Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Secret Life Of Bees

I finally got to see this last night, I'd been wanting to see it every since I read the book. The book was so good. So last night, I got this and Lissa got Aristocats..again. I tried to talk her into Tinkerbell, since she expects me to watch all this mind numbing crap with her, but, she threw a fit and had to have Aristiocats even though we've seen it a kazillion times. Anyhow, she finally fell asleep at midnight and I got to watch Bees.
It's not that it wasn't a good movie, it is a good movie, but, not as good as the book. How come movies can follow the book almost exactly, right down to the dialog, and not be as good? I think it was the casting. It just wasn't how I pictured it. Except for Alecia Keys part. Surprisingly, she was a perfect June.
BTW, how come I have to rent movies I already own? Do your kids/grand kids do that? It drives me nuts, but, I just do it. It's not worth a melt down to argue. At least she got free balloons which were in my face all night.


Anonymous said...

free ballons? Sounds like a deal to me!

Anonymous said...

but if you rent something you own it's DIFFERENT!!!

just like a meal tastes different if you eat it at different place (like if you are eating in front of the tv as a 'treat' instead of the dining room table)....

Major Majormajor said...

We have Netflix and my daughter is always watching things on "Instant Watch" that we already own. I think she finds it easier than trying to figure out where she put she put the movie the last time she watched it. And Misstia is right. When we have dinner WITH a movie, the dinner and the movie is always GREAT!
We have to go to Harris Teeter for the free balloons!

Anonymous said...

I don't understand WHY one would rent a movie they already own, to be honest.

It's not like the kid can watch it before they get home anyway.