Monday, March 16, 2009

More poor parenting on display

An OctoMom protest featured on TMZ turned out to be a bunch of little kids sent there by their opinionated mother, they admitted it. They don't even live in that neighborhood. I think I've let you guys in on the fact that I don't live a leave it to Beaver life, but, when I start sending children out to pimp my opinions..please shoot me. Who's the bad mom now, lady? I'd say your kids don't stand much of a chance when you use them like this with no qualms. You'd be better off teaching them the art of least they'd make a few bucks.


Anonymous said...

It looks like those adorable children made the signs all by themselves...

Dirty Disher said...

Yeah, they're so resourcful. Think their mom spend all day on the net?

Anonymous said...

Haha, good advice DD. What a hateful bitch! And the kids must be stupid! At least I brought mine up to think for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Of all the injustices in the world, of all the places to picket, this is what they chose for their little darlings, these mothers? These kids could not care less about O-Mom and I'm wondering why their mothers didn't hold the signs themselves for the cameras?

Anonymous said...

Talk about pimping your kids out for your own agenda's. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

I'm still laughing at the "GET UR TUBES TIED" sign.

Doesn't the shit-for-brains 'opinionated woman' realize that every single one of Octo's 14 pups was conceived via invitro?

Anonymous said...

...don't hear/read anything about is Octo-M going to tell 14 children about their father? Gee whiz, think that alone might fuck them up? Do all 14 originate from different sperm donors? I still think the doc who did this needs to be sanctioned. woman is a fucking nut.

Anonymous said...

yeah..... thats pretty fucked.

Anonymous said...

i am beginning to feel like octomom isnt out there for fame or money, since we never heard of her in all these years & even while she was pregnant with these 8. i think she has a little mental problem with reality, like alot of us 'normal' people. i myself have borderline personallity disorder. in my life, because of this problem, i make rash (& often wrong) choices then live with huge regret afterwards. that is part of my disorder. she may well have this disorder or something similar. i got pregnant at 17, partly on purpose, not realizing what i was going to put myself, my family & my child through until after the fact. then, because i wanted a little girl, stupid me kept on trying. a year & a half later i had another boy. oh, then i still wasnt satisfied, a year & a half later, a girl. finally i got a girl & was done at age 22. we struggled so badly through all these years when we shouldnt have had to do that or put my kids through that. but that is all part of the disorder. back then, i wasnt diagnosed with it & put on meds to control it. i regret my choices but not my kids & i wouldnt change it if i could.
i think that her kids shouldnt be taken away & split up all over because that would do more harm than good. not all foster families treat those kids right. my husbands one sister was able to adopt 2 little brothers from a bad situation only to not be able to cope with their problems & abuse them herself & have them taken from her. i do think childrens services should check up on her alot to ensure they are taken care of. i didnt like her when i first heard about her. i think that doctor should be investigated fully for this.
just because a family is poor doesnt mean they are bad parents. if that were the case, then why are there families living in shelters not having their children taken from them? it is the same thing but on a bigger scale. times are tough for everyone right now & the babies are here. no one can change the fact now that she made a really big dumb choice & will forever be known as the octomom. until someone proves she is a bad mother & abusing those kids or starving them, then people like these protesters should mind their own business & take care of their kids.
i dont see the protesters all over the duggars with 18 kids. you know, sometimes people like the octomom, who could have a disorder, see these shows & get caught up in it & think they can do that also.
i think the best thing for her is to go seek mental help, even a counselor to talk to for an evaluation. if she didnt need it before, she will definately need it now with all those small children.