Thursday, March 12, 2009


Tell me something? If you have at least 10 kids in diapers, wtf would you pick up ONE package of Huggies for??? It's clear Nadya wants her photos to stay in the news. She already told us that diapers had been provided. She also bought 8 of those Munchkin baby holder things. Shopping in the sales aisle, she hold up one finger. What's that supposed to mean? She has no idea what the number one means.


Anonymous said...

Maybe she wanted to try out a certain diaper, type of diaper? There are a couple of new ones for infants out there. Maybe she was asked which ones she'd like to try for the first two preemies who come home? I love to shop for baby things and try new ones and so I don't see why this is strange.

Anonymous said...

Get real. She is broke and picking the most expensive brand name stuff off the shelves. I think she's trying to work a spokesperson deal with Kimberly Clark or something equally as dumb.

I pay a truckload of taxes in California AND Los Angeles County. As far as I am concerned I am already paying child support for these kids.

Anonymous said...

Any lingering doubts about her being a complete loon should be cleared up by that second pic.

Anonymous said...

Ok this nut has 14 kids and is photographed what seems like everyday out and about by herself. I have ONE kid and I can't remember the last time I went anywhere (including the bathroom lol) without her. She is definitely a fame whore!


Anonymous said...

You *are*, 1:56.. and so am I.

I'm sick of her food-stamp using ass running around shopping every day --usually alone-- unless you count the omnipresent four dollar cup 'o Starbuck's.

Guess now that she has free nannies she doesn't have any responsibilities at all, eh?

Anonymous said...

She's looking amazingly rested lately.

Anonymous said...

I doubt that most supermarket diapers are going to readily fit these preemies for awile.
It's a photo op. She did it for this reason, and for the other millions of reasons she is and has been raking in. Food stamps, disability for years, welfare medical, film rights, talk show circuit, it's all the same to her. She's entitled, ya know?

Anonymous said...

The babies are comming home 2 at a time, once they are settled in and a routine established with the homecare workers & nurses, the next set arrives and so on.

I'd like to know what she's doing, because the massive baby weight is just melting off her!

Anonymous said...

Oooh! Maybe she can write a weigh-loss book.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this ignorant cunt's 15 minutes up yet???

Anonymous said...

Every time I see this goofball's picture I just want to slap her.