Charlie and Lucy were both rescue dogs. They're great and when Lissa saw Charlie she said "Awww.'' But, when she got a load of Lucy she screamed "Dat's Scoobie Doo! OMG, I can't bewieve dat's Scoobie!" She almost peed herself. Thanks, Eric. I think we're going to need more of them.
are these from "eric in san diego"? that eric?.... well theyre super SWEET!!!
Precious, both of them. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for putting the knuckleheads up there, DD! They are always on their best behaviour...when asleep!
So is Alissa. Ha. I love your doggies.
I agree with Lissa, It IS Scooby Doo!! Both of them are adorable!
I think people who get adopted by rescue dogs, or cats for that matter, earn a special place in heaven.
Who's a good boy? Is it YOU? Is it YOU??? Yes, him is! Him is the bestest boy there ever was!!!
OK, got that all out of my system
So cute, the first one has some big feet LOL and I love the pose on the second. Cuties :)
Charlie Brown does have some HUGE feet...should have seen him when he was a puppy, he looked like he was wearing snow shoes!
Lucy is recovering from surgery in that pic. The toy near her nose was the very first toy she'd ever had! She carried that ratty little thing EVERYWHERE until it finally fell apart. She was actually a rescue from Arizona and had spent all of her young life in one kennel or another. Now she rules the roost!
Aww God love them both, so sweet, rescuing unwanted pets is such an awesome & rewarding thing to do :)
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