Natalie Maines has either gone lesbo or become a Jennifer Jason Leigh impersonator. Oh wait, that's the same thing. Still ashamed to be from Texas Natalie? You make me ashamed to be from earth, you wannabe free speech martyr assface. Yeah, great career choice - pissing off the trailer trash who make up 95% of your fanbase. All to kiss up to some limey swinebags. Well, you wouldn't expect smarts from a yappy midget Texas bitch, would ya?
It's okay if I like her though. Right?
she's hot. don't be hatin
don't sugar coat it crabass, tell us what you really think.
I still like her too :) and atleast her hair doesn't make me wanna puke like Kate G's does.
Crabbie, it sounds like you are jealous of her hair.
the hair is fug. maybe she had a salon mishap? or i hope not cancer. her voice in beautiful though .
I hate this cunt.
She's awesome! I love her and wish I could sing like her. Her voice gives me >>> chills <<<
She bugs. I just don't care about her at all.
Man, I didn't have access to the Dish for 3 days! I missed you, DD and Crabbie!
Oh, and Natalie Maines can suck it.
I like her but that hair cut is dreadful.
I thought it was Jamie Lee Curtis
I like her, but she made a huge mistake by chopping her hair off. She looked cute way back when she had a sleek blonde bob cut.
Don't hate appreciate.....
Jealousy does not become you....
uh ohhhhhhhhh crabbie stole a photo!
Thank you Crabbie! Have felt the same way about her. Not mad that she hated on Bush, but to do it to kiss the french'ies ass? COME ON....Really COME ON! The french???
The french? What am i missing, that whole initial mess was when they were in concert and she said she something along the lines of, don't hold it against us that the current president (bush) is from texas, we're embarassed to have etc. And then toby keith in concernt said they were unamerican, didn't support the troops (which wasn't true)for having said it. Huge backlash because of that last part, and she lived with constant deaththreats under tight security for several years. Wasn't until the general public started to see Bush for the war mongering ass that he truly is things got better for them and thats when they came out with the im not ready to make nice song etc.
should read - she said something along the lines of, don't hold it against us that the current president (bush)is from texas, we're embarassed to have him from here too etc.
Please God let that be a mullet
Please God let that be a mullet
Oh, every time some chick shaves her head, y'all go off.
what do you mean "ya'll go off"? holy shit, DD, it is YOUR post & are receiving comments. I think this is a clear case of YOU going off
It's not my post. It's crabbies and I was joking about the time I shaved off all my long hair and posted a pic on here.
Love her for speaking her mind. She is not supposed to base her political opinions on what her fan base likes. If she did that she would be a hypocrite like you, Crabbie.
I admire her. She said what she believed, and isn't that what we have fought for in this country? Free speech? When it turned out not to be the popular thing to say, at the time, she stood by it. She didn't run or make excuses, she took the heat. The kid has balls...I admire her.
She looks like she wants to join the army. For Iraq.
DD's right though, a woman shaves her head and people start making all kinds of lame cracks and assumptions.
It kills me how people hate this girl for speaking her mind about the asshole formally known as our president, George Bush. She's an American, ever heard of free speech? Who gives a shit if he was the fucking president? He IS and always will be the worst one we've ever had. She only said what many of us were already thinking.
I totally agree with you anon 11:31
Folks its hair, real hair maybe Not the best choice, but its not a cheap looking weave, and it Grows back. I like her and understand why she said that she didnt like George Bush, I didnt either.
It could be so much worse, like a nasty Britney weave or some fake shit that every black actress in hollywood has sewn up on their heads cus they cant grow their own!
What a rancid twat. She looks like a dyke from Asswipe, Oklahoma.
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