Lindsay Lohan zero'd in on Leonardo DiCaprio at a Hollywood club the other night and gave him a lap dance. He liked it. The Blow has tried to hook up with Leo before and it didn't work. Maybe this time she got his attention. Doesn't surprise me, men like bad girls. If they hang out what will we call them? Leo-Ho? Ho-Leo? I like that last one, it sounds like the chorus from that Wizard Of Oz tune.
Le ho?
Leo would be her dream catch since he is a frequent Oscar nominee and works with Scorcese. She fails to recognize he knows sane, prettier women.
Most men like what their dick likes though. Truth.
Yeah, DD...speaking from the little head's perspective, she is still a pretty young thing. If you've been drinking a lot...and if she has been home to clean up after the night before...and if you can stand the smell of stale cigarette smoke...and if you don't mind sharing your date with the ugly ass DJ...
Blech blech blech. Why doesn't she just stay home for once. Nobody should ever feel bad for her when she bitches about paps and bad attention: She asks for it in spades.
Well, if men think with their dick, women think with their romance gene. We're all fucked up.
Romance gene...ha ha ha. I think that got left out of my DNA along with my biological clock. As a result I'm in a sane and happy relationship and childless. Life's great! Although, sometimes I wish I'd married for money first and then love. My scheming gene wasn't well-honed when I was young and cute.
Same here. My scheming gene was absent. I should have had a transplant when I had The Blow's bod.
4:26, that sounds like the kind of life I'm aiming for. I however am still single so maybe I can get the rich thing thrown in there too. : )
How about DiCapri-ho
so does anyone know what causes anal discharge? cant be an std, I've only been screwing my black plastic 10 inch dong and i never put it in my asshole.
Ok there, Anon 7:05!! You need to navigate your way over to a medical site, like webMD.com. Around here, you are more likely to receive some serious abuse for your question!
Something along the lines of: Anal Discharge?? Isn't that how gay men get out of the Military?
I'd email Kate Gosselin. She has a whole show devoted to what comes out of assholes.
I'm enjoying the "anal discharge" missives popping up at random.
Too many WOW potato chips? Olestra, right?
Maybe somebody went on the Alli diet stuff and ate a little too much fatty food. I hear that's what Alli does...gives you the anal leakage. That, or maybe he/she was reading Multiple Blessings...
He is just hoping she will bring along another girl and he can get some freaky three-way lezbo sex!
If you think this bitch is pathetic now just wait until she's 35 and still pulling this shit.
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