Monday, March 23, 2009

PantyLiner sucking meat

Hayden PantyLiner orally assaulting a T-bone..then she puts on leather shoes and grabs her $3 thousand dollar rare ostrich bag. Then she cashes her check from some vegan PETA ad. Don't you get sick of idiot celebs and their bullshit? Little skank isn't even cute.


Anonymous said...

There are millions of people who support groups that strive for fair and humane treatment of animals (pets & wild) that aren't vegans.

There are lots here on this board who's stomach churn at animal abuse & neglect, but eat meat fish chicken etc.

Dirty Disher said...

Hayden is a liar and a hypocrite and she has the brains of a dog fart. No one can defend her to me. The girl is absurd and she won't get smarter with age.

Anonymous said...

What a freakin poser. She should be kicked in the face.

Dirty Disher said...

I volunteer!

Anonymous said...

Is she trying to be all sexy sticking that bone in her face? She looks retarded.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:24 that is true but observing the hypocrisy of someone who champions PETA is a bit different. They are complete extremists that have even been compared to a cult by their behaviour. PETA are constantly organising propoganda and protests, some of which are ill informed about their basic claims and all designed to shock and attack. They do not have the same tolerance of open mindedness towards personal choices that you express.

Anonymous said...

I've certainly heard of PETA, seen AD's or blips on tv about them, but i admit that i don't know a great deal about their group other then the surface obvious general animal welfare & encouraging people to convert to an all vegan diet.

Anonymous said...

this is peta:

and this:

Anonymous said...

reminds me of "27 Dresses"...the sister fakes being a vegetarian so she can land a guy. She gets busted when pics of her surface eating ribs, after he proposes. This is exactly the same, so busted. Can't deny.

Eric in San Diego said...

Somebody needs to 'splain to me how this kid gets to be a celebrity! I live in San Diego, and am lucky enough to see young women EVERY DAY who put this vapid poseur to shame! She can't act, treats her fans poorly, and is truly just a one trick pony. When Heroes goes away, will she? PLEASE???