Saturday, Brad and Angie at the Stop & Shop in New York. Everyone in the store said they were very nice. I'm sure they were. Seems to me they have people to do this stuff for them, they employ a staff that could run a large hotel. I guess they needed fresh watermelon and damage control. And Brad needed some Tampax.
they are doing it for publicity.. look at US we are still a Couple . and we are just like you little people we go to the grocery store to pick up food even thou we are a family of 8 and have a huge household staff
insert rolling @@ eyeballs here
Exactly!. They know it will be big news that the family shopped together. I wonder what they think when they see themselves on the maga and rags next to the cashier.
They can't do a damn thing right for anybody on here, can they!?!? They go out, they're publicity whores, they stay in, they're not together. I'm not jumping on their bandwagon, but DAMN! whatever story is posted about them, it's never anything but negativity. They both do alot of good too, so if they use their fame for a better purpose, more power to them.
insert rolling @@eyeballs here
They dressed up, called paps and went to the grocery, something they don't need to do and have not been seeen doing before. They stayed 30 minutes, they posed for pics with their public. You don't have to be a genius to figure out what they were up to.
And if they didn't pose with people for pictures they would be stuck up ass holes. Whatever!
Personally, I would LOVE to see them at the local store! How cool would that be?? I know, I know...they are just publicity whores out to show us all...what exactly? Do they give one SHIT what we think? They do what they do and we do what we do...sometimes they intersect. I ain't building no altar to 'em or anything, but I have more respect for Brad and Angelina than most of the Hollyweird types. These two at least TRY to do something good, and manage to look FABULOUS while doing it. Pencil me in as a fan...
She dresses like THAT to go to Stop and Shop?
Anon 1:27...I've vented some of my negativity in this post rather than your lousy driving skills.
Cute. I wonder if Angie dressed down instead of what she is wearing they could've just walked in and out without being really identified? Do you? With that hat over his eyes and sunglasses, we might not even know it was Brad. People in a grocery store usually, at least in my experience, aren't checking out other shoppers; they just want to get in and get the hell out as quickly as possible.
And excuse me anon 1:27, they give away a miniscule fraction of the ungodly amounts of money they make doing something as trivial as making movies, and we're supposed to glorify that?
If they gave away all of their houses and lived in a modest home I might think about it.
Hell, if Angie had one less spa treatment I might think about it.
1:32:00 PM, I don't hate them either.
And then again.... maybe they just wanted to stop at the store on their way home like anyone else.
Some people actually enjoy grocery shopping. I think that's what happened here.
(Of course, people who rush into the market at 6:30pm with 3 screaming kids and a fist-full of foodstamps have a difficult time with that concept, but there ya are.
Whoa, there Seachelle! Rein in a little bit, ok?
The fact that they donate their time and money, however miniscule the amount may be by your standards, speaks to the kind of people they are. Brad is involved in helping to rebuild New Orleans, are you? Angie is a member in good standing of the UN Council for Children, are you? They have issues, same as the rest of us. The difference is that they are constantly in the spotlight and still manage to love their kids, love each other, and do some good. Rant over...proceed to shred at will.
Now I hate them. Jesus.
Hey DD...call on somebody you know. (Couldn't resist...lol)
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE THAT MADE A DIFFERENCE LATELY?" I printed out your comment & lined my bird cage with it. I dont know about you but I feel a helluva lot better!
That ugly little Flava Flav is way too damn big to be riding in the cart like that suckin her thumb. They need to let those kids act their age.
Most people do some sort of volunteer work. The difference is that we don't have a publicist to inform the media everytime we give a donation that coincides with the release of a lame film or to prove to the world just how wonderful and altruistic we are. They are so full of it. The only people who admire them are certified morons.
Well, Anon 7:03...I guess I'm certifiable! I do admire them, and will continue to do so.
I don't think I like you...you have a big ol' streak of mean in you that ain't gonna wash out.
Eric, I was ranting about how god-like anon was treating them. No, didn't help re-build N.O....did you? No, I'm not in the UNC for Children..are you? I am too busy working three jobs to pay the bills and to raise my children. They are not. I don't believe they should be glorified for giving back 1/100 of what they earn by doing something as trivial as making movies. I give them credit for using their wealth for good, some of it anyway...but "To whom much is given, much is expected." Good for them. But I will not glorify them. Favor...I won't tell you what to "rein in"..far be it from me to dictate what you can feel/believe...and you do the same. Excellent.
Forgot to sign my name...I wrote 9:19.
Eric, after reading several of your posts I have come to the conclusion that you are stupid. I generally skip over them because there is really nothing of substance there. You are just another, sorry for the cliched term, "brangelunatic" they suck and so do their stupid fans. Please, continue to dislike my ass is bleeding for your acceptance and approval, moron.
Admiration of shallow vapid actors is so very sad.
I am soo over these two!!!!!!!
I could not agree with you more.
Hey DD...call on somebody you know.
I don't know what that means. Sorry.
Total publicity stunt. No woman goes to the grocery store dressed like that.
Ummm...ok, then! Guess y'all told me! I really didn't know my posts were quite so stupid and/or offensive.
Seachelle: if you re-read my post, you may note that I said "rein in a little bit". That is not an attempt to berate you or demean your statement, just an attempt to get you to at least acknowledge that, at least by Hollyweird's standards, Brad and Angelina DO try to help out. Your vitriol and animosity toward them is somewhat disconcerting, that's all.
I traveled to New Orleans and spent two weeks working both downtown and in the 9th Ward, cleaning flood damage and loading trucks with refuse.
I support children's causes fervently. As a former foster child, I work with kids in group homes today. I have also been a Scoutmaster for my son and his friends.
I give of myself when and how I can, so I respect them for doing some good work as well. I ain't no saint, and neither are they, but to denigrate everything they do is not really very fair, is it?
Wow...this post turned out to be a blast!! I haven't seen so much in-fighting since my last family get togetherd!!!
calm down people .. Brad and angleina are humans not walking saints...geezzzzz
Eric you are pathetic! No wonder you worship the trash that is Brad and Angelina. Posting your history of charitable work is a sick and lame attempt for validation just like your idols. I'm 7:03 you started this crap there are so many people that do so much more than these two fame whores and yet don't feel the need to publicize every dime they give. I won't even comment on the anonymous legions that have devoted their life to helping others. You and some of the other Brangelunatics need to put some perspective on your idolizing of these two morons. I don't hate them, which is the usual response from one of their rabid fans. I just don't see them as the all giving all loving people they try so desperately to make the world believe they are. So, Eric, die.
Eric, relax. Please re-read MY post. I just commented on how they shouldn't be glorified for doing what they SHOULD be going,IMO, which is giving back...albeit only a very small, small portion of the ungodly amount of money they make doing something as trivial as making movies. I did acknowlege that they help out; feel better?
If you want me to acknowlege that, just ask me, don't tell me to "rein it in." Again, I'm not going to dictate your passion, I ask the same of you.
Thank you for listing your good deeds. I can see why you admire people such as B and J, as they too like to hold before us all their good works.
I don't know..there is something about humility that I truly admire.
Again, "To whom much is given, much is expected." They are doing what they should be doing..and nothing for which to be glorified.
I hold no vitriol and did not denigrate everything they do. Nice word choices, by the way. I find myself wondering why you are so protective of them. Yes, they give back, but so do all of us in our own ways, with the means that we have. Our works just aren't as publicized, of which, by the way, they could have chosen to remain anonymous.
I'm glad you support children's causes, are a Scoutmaster, and adopt rescue dogs. We need people like you. Pat on the back.
Wow..I rarely see such anger and hate in the levels I see here.
I'm with Anon 1:27. It seems they are harassed for doing anything whether it be good or bad. Anything they do that is positive is looked upon as them trying to get attention. I don't get it. Yes I am a fan and always will be.
Even if I weren't I wouldn't have such anger and hate toward them. I've seen people show less hate to serial killers. I mean come on people, they are stars who are always in the limelight. Why hate them? Hate is something that shouldn't be abused. Hate only eats up the hater.
I have read quite a few of Eric's posts and he sounds far from stupid to me.
Love you, Eliza!
Eliza and Eric two idiots who come to a celebrity post looking for love. If you two morons want to read good loving pieces about stupitt and skankalina try going to a fan site. So, Eliza if you say he isn't stupid then it should be accepted. I have also read your posts and you really need to pull your head out of Angelina's ass and maybe you would gain some perspective.
You know, when someone lashes out like you do, at complete strangers I might add, it usually points to issues in their life that they can't deal with. They take that self-anger and focus it outward on those around them, especially if they can do so ANONYMOUSLY. In my personal opinion, you are a shrill harpy who has trouble making connections with other human beings, possibly with eight or more cats to whom you speak with a childlike voice. In other words, when you die the only person who will miss you will be the local grocery who sells you your cat food and Ramen noodles.
*winks* Thanks Eric lol
"applauds Eric" I could not have said it better.
So you're looking for love huh? lol
Oh god get a room you two.
You both are so arrogant it hurts to read your posts, especially eric's.
Eric your hypocrisy and delusional behavior is right up there with you idol, Angelina. I find it amusing that you vision yourself as some altruistic, moral, and just individual above the fray. You are always making nasty little comments about celebs that you don't care for. I pretty much ignore your inane little posts. You don't even have the sense to realize that you are doing exactly what you accuse others of attacking people that you don't know.
So nice of you to describe the life you have with your cats and the meals you eat. No wonder you idolize celebs. I will not try to defend myself like you did in your drawn out post about your charity work. Your need for validation proves that you are pathetic and need the stroking of strangers on a blog. Dude, really your ranting and the allegiance with the dim witted Eliza cast you as really very sad.
LIke I wrote earlier go to a fan site because whenever I visit this site and there is a post on the whore you idolize I will write something nasty because it bothers you.
Am I supposed to cry because Eric the Great doesn't think he likes me, dude, who the fuck do you think you are? I mean really you need help.
From this moment on whenever you write something negative I will call your hypocritical ass on it. So go ram something up your sanctimonious ass, douche.
I need a screen identity. How about one of the following:
Eric in San Diego is a hypocrite
Eric the douche
Eric the arrogant
Eric the ass
Pontificating Eric
Eric and Eliza suck
Bite me Eric
I'm sick of this however, I will be waiting for you and/or the arse that is Eliza to tell me that I should move out of my mothers basement. You forgot to throw that little cliche in with the rest of your profile of me.
9:14, you are brilliant. I am so glad someone else saw through him and put it to words so well. I will join your crusade and serve cheese and wine.
Things given from the heart are never broadcast and used to prove what a good person you are. People like Steven Speilberg, Paul Newman, and so many others have given more than Brad and Angelina ever will and they do it discreetly. Everything that Jolie and Pitt do is in your face "look at how giving we are." Definitely not from the heart.
awwww..I think there was a nerve hit..
Dimwitted? lmao..goes to show how well you know me.
Well I don't argue with children. I'm going back to not checking posts after I post. Too much childishness.
"Too childish", eh? I think someone else is a little happy on themselves too. You and eric would make a fine couple.
You know you've checked back and are reading this.
I think YOUR nerve was hit.
Look at you still posturing and trying to play noble writing as if this is all so beneath you. If it was, you wouldn't have started pontificating as if you have the right to dictate behavior. You love Angelina we get it she is beautiful, sexy, to you she is Salvador mundi, to me she is a stinking whore in every sense of the word.
Eliza no nerve was hit. This is yet another example of your inflated ego thinking that you can effect me. I am an anonymous poster if I wanted to get on your good side I know exactly what to post to make you respond in a certain way. The thing is, bitch, I don't know you neither do I want to, my assumptions are based on your posts. I've read numerous post from you over the year and my opinion is based solely on those which is like everyone else that posts on these blogs. When you like someone you go above and beyond to defend them. If someone has an opinion to the contrary of yours they are evil, mean-spirited, or the hackneyed response you always fall back on the hate angle.
You might not be an idiot but your posts glorifying Angelina is nauseating to the point that I make sure I skip over them.
The childish behavior came from you and your asinine partner Eric. I will continue this because the two of you are so fixated on yourself it is unbelievable. I love that you think Eric posts are far from stupid. It just solidifies my assessment of the both of you.
I think I've finally settled on a identity for this blog.
Eliza and Eric Suck.
I will remove this if the DD finds it offensive. But you to morons die.
I wish to clarify a couple of points here, and then I'm done trying to defend myself.
1. From the beginning, I stated that my admiration of these actors was based on "by Hollyweird's standards" not Mother Teresa's.
2. I only listed my actions in response to a query, not just "hey, look at me."
3. When a poster puts something like "die, Eric, die" in their response, it tends to get my back up and I respond in kind.
4. I ain't lookin' for love here...I have that in my life already. All I'm lookin' for here is an opportunity to have fun and be snarky.
5. That said, this thread is no longer fun and I hope DD removes it soon.
What started out as a fun sharing of opinions has devolved into attacks and counterattacks and I'm saddened by that.
Eric, of course you want this post removed because it shows that you can dish it out but you can't take it. Surprisingly, others feel that you're an obnoxious ass, so, of course, that propelled you to start defending yourself. You took offense because I stated, "The only people who admire them are certified morons." I still hold to that belief and you have done nothing but prove the point.
Your holier than thou attitude is insufferable. You are no better than the rest of us. Assholes like you and Eliza who constantly feel the need to put the "hater" label on people need to look at yourself and read some of the crap that you post about others. Your reaction to what someone writes on a blog gets you crazy. "Die" is just another way of saying "fuck-off" you would know this if you weren't such a sanctimonious ass who takes himself way to seriously. This is a celebrity gossip blog, you idiot.
Eric and Eliza suck!
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