Carrie Prejain says she lost the Miss USA pagent title because she said only men and women should get married, in her opinion. She said that to judge.....Perez! I actually thought she was backwards, but, kind of brave to state her real opinion. Now she justifies her answer saying it was "biblically correct." Now she just sounds STOOPID. People who think biblical correctness pulls any weight anymore are out of touch. Let's skip the many personal interpretations of the Bible and go right to SO WHAT? I am still amazed by how many people assume everyone follows the Bible. Every day I am faced with those people and I wonder why they can't just live their own life and leave others alone. Adam and Steeve are not hurting you or me, Carrie. They aren't hurting anyone. That's the whole point.
What she said sounded so wrong. First off, here in America we don't have the choice of "same sex" marriage or "the opposite." That was the point of Perez's question.
I'm sure she believes that being gay is a choice and, unfortunately, FauxNews is all over this and defending her for her "traditional values."
Bigotry is Traditional for some intolerant people.
Snarkie, I like your blog. It's very cool. I marked it in favs. Want a link?
I'm proud of her for saying what she believes and not what Perez wanted her to say. He's blasting her because she doesn't agree with him, but said she didn't mean to offend anyone. Maybe people that don't agree with her should leave HER alone!
I don't care what Perez thinks. She SHOULD say what she believes. She should not assume her opinions are right because the Bible says so or that everyone who counts is Christian. That's the impression I got.
Don't care about Miss California's opinion. Or other people that mix church and state. For the bible thumpers, if you allow same sex marriage, you will get a lot more tax money from married couples!
Adult men, women and transgendered Americans should have the right to love any person they choose. They deserve to have the same legal rights and protections as "hetero married couples".
If you love and share your life with someone, they should be your legal next of kin and share insurance coverage and benefits.
You know, I love people like Carrie and here's why: They let me mount my favorite argument against all those hell bent on biblical correctness.
They have no faith. What's that you say? No faith?!
Yes. The very definition of faith is to have belief in something for which there is no proof. These people use the Bible as proof of everything... all their ill-conceived, self-righteous positions. Therefore, if the Bible is their "proof" since it is the alleged "word of God," then they have no faith.
I'm not even going to go into the the FACT that the way the Bible has been translated is often a complete distortion of its intended meaning. And, the FACT that portions of the Bible were removed or altered by some not-so-holy Roman church leaders... Pope Gregory, to name one.
I can go on and on (like you don't already know that).
I envy people with faith. I have none and never will. It would be nice if they left me out of it. But, they NEVER do.
THEN, there are those people like Kate G who use that faith stuff like an ATM machine.
She answered her conscience for a change. Obama is against gay marriage; where is the outrage?.
I'm all for gay marriage...why should us straight folks be the only ones to suffer!
As to this poor girl and her comments, well...she's sticking to her convictions, I guess. She's participating in a pageant where wearing a swimsuit is considered a SKILL, so maybe we shouldn't expect too awful much...
She's a backwards bigot. Period. Using religion as an excuse for bigotry is bullshit. I don't admire people who blindly swallow some stupid arbitrary sentence in a book, when it's obvious that it's deeply flawed.
People like her will be viewed in the same way Klansmen were viewed when civil rights finally started to reform parts of the south, doing away with segregation and naming bigotry as a blight on the human condition. I'm not so naive to think that there aren't still many bigoted people out there, but at least most of us know it's wrong.
Sure DD, thanks.
You and Moon were quite an inspiration to me. Sometimes I just need to "get it all out" and having a blog makes that possible. I admire you for posting every single day. Quite often I read things here and it takes a few days before I see it in the mainstream news.
wow is today judgment day? A whole lot of pontificating and bashing. Don't judge her views because she has a different view. She was not insulting you; she was expressing her own feelings.
You are linked, buddy. I have a new place to read now. Cool.
2:56:00, I'm not. I'm tired of explaining why I was insulted by her.
I'm also sort of bothered when adults use the excuse that they were "raised to believe." At what point do we take responsibility for our own beliefs? Was she speaking her truth or the truth of her parents?
I share some of my parents' beliefs, but certainly not all of them and the ones I do share have been well thought out and selected the means by which I choose to live my life.
Whenever I hear the phrase "I was raised to believe," I get the impression that the speaker is trying to present an excuse as to why they think that way. Kind of a pack mentality way to think, if you ask me....thinking certain way because those around you think that way.
Bible thumpers, traditionalists and all the other bigoted assholes need to get a clue. Gay is here to stay. It's not new, it's not a trend, it isn't unnatural.
It's always been around. Anyone smart enough to pick up a reliable non biased history book and read it, will be amazed to find it dates back to the beginning of recorded records.
Folks think it's so cute to tell the old tales of apprentices back in the day. History tells us that after litte Johnny got done helping the cobbler with the shoes he spent time bent over for old master cobbler each night....
If most of these bible thumpers could move on to a valid history and stop reading the ficticious writings of the controling men of the old days they'd see that there is more truth in a Stephen King Book than in the Bible....
2:56: Denying an entire sect of the populous a civil right because you arbitrarily think their morals aren't up to par IS WRONG. Unfortunately, that mindset *does* hurt a lot of people because it's been nearly impossible for Gays to get and enjoy the basic civil right of marriage to someone of the same sex. They have to jump through a fuck of a lot of hoops and spend a fuck of a lot of money for things heteros enjoy for free when they legally marry. Civil union is not the same, either.
People who are against gay marriage can show their support for "the opposite" (what a dingbat) and not get gay-married, how about. Meanwhile, they can try to quell their dirty minds (seriously, who thinks more about sex, and other people having sex, than the "moral majority?")and let people live unmolested by their stupid prejudices.
3:31 & 3:36 -
That just about sums it up!
I don't think she answered the question.
Anonymous said...
She answered her conscience for a change. Obama is against gay marriage; where is the outrage?.Exactly! And she was willing to stand behind what she believed. O said he believed marriage should only be between a man and a woman but he wouldn't vote that way.
tv snarkie, what do you know are you gay, bitch stay over at retro blog.net. Your a Kate hater but for gay marriage stupid slut ass.
Bigotry is Traditional for some intolerant people, you should talk tv snarkie, you bash Kate gosseline all day at retro blog.net.Everone has a right to there own opinion let her have hers will you? you dont like kate she doesdnt like gay marriage so what.
tv snarie, is a whore, from retro blog.net. Shes the worst over there this bitch smacks down eneyone who doesent agree with her. Moon another hater.
Yes, I am for people marrying who they love, no matter what their genitals are.
Yes, I hate Kate. She sells her kids so she doesn't have to have a real job. She's a bitch and so are her ignorant supporters.
Anonymous: Is this YOUR blog? I don't think DD would appreciate YOU telling ME to not post here.
Get your head out of Kate's ass and pay attention to your own kids.
The gays want Kates kids tv, idiot.
I saw her on t.v. and as soon as she said she was against gay marriage I knew she'd ruined her chances of winning. If she did not realize that too, she's even dumber than I thought she was and completey out of touch with reality. The people behind the Miss USA pageant aren't going to let a bigot like her win; they don't want to deal with gay rights groups protesting them.
I hope this ignorant twit quickly fades back into oblivion, where she belongs.
6:06 & 6:20
I don't know who TVsnarkie is, but were your posts actually supposed to make sense? All I get from them is I think you don't like this TVsnarkie woman. That gobbledy-gook was confusing in a mumbo-jumbo kind of way.
Why on earth would ANYONE think that Perez Hilton is qualified to judge a Miss America contest? That's like asking Kim Kardashian to chaperone a Debutante Ball!
Anon 6:06, learn to spell and punctuate properly before you spew your hate; you sound a lot like kate yourself.
I bet she could not find her beliefs in the Bible to save her life.
The Bible is a very difficult book. I don't believe she has ever read it. I wonder if she could name even ten books from the Bible.
6:20:00 PM, don't you have cakes to bake?
7:21 your a hypocryte (sp). She didnt say anything evil, she just said what she feels. Big deal. The courts will give you the right to marry your gay lover. There is no reason for hate, the law will fix itself. Common sense would say there is no good reason gays cant marry. But to lash out at her like that makes you a very small person as well.
Perv Hilton never should have been allowed to ask his question if an anti-faggot answer would have counted against a contestant. I hope he cried like a little girl that night and sharted his diaper.
The Miss USA pageant has been revealed to be the politically-correct tool of the new socialists.
Perv Hilton never should have been allowed to ask his question if an anti-faggot answer would have counted against a contestant. I hope he cried like a little girl that night and sharted his diaper.
The Miss USA pageant has been revealed to be the politically-correct tool of the new socialists. As sad as this post is, it still cracked me up.
Like many Christians, she seems to cherry pick "biblical correctness" to suit her needs. I'm sure it is not "biblically correct" for scantily clad women to parade around in front of thousands of people. Yet she doesn't seem to be adhering to those portions of the Bible. Splinters and planks, people. Splinters and planks.
Before talking badly about her, just read the bible. If you do not want to read it in English, read the original in e-sword.net, the best biblical software around. Ask God to give you understanding, ask Jesus to enter in your heart, he will tell you if when HE created the world HE intended marriage between two people of same sex. If so, go for it, the married gays and also the same sex civil unions will be married forever in a place where there is no winter, in HELL! have fun there!
God have mercy of them!
Eric In San Diego said,
I'm all for gay marriage...why should us straight folks be the only ones to suffer!
I saw a sign the other day that said, "A woman who's looking for a husband has never been married!"
(Get it?)
ThreeFarmers, I like the way you think and agree with everything you've said.
Bible, shmible. Whether you're for gay marriage or ag'in it, whether you're all big with the Jesus or you're not, Miss California is an idiot.
It wasn't her opinion, it was how it was expressed. Her syntax was as goofy and dumb as Miss Teen South Carolina. THAT is why she shouldn't have won. . .as though I care who wins a beauty pageant.
Har har - "socialist tool."
I love how people bandy about the term "socialism" even though they have no fucking idea what socialism is. Keep it up: It makes it easy to spot the morons.
Quick, look it up!
"I'm sure it is not "biblically correct" for scantily clad women to parade around in front of thousands of people." -Bedbugs and Ballyhoo
Hmmm. IIRC, God intended for humanity to run around in the nude until de debbil corrupted Eve and she became aware of her nudity and was ashamed. So much for your assertion that exposing the body is not "biblically correct".
Come on, I know you want to see some naked 44 y/o man with a double-boiler beer-belly and a Yeti-patch on his back! ;-)
If my doughy neighbors who strip down to their shorts and do yard work the second the temp hits 70 degrees are any indication, I truly appreciate the devil's work that is clothing.
" 7 or 8 who have died in California and Texas of Bird/Swine Flu.
I read the article and it says most of these people are recovering none died.
The death toll in Mexico did climb over the weekend.
Also, Miss California does not represent the America I live in nor want any part of.
Perez Hilton rock on!
"There is a clever limerick that always comes to mind when I think about the unintended consequence of the words we choose.
When the universe began,
God, they say, created man.
Conversely: dancing around the sod
Man, they say, created God
Watch your words or they may do
Something of the same to you."
Copyright N.M.D. 2009
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