Jessica Simpson recently reached out to Rihanna, who continues to seem really confused and messed up ever since getting her clock cleaned by Chris Brown. Unfortunately, little Ms. Rihanna interpreted Jessica's well-meaning efforts as meddling and never replied to the heartfelt letter of support Jess sent her. "[Rihanna] was kind of shocked that Jessica had the nerve to try to get involved in her very personal problems," a source told the National Enquirer. "Prior to Jessica reaching out to Rihanna, the pair were acquaintances but not friends.
"Jess is acting like an expert on domestic violence, and it’s strange that she’d write a letter to a woman she barely knows, offering advice and a sympathetic ear. Jess took a gamble and now she’s hurt because Rihanna didn’t bother to acknowledge the correspondence."
Well, Jessica probably is an expert on domestic violence. I mean, she was going out with John Mayer. You think he doesn't hit? Please. That guy has "mean, slappy drunk" written all over him. I think Rihanna needs to get off her high horse and realize there are people out there who have wisdom to offer her. And she needs to figure out that getting little tiny guns tattooed on herself isn't going to scare the next guy who decides to turn her face into a punching bag. Real guns...now that might do the trick.
yep, agree
Getting beat up by your boyfriend is part of the relationship for these unfortunate girls. The boys think they are thugs and behave as if they were. I'm sure her friends are telling her that "nobody knows what you got girl, and if anyone aks', you say nuthin!".
She needs to worry less about people 'meddling' and more about not getting beaten up.
Rihanna is just stupid. Jessica does need to mind her own business. They are not friends anyway? Who reported Jess made contact? Thats no ones business either. And PS..Jess should still look like this gorgeous picture & is now sooo far from it, THATS what she needs to be working on. Her own issues need much attention, obviously. Not a stranger's personal problems.
I just wanted to help Rihanna by telling her how awesome Tony is. He's so in love with me. We might get married this year. But, I don't know for sure because he has commitment issues. But, he loves me very much. I just want Rihanna to be as happy as I am when I'm with Tony. Tony says hi! I love Tony! Tony says I'm not fat either. Tony says I have a great ass! Tony says I can come to his games anytime. Tony says I'm his lucky charm! I love Tony.
See THAT is what I emailed Rihanna to help her with her problems. Tony says it was sweet and she shouldn't snub me like a snotty girl. I LOVE TONY!
Wait...trying to work up a "give a shit" about either of these gals...nope, wasn't able to do so. Jessica may have thought she was helping, but RiRi is a gangsta bitch now! She been beat down by her man and GOT BACK UP! That kind of street cred you can't buy.
Jessica, well, you tried. Maybe another GALLON of ice cream will help with the pain!
I do wish they would both STFU!! RiRi...get another tat! Maybe something like little band-aids over each eye? That's all you, girl!
Has anyone seen Tony? I looked around and Tony was gone. Hmm. Tony!!! He must have gone out to buy me a Valentine. No, wait, what month is this? I'll ask Tony when he comes back. I wonder where Tony went? I wonder when Tony is comin' back? Tony will be back. Tony always comes back. Have you seen Tony? TOOOOOOOOONY!
I found Tony, Jess. He was living in my asshole.
Living with Jessica must be some kind of agony. After a while you can't just stare at her tits while she talks, eventually her voice penetrates the dome of silence men have in our cranium that allow us to disconnect from the annoying habits or voice that make-up the pussy life support system.
Eric is right about Rihanna.
Blah blah blah - let's talk about what really counts here, that being the lack of much-needed bosom support in Jessica Simpson's dress. Good gravy! Her girls are low-slung. Swinging danglers, perhaps.
I cant stand either one of these chics, but I do think that Jess was genuinely trying to be nice. Rhianna's a cocky little cunt that deserved everything Chris did to her and more.
Well, I was going to say Jessica should mind her own stupid business. Then I thought: That's what you get when you're a public domain retard. Some other public domain retard goes Dr. Phil-ish all over you...
Did she get into a catfight with her hairdresser?
Way to OWN the names of the Hollywood Supahstars. Nobody would every think of constantly doing that. Use your own identity. Newbies.
Your a fine one to talk, anon 2:44 ... asshole.
Jessica needs a tit lift! Look at those saggy bags ~ and she never even had any babies! Guess its from losing and gaining weight all the time.
Tyra Banks, is that you girl? Girl, whatchu doin on DD's? Aint you s'posed to be gettin a wig sewn in or makin some ugly ass girl feel shittier 'bout the way she be lookin n shit?
~ Miss J.
Did I miss this week's misogyny hour? Geez
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