Celebrity Dirty Laundry has been removed from my blogroll. The stolen post was removed, which told me Robyn saw my message. There was no apology in my email box. I thought it was just an honest mistake...seeing thoughts I wrote with "by Robyn" underneath it was a sad feeling. It's not like I'm some famous blogger, but, this is MY place where I can say what I want. That means something to me. People are so weird, they think they're going to get rich off blogging... and can't even make an effort to be original. Let me know when you become a big celebrity, Robyn. I won't hold my breath.
You mean I'm not going to get rich? God damn it!!!
good riddance!
We'll probably see her ass on Enertainment Tonight, like that GD intern guy who stole Pere'z whole blog. Member that shit? It's worse than being re-routed for click ads.
I didn't hear about someone stealing PH's blog who then got an interview off it. More?
I checked out CDL last night for the first time and sure enough, there were your posts. I exited that page in a storm of disdain!
I only go to 3 or 4 gossip sites and can't stand the mainstream ones - unless dlisted is mainstream. That way I can pretend perez is dead and gone and only intelligent bloggers fill the internet:)
Well, if the dirty little guttersnipe insists on biting the hand that so obviously feeds her, then ex-communication would seem to be the only recourse.
She had a nerve, DD and you had every right to disassociate yourself from her.
the dumb bitch closed comments on the posts that she stole from you and deleted my comment when i called her out on it on another post. whatevs. i never read there anyway.
Once, something I wrote for a blog was double swiped. Someone stole if from me, then someone else took it from them. I only asked that they credit it the piece to me and nearly got my ass chewed off... like it was my fault.
I read three celeb blogs. TMZ, Perez, and The Dirty Disher.
I never knew her blog existed before the post yesterday...not that I am a judge of fame but when you don't even know it's there???
I don't like Perez's blog so I don't read that and was only reading Crabbies and DD on a regular basis. No matter what Crabbie always says what I am thinking - even if the general population things it's vile - I was still thinking it. Now this is my only blog for celeb stuff.
yeah fuck them
That's too bad, DD. What goes around comes around. Consider yourself flattered; your quips were funny enough to be swiped. If someone lacks originality and has to swipe others' work, they won't be around long. Never read that blog, anyway; I migrated over here with Crabbie. Love the way you both just keep it real...and original.
how odd to steal your post wholesale & pass it off as her own!!! I just had a look over there & tbbh it is very boring & not at all edgy or funny. I only read here & dlisted & the other lot wont be added to that list.
An apology or at least a credit should have been given.
3-F I gar-un-tee you I would recognize your work anywhere. They had the nerve to get bitchy with you??? Oh, people have nerve!
What's funny is that the final swipe was done by a blog that I used to read. I told her that I just wanted it credited properly. When she didn't make the edit, I said something again and she apparently believe that the fact that it was stated in the comments that I was the author was credit enough.
She also told me that she had no way of knowing that I wrote it (disregarding the fact that I told her I wrote it and provided the original link from where it was taken). It was like she didn't get the fact that, as owner of the blog, she was responsible for the things posted there. Frankly, I wasn't pissed at all until she got all defensive.
Yeah, I'm getting pissed off all over again thinking about it.
I've had my whole blog stolen three times by those remote code asshole's who get paid by the click. They even steal the bandwidth.
The readers on here are sharp, they always spot that crap and tell me. Then we have a war and we win.
I called her out too and let her know she could be expecting a lot more of it from all of us if she didn't stop. She's reading this right now *waves*
I hate, hate, hate unoriginal idea-stealers
People who need to steal anothers creativity always end up on the shitty end of the stick...I'd never read her again.
3F is a fuck'n bitch- go back to GWOP where you belong.
Good one. Shouldn't you be shaving your back or something?
3Fucks-- shouldn't you be over at GWOP getting the lunatics worked up? Someone has to incite the mob.
What's the matter your cave get too full of your own shit again? Or did it start to rain and the hole under you rock got flooded. Whatever, you read like an asshole. I can smell the reek of an idiot even on the web.
It's probably Babyfuckingmama coming over here from her dead ass web site. Passing time till the next Gosselin special comes on...Looser
I see 3-F has a fan. Means ya famous 3-F. I happen to like GWoP.
Oh, that BM and her retarded friends. They need to go bake a G cake...if they can find enough designer bullshit to frost it.
A cake with bright tangerine icing. Of course, it will be difficult to cut it without opposable thumbs.
LMAO! Ahhh, yeah. At least they'll have Anne Taylor on when they haul them all off to the loony bin. And of course, their Kate posters to kiss.
They'll also have on granny sandles with Easter baskets woven around their platforms, by Haan too.
Bm is just pissed because she made a big ass post about how Kate was better than Susan Boyle....no one responded......hear the crickets chirp?
dd you may have acted in haste. I dont think she was stealing, maybe just borrowing. give her another chance please, do it for me, k?
Pfffffft Elizabeth I saw 3 posts she filched from.
That's not borrowing, it's plagiarism
anon @ 9:22 - ".... Passing time till the next Gosselin special comes on...Looser"
Uh oh. Here we go again.
"Looser"? Looser, what?
WHAAAAAAA????? Susan Boyle has a talent. WTF did Kate ever do??? Speechless here.
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