Friday, March 13, 2009

Split? I'm not buying it

I've heard rumors of these two splitting up all week, now People has "confirmed" it. Well, if People says it's true, it must be so. Pffft..I wouldn't count on it. The subsequent reuniting will bring both of them even more press. She has movies to shill and he's got a new variety show. Sometimes I think everything in Hollywood is carefully orchestrated. You watch.


Anonymous said...

I'm not buying it either, but I am the slowest to accept gossip because much of it seems ridiculous to me.

They might have some basic glitches in their relationship though, making frequent separations or cooling off periods necessary.

I still think you're wrong about them making a longlasting couple though. And despite what Aniston says, if she really wanted kids, she'd have kids. Otherwise it's just something that sounds like a good idea to her, but clearly isn't good enough to act on.

Major Majormajor said...

You know St Angie started that rumour. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hollywood? Orchestrating stuff? DD, you are too cynical.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could remember the entire thing, but. . . I read a blind item somewhere. . . it might have been in the PopBitch newsletter that I get every two weeks or so. Anyway, I thought it might pertain to them. It said something to the effect of "which A list TV/movie star is wondering how far to allow her well-publicized romance with a younger guy (I might be making the younger part up, I'm not sure) go? She has been surprised at how quickly he agreed to marry her". I think there was some other clue there that made me think Mayer, as well.
There was a rumor he bought her a diamond ring. Don't know if that's true, but maybe she decided to cool it. Maybe she really doesn't want to get married. I like them together, and was happy to see them together at the Oscars, but it looked slightly forced on her part. It looked like she was desperate to be seen with him in public. Maybe desperate to be seen with any young man she was involved with, when in front of Pitt/Jolie. I don't know.

Anonymous said...

God, he looks like such a GOMER in that photo. The WORST!!

Anonymous said...

JA has been milking publicity for the better part of a year now. The soap opera of the "triangle of the century" which is CAREFULLY kept fueled. She and AJ actually seem to be in a serious publicity contest. (Brad is a hapless bystander). so many examples I wouldn't know where to begin. You see it, DD, as usual.

Anonymous said...

HELLO!!!! I have been offline for sooo long. 1st I got layed off...wahhh :( ...then my home computer was down being fixed . Now I am back & 1st thing I wanted to do was check in on Dishy! I honestly have not been online since Jan 22!!! How sad is that?! Anyways, kiddos...I will be back daily now. Finally! Gawd, computer techs suck. SLOW-asses!!!


Anonymous said...

jen is sooooooo BORING, and now she has dumbed down mayer and now we have hollywoods MOST B O R I N G couple. if i saw jen and john on the front cover of a magazing i wouldn't buy it because it would tell me that there is nothing happening this week in la la land. the other indicators are front covers with skinny bodies, fat bodies and stars without makeup. all toooooooo
b o r i n g. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Dirty Disher said...

Welcome back, Roxanne.