Thursday, March 12, 2009

Shiloh's imagination

The Star: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have added another kid to their brood — Shiloh's imaginary friend, Amy! A source close to the couple says their 2-year-old daughter's closest confidante is a made-up pal. "Shiloh says she likes Amy more than Knox and Viv," says the source. And at dinner time, Shiloh often announces, "Amy's not hungry," and pushes away her own plate!
No amount of reasoning can change her mind. Amy probably shares her cookies. I'd be slightly afraid of the rest of them if I was Shi. She's so cute, I can't stand it. Do you suppose if I got a dozen orphans, Jolie would consider a trade? Shiny black orphans, think about it.


Anonymous said...

She is gorgeous. Where do they get toddler pants that fit so well? My 2 yr old is long and lean and stuff never fits her in the waist like that! I have to make belts for her so stuff is big enough for the length (so she doesn't look like SJP's son!) but need to be smaller in the waist. Shiloh got it just right! Adorable!

Anonymous said...

They probably get things tailored, alot of the high end kid shops do that for their customers.

Shiloh is a beautiful child, kid has long legs for her age too.

She probably needs the imaginary friend to feel like she fits in and is special in some way.

Anonymous said...

She is the cutest kid in Hollywood.

Anonymous said...

What a beauty!! Funny that she has an imaginary friend in that big bunch. Probably mistakenly I assumed that was more the way of only kids or kids isolated in some way from their peers. (Like Danny and his imaginary friend Tony (who lives in his mouth) in The Shining.)

Anonymous said...

imaginary friends fall in a normal range. can be an indicator of intelligence & creativity. Or, in Shi's case, might be the only friendly soul around. ...she wouldn't want to risk getting on Z's bad side. Z has a look that sends chills up my spine

Anonymous said...

Shiloh is such a little doll. Look at her with that hipo. She probably gets very little mom and dad attention to herself. Why don't these people who want litters think about the individual child?

Anonymous said...

Every time I see her I just remember how Angelina called her a blob. She is a cutie. I wonder if Angelina thinks the twins are blobs too. Weird woman.

Anonymous said...

That blob thing is so old now and it was taken quite out of context.

She is a gorgeous child..Imaginary friends is supposed to show a lot of creativity and imagination. It's a way of her not competing with the others and having a friend who will do whatever she wants her to do or act in a way she wants her to act. I think it's cute. :)


Anonymous said...

I wish her imaginary friend was named Jen or Jennifer...that would be really funny.

Anonymous said...

anon 7:20, what are you talking about? Z is an innocent child just like shiloh and they are both beautiful little girls. Hmmm...wonder what it is about Z that sends chills up your spine? *eye roll*

Anonymous said...

She's going to grow up to be just as gorgeous as you'd expect her to, with her parents being who they are.

Anonymous said...

She is adorable. You think its bad that Angelina called her a blob? Wait until she turns 15 and takes the title of "Most Beautiful" away from Ms. Jolie... she'll be calling her some other names then!