I don't put much stock in orbs as paranormal evidence. They're pretty though. I'm not claiming that's a ghost. I heard a disembodied voice say "Over here." I turned and snapped and got that. I also see a monkey in this place. We laugh about that. I mean, a fucking ghost monkey?? But, I've seen it twice. I make no claims to sanity.
DD, wealthy Victorians had monkeys as pets. It was a fad back then.
Ahh, we wondered about that. It would make sense that some kid took it to school. The old version of show and tell.
Check out the painting by Georges Seurat called "A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte"
One of the women in the painting has a pet monkey on a leash.
It's one of my favorite paintings and has a very interesting history.
I have a big copy of that in the attic.
I just looked at it...yep. You're right. Anything with a monkey is not "pointless." Har har.
Thats dust. "Real" orbs have what looks like smiley faces in the center =)
Oh, yeah, like real orbs have an agenda and rules. Pardon me, but, aren't you smart to understand the rules of the dead. Cough.
Actually, DD, I've read that about orbs too, the smily face thing. Who knows though. They're probably all dust particles or some shit.
What you have here is an honest to God genuine orb. What's your gut tell you? Your first feeling is your own spirit's voice. Anything after that is your head. I am well on my way to becoming an official certified medium, and i just began classes where i have people bring in their orb photos. You'll hear every skeptical argument possible.. you can't bother with these people, they'll believe what they believe. The more closed off you are, the less likely any spirit wants anything to do with you.
I had the class do an experiment. First off, we meditate & connect with our own spirit guides before we do anything, so naturally these things come easier for us... we are on a higher frequency than most others. ( until you can achieve this i don't claim that this works for everyone)
Then we ask orbs to show themselves to us & start snapping photos. Some reg. cameras, some infrared. Here's my thing: i like to do it outdoors. I am tired of the dust argument.I have dozens of side by side comparisons of actual dust particles we shot ( smack an old rug & take pics, etc)
Orbs are undeniably distinct.
Spirit must be INVITED. Also , you must be open to receiving, no fear or doubt before you get amazing results.
I have captured some of the most incredible orb pics you could ever imagine. Yes, several have faces.Even bodies. Some several faces. Very clear features. My favorite is one orb that was hovering at the ceiling in a chapel wedding. The lady underneath it was visibly pregnant, about to pop. In the orb itself was a very clear image of an infant face with prominent features. With the young mother's permission, 2 months after she gave birth we did a side by side comparison of the newborn's picture & the orb & it was the EXACT same face. We come from the spirit world & we return to it when we pass on. I adore what i do , i love helping others & i am having the time of my life learning new things constantly & teaching others to connect, not to mention to start trusting that we all have that ability!
You have a true orb here. You can get several more of these photos, just ask! If you have any questions at all, let me know. I love to help. I hate people who claim to be psychic mediums & say they love to help & then ask for money. The only times i have ever charged others are during our psychic fairs we throw at our church, the spiritualist chapel of the pines in Auburn Ca....and thats because it goes to our church. ;)
I have def. rambled enough..i was just exited to see such a great orb photo. good for you:)
This is weird. I have an orb photo that was taken in a mystery vortex house. Our guide went through with us, and in the shed (it really only has two walls and a roof) she used my son to help demonstrate an illusion. When we developed our photos, there was a very clear and bright orb between them. We didn't see it when the picture was taken, though our attention was focused on them. I'll have to look for the photo, and see if it has the smiley face or not.
What's really creepy to me is that when I was reading this, little bells were tinkling near me, but no-one is there. Everyone is upstairs in bed, and the dogs haven't come home yet. I didn't even realize there was this sound near me, at first. (We just returned from LA this evening.) Too weird.
I don't know why "smiley faces" are expected to appear in orbs...lol
You'll make out faces sometimes, and thats always great,but if they are smiling you have one incredibly happy spirit there!
What's the deal with smells? I catch a smell maybe of roses sometimes and no one else can smell it but me.
I just don't like it when people come up with all these rules about paranormal sightings. It seems really ignorant to me. I don't know what they are and I'm not pretending to.
Smells are a personal message, actually. Was there anyone you knew who either loved & adored roses, or wore a rose scented fragrance? something to where you'd automatically think of them when you smell roses? This is one easy way of letting you know that they are indeed present with you.
My husband's father comes in with the aroma of ciggarettes & sometimes coffee...i usually pick up on it first, then he does. My hubby isn't as in tune as i am, so naturally his father has appeared to me a lot to let him know he's ok. We have a woman in our home with a powerful floral fragrance about her, and we don't know for sure who she is, but she comes around us on the stairs & at the top of our staircase.
Scent triggers memory & nostalgia. If the smell is very noticable to you, then someone is trying to let you know that they are with you. Spirits won't bother doing this if they don't wish to be aknowledged. (sp?)It's usually a smell that we would recognize as being tied to that individual.
Think of who may wish to get through to you. Maybe they just want to let you know they are around,maybe they have a message for you & this is the initial ice breaker. Where it goes from there is up to you. Spirits can only do so much, but as we are all restricted by free will, they must be permitted to continue. Chances are other things are happening too. They do so much that we barely notice, we are so busy with our daily routines. Any other occurances accompanying the smells?
If we all stop & simplify things, you'll see there are signs in everything.
---(DD i agree... I hate when people put rules & limitations on all things paranormal.)---
I always tell others what i was taught; to follow your first gut instinct, thats your spirit. anything followed by that is your head, as we are constantly trying to rationalize everything . It's human nature.
I'd say if it doesn't freak you out, Tell your rosy friend hello.
I am fully aware that it sounds batsh*t crazy to tell people to talk to spirits ( to skeptics)
But they love it!
Just because we pass on physically doesnt mean that our individuality dies also. We are limited on this earth plane on what we can see & sense, but they are there, nonetheless. They can see, hear, listen to & talk to us, WE are the obstructed ones.
Go for it & see what happens. If it bothers you or makes you uncomfortable you can ask it to leave you alone.
Hope that helps. I'd leave an e-mail address if you have further questions, but i don't know if thats rude.. I mean no disrespect to DD.
Oh! I read a story about a wealthy family way back when who owned a monkey, and how it caused an enormous scandal when it was discovered that this critter had contracted rabies, and had bitten several small children before it was captured & killed. It had infected 4 children, one mother & a few pets, all whom died. This began a riot of sorts where people were forced to give up all exotic pets or began killing them themselves. It went on to say that the children haunt the estate to this day. I'll have to find it for you. Totally disturbing!
I lost my three kitties over the last few years (various ailments and old age for all three). I've made a practice of planting something special on the graves of my little buddies, and decided to plant some beautiful special daffodil and tulip bulbs on the grave of my second lost friend. It was late fall, and I hadn't been out to put the bulbs in the ground yet. I was in my kitchen, and got a sudden blast of daffodil/tulip scent. It filled the room. I understood that he was with me, and that it was time to go out and put the bulbs in the ground. I never doubt that there are spirits around us.
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