“She kicked up a fuss and demanded someone get her cup and saucer back. “She wouldn’t drink out of anything else. It just looked like any other cup and saucer to me and said ‘Made in China’ on the bottom. It seemed a lot of fuss over nothing.”
I just drink out of the restaurant's cups, am I weird? GaGa is quite fun to watch, isn't she? You never know who she's going to be or what planet she will hail from on any given day.
That's one ugly tranny.
It's anybody's guess. If you ask me, Lady GaGa is trying waaaay too hard. She doesn't need to-- She's unique, she's talented and she's already got the attention as well as the respect of the music industry just now.
All these silly antics are just going to get her a batshit-crazy label she'll never be able to overcome.
Give it a rest, Gogz.
I love her! Can't get enough of her. She's refreshing after all the cookie cutter singers. Crazy, yes. But entertaining!
I hope she's smart enough to save some of that money she's making. She'll need it.
I probably would be upset if I lost my favorite tea cup, but I'm a weirdo and I love dishes.
That is Christina Aquilaras wannabe twin sister right there.
That is Christina Aquilaras wannabe twin sister right there.
That Betty Boop mouth is fug-cute.
Who is this Lady GaGa? Ive never heard of her until now
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