissa has been here all week. Her Mom's having an Appendectomy. She dropped her off with no school clothes and no glasses and said she'd be back in an hour, but, she wasn't. She kind of had a clue that she was going to be hospitalized, so don't ask me why she didn't prepare. Anyhow, I wouldn't know where to look for the glasses at her house, because I've never been there. She promised a friend would drop them off today so Lis can read in school. I bought some school clothes because, luckily, I have a charge account.
Lately, she has this thing for mooning people. Lis says Bart does it. She just drops her pants and makes a fart sound. I told her it's not acceptable and that if someone likes seeing her four year old butt, then there's something wrong with them. The kid's a heathen. Seriously, that may sound harsh, but, she is. She has no idea what a bedtime is, or a toothbrush or a shower. Well, she may know what they are, but, she doesn't want anything to do with them. Last night she announced she'd have Coco Puffs for dinner and I said no, you will have pork chops, corn and potatoes. She said she would not eat "port chonks. Forevah!" I ignored it and set the plate in front of her. She ended up eating three and got pudding for dessert. She's smarter than the average bear, which makes her harder to deal with. Little heathen. We're getting along okay though. She can just move in here as far as I'm concerned because as soon as I get her straightened out, she'll go back. You know how it goes.
Maybe Kate Gosselin would like a crack at this. Ha! Oh, that reminds me, when I told her it was wrong to show her behind in public, she pointed out that the Gosslein kids do it on TV. Way to go, Kate. Lissa is out digging in the mud with my soup spoon right now in her only pair of school shoes. I'll take it. I'd rather wash the shoes tonight and have an hour of peace. I dug out some stored Easter toys and I'm going to tell her there's a prize for washing her hair.


Anonymous said...

Never under estimate bribery, it works! And i hear ya when it comes to straighting them out and then they go home and it's back to square one all over again. I hope her mother realizes how lucky she is to have you!

Anonymous said...

Lissa is so lucky to have you as a stable influence in her life. She sounds like a character...a lot like you, perhaps?

Sorry you have had such a rough week, with Lissa's unexpected visit, & new wardrobe, to your mother-in-law's death.

Glad you are venting your spleen on here for our enjoyment. Take care of yourself.

Let's start a countdown for Kendra's show? I need a laugh, I can't wait until April.


Anonymous said...

None of my business, but I just assumed Lissa was your bio-daughter.
Are you a foster mom?

In your post about Lissa 'In Full Concentration', you said she was sitting at her father's desk. I'm confused.

If this is too nosey, just delete...don't want to encroach!

She is so precious!

BTW, we are waiting for my Hazel's brain surgery to be scheduled. Keeping my fingers crossed that it will be successful!

Anonymous said...

You've never been in your daughters house? Or is that messy that you wouldnt know where to find the glasses?


Anonymous said...

Schmedelle, Lissa is DD's granddaughter, from her son Eric.

WOW DD!!! Lissa gets even more beautiful by the day!!! You must be one proud Dawma!!!

Anonymous said...

She is a pretty little doll!!
Sorry to hear that her mama dropped her off like that. It's not right, and it sets Lissa up for failure if she can't read without the glasses. Lissa is lucky to have you as her grandma.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Lissa looks so healthy in that picture! You've got your hands full and though I haven't had any grandkids yet, I've had my eye on this whole thing ever since I started reading here and can read between the lines.
If you can use her intelligence to work with her, you might get somewhere. Maybe there's a gifted children advocacy group or something for some realistic advice. I got info from a few different ones which helped me with my kids. I know damaws don't have as much say in these things but it might help. And don't expect her to fit in anywhere, that would be ridiculous for everyone concerned.
There's more info about kids like her these days so hopefully you'll stumble across someone who's been there. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

She is a doll. I've got a real thing for little one myself.

Anonymous said...

awwww... i WISH i had grandkids, its a kind of no blame way of doing it again, but better...... and you can blame it all on the parents, which..... you're NOT! and YES!!! you can send them back!

Anonymous said...

lucky, LUCKY Y O U!!

Dirty Disher said...

Yeah, she's my son's daughter. He died last April. I've always had her a lot, even more now that he's gone. She's my little short opinionated roomie. And I like what Lia said. Hell yeah, all the good parts are all me..the bad parts? Aint my fault. LOL!

Dirty Disher said...

I just dropped her off in school with all the other little heathens. Free day!

Dirty Disher said...

schmedelle, I'm still thinking of your precious little girl. You let us all know how things go.

Anonymous said...

If you dont mind my asking, what happened to your son DD? I'm very sorry to hear that he passed.