Kim Kardashian blogs: “I am a huge fan of Forever 21 and I’m very happy they have expanded their line to include a plus-size range, but I am not in that size category and this article makes it sound like I am! I am a curvy girl and I love my curves, but curvy and plus-sized are two very different things. I work really hard to maintain my curves while staying slim and healthy, so to be classed as a ‘fuller-figured woman’ of extra large proportions is a little offensive. For the record, I am a size 2, not 2XL.”
Kim, you got the big ass, I got the big trailer park chest. Neither one of us is going to be a size two again in this lifetime. Blogging it won't make it true.
Here we go again. Before you know it she'll be on the 'Tube showing the world her "size 2" labels-- as if that's somehow PROOF of her legit size. That poor, deluded woman has simply GOT to give it up with the "I'm a size 2" nonsense. She's a 12 (at least in the lower region) -- and that's on her THIN days.
Kim should get together with Meghan McCain. They could form a yappy, vacuous body-image-obsessed dynamic duo.
I pegged her at at least a size 10. Probably 12. I don't know why that's a bad thing.
Crabbie, yeah, you're right. All she blogs about is her body. Can the girl even think about anything else?
There *IS* nothing wrong with size 12... in most of the country.
Too bad Kim lives in LA.
(where being a size 12 is a punishable offense)
Why should she think about anything other than her body? It's all other people talk about.
Firstly, Ms. KardASSian has nothing else...her body is all she's got. Secondly, she has been steeped in the Hollyweird myth that anyone larger than a size 2 is FAT!! Now, I'm not a fan of Kimmy and her dumbass sisters, but I wouldn't call her fat. She's got a classic type of hourglass figure which was REVERED in the past, but REVILED today. It's very sad that she can't just accept who she is and move forward. It ain't like she's 21 anymore, no matter what store she shops in!!
In what universe can that big behind fit into a size 2? And why does she persist in blogging these lies? We know what you look like, Kim, and we know what a size 2 looks like. No way.
And seriously, why do we care about this woman? She is what, a model?
anon @ 2:57- "She is what, a model?"
Well for Ray-J, she's a toilet.
If designers send you sample clothes you are always a size 2, regardless of the actual size of the garment. It is what they do.
If she's a size 2 I'm fucking size -8 and someone has been switching the tags on my clothes before I buy them cause all my tags say 4 and 6...I'm 5' 7" and weigh in at a whopping 118lbs. I have NO ass...Such Bullshit! She looks plus size and what's wrong with that anyway? Why does she have to pretend? NO ONE buys it anyway.
She isn't mobidly obese but she is NO size 2 unless someone switches her tags to make her feel better.
I asked the question if she was a model because the only thing I know about her is that she is Rbt Kard.'s daughter and Bruce's step-daughter, and that her family has a reality show. I know her mother is her agent, but other than photo shoots on that program I've never seen the woman do a thing except talk about herself on the net.
She isnt obese but she is plus sized, but mainly in her ass area. She probably actually has a hard time buying clothes to fit her right because she's smaller on top but has that huge ass and cottage cheese thighs - that you can see right thru those black spandex pants she's wearing.
my daughter is a size 1 and only weighes 100 pounds. Kim is more like a 5 or 7.
why do they all claim to be a size 2? sure we believe you size 8,or 10 at best Kim.
Kim you fat ass liar yor a size 12 you fat bitch. your sisters Kole And courtny.
She works really hard to maintain her curves? How...with Krispey Kreme donuts and lattes?
So if Kim is a size 2, I guess people like Kate Bosworth and Nicole Richie must be size minus 50.
DD - you asked if she can ever think about anything besides her body? I think this whore's favorite past-time centers around the care and feeding of her crotch! And by the way, why is E! shoving these no-talent whores down our throats 14 hours a day (and now producing a NEW show featuring Kim's "dead behind their eyes" sisters!)
I dont care what size she is, and I cant stand to watch their stupid show, either...those whiney voices make me crazy...
I just can't get over how lazy she is on that show. Those girls are all lazy. Even the little ones are lazy. It's an epidemic.
I change it even when the commercials come on for it....that whiiiiiiine makes me wanna puke
No way in hell is Kim a size 2. Maybe a size 12 and that's even pushing it. So I think that she just forgot to put the 1 in front of it. Her ass is way to big to even TRY to get into a size 2, maybe one ass cheek would fit.
Just fess up Kim and be truthful for fucking once!!!!!!
Anonymous 5:57 said,
why do they all claim to be a size 2? sure we believe you size 8,or 10 at best Kim.
Same with Jennifer Love Hewitt. Didn't she protest to being a size 2 after the infamous bikini pictures of her in Hawaii came out last year? Maybe celeb stylist Rachel Zoe has them all brainwashed? Now that woman is clearly a size 2, if not a size 0.
You'd think with an ass that size she'd be able to "shake her booty"....that wasn't the case on Dancing With the Stars a season or 2 ago....she has NO rhythm!
She is no where near a size 2. She couldn't fit that ass into a size 2 if she tried and that's fine. She looks fine, well weight wise.
she will need surgery to become a size 2. Lipo or a meat cleaver, thats all I gotta say about this.
Sorry girl, but you got a big ass! Why not wear a few more slutty outfits that leave it hanging out. That's always a good solution!
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