Monday, March 9, 2009

Who Says They're Not Happy?

Tom, Katie and Suri are in Japan again. They spend almost as much time in Japan and Korea as they do in America these days. The profusion of short men makes Tom feel less insecure. Suri's not even 3 yet but she's already entered her angsty teen stage. What's Katie gonna buy her for her birthday? A tongue piercing?


Dirty Disher said...

It's okay, Dad gave her a big Gucci bag filled with money.

Anonymous said...

wtf does Katie have on? someone dress her, please. Oh, I forgot, she has her own line of clothing that some 15 yr old home ec student whips up for extra credit

Anonymous said...

Yep, I made that same outfit in Home Ec a couple of decades ago, Kate. The little prince is starting to look much younger than our Katie. Sucking that last bit of youth out of her, I see.

Anonymous said...

it is quite something watching that family fall. You look at them and

Tom - he is just way out there, always trying to smile and pretend everything is great.

Katie - every time I see her she looks more ragged, older, skinnier, stressed, and her clothes have a lot to be desired lately.

Suri - just a sad little girl.


Anonymous said...

I understand travelling when the family is stationed in different places (in the service) but I just don't get this globe-trotting with small kids stuff. What kind of self-absorbed idiot thinks that kids like this kind of isolation, and lack of extended family/friend relationships?
The Pitt-Jolies do this, too. It just seems so self-indulgent on the part of the parents.

Anonymous said...

They look GOOD and I respect them than Angie and Brad.