Monday, April 20, 2009

Multiple Ble$$ings, by Kate review

There's a place for everything. And I found the perfect place for this one.


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Dirty Disher said...

I was going to try and trade it, on here, for anything by Tori Spelling, but, I know you'd end up mad at me.

Anonymous said...

LMAO! Best place for it.

Anonymous said...

I actually want to read Tori's newest book :::ducking down::::

8XploitedFaces said...

I would read Tori over Kate any day!

However, they do have a lot in common.
- both stole their husbands from other woman
- both believe in exploiting their kids (Tori's baby in the red carpet with lights flashing in her little face)
- both are estranged from their mothers

However, I kinda like Tori, I cannot stand Hate.

Dirty Disher said...

Kate's plagerized book really sucked. It was just an adventure in snooze land.

Anonymous said...

Why are you throwing out perfectly good toilet paper?

Nina said...

Perfect place for it. What a PR shot...roflmao..

I would read Tori's book too.

Dirty Disher said...

7:50:00..Kate already shit all over it. Trust me.

Anonymous said...

If we keep taiking about them, they won't ever go awsay!

Anonymous said...

If we keep taiking about them, they won't ever go awsay!

seachelle said...

I am now offically in love with you, DD. Thanks for making my day.

Anonymous said...

1) Kate stole her husband from another woman?

2) How is the book plagerized?

Anonymous said...

DD, great place for that book, however; it is Earth Day on the
22nd. I wonder if you could have used it for your kitty litter box?

Recycle, recyle, recyle.

Anonymous said...

ever hear of goodwill?

recycle, reuse

Anonymous said...

Jon had a girlfriend when he met Kate. He dumped her the next day.

Anonymous said...

We all know that Jon's ex-girlfriend is sitting in her quiet house watching Jon lose his balls by Kate "the bitch" weekly and is just laughing her ass off. She is probably loving every second that Jon is publically humiliated by that skank who "stole" him.

K8's hair looks like boy george's fupa said...

It's such a tribute to authors these days. No matter who you are, if you got a little change in your pocket, you "write" a book. Great, another heart warming story of a mother's struggle to keep her family functional while balancing all life has to offer. Really? Maybe if I took a dump in a book, closed it, then opened it, my Rorschach would paint a better picture than this failure of a mother. Have you noticed that the twins are treated like funded foster kids? The only attention they receive is from their father, who needs to plan a "special day" just to spend time with them. It seems that after a certain age, the children do not receive the same attention they did when they were younger. As if, she's the type that only likes children at the age when they need care. Similar to the people that get puppies, and only love them when they are small and cute. Just loving them because they are new. Kate is no longer seen "caring" for them, but yapping on her cell, pretending she is important, lining up her next speaking engagement. People attend lectures to hear something interesting. Not for some Lehigh Valley douche turd go on about how her family is a miracle. The only miraculous thing is that Jon hasn't punched a hole in her head. By no means do I encourage domestic abuse, but I would choke the shit out of her. How can any decent human actually stand to be around her. She acts like since she has a semi-successful tv show, she can treat people like they are beneath her. At some point, all the people that have made her who she is today, will be the same to take it all back. I find it astounding that people can actually buy into her bullshit. Watch how many times she complains about something, then a few episodes later, that something that was causing the meltdown is either gone or replaced. What's going to happen when those physical objects become her family? Will she have them replaced as well? Her children are full of personality, and will someday realize their mother is, with all due respect, a cunt.

Bohemianmoon said...

******Why are you throwing out perfectly good toilet paper?******

DD's ass is much too good for it.

Anonymous said...

Live your blog! FYI- There is an article in the newest edition of "Life & Style" magazine entitled "Jon & Kate Plus 9! Implies that they are adopting again and that they may be doing it in Hawaii. Just too many things wrung with this!

Anonymous said...

Implies that they are adopting again

AGAIN? when did they adopt a first time ? ?

Anonymous said...

Implies that they are TRYING to adopt again. They first tried Korea and that did not work out.

ihateeveryone said...

If people didn't keep buying and watching this kind of crap it wouldn't be done- so don't buy the book and don't watch the show and guess what?? POOF!! they are gone. Of course, then certain folks wouldn't have anything to bitch about!

Dirty Disher said...

I didn't buy it. I would never buy anything by Kate.

Anonymous said...

No credible agency here or overseas would let this dysfunctional family adopt any child. The children J&K have already should be given to people that actually want them. If J&K do end up adopting another child then this country has truely gone to fucking HELL.

Anonymous said...

**Jon had a girlfriend when he met Kate. He dumped her the next day.**

No one does this. Kate must give really good head.

Dirty Disher said...

And Beth Carson wrote the book. Kate put her name on it.

Anonymous said...

Ive realized that BabyMamas site is a site you go to to only read her opinion of the Gosselins. If you say stuff that's the same as she believes, she'll post. If not she wont. She is a pussy whos unable to back up what she says so she deletes anyone with a mind of their own. She's a fucking bitch! So is Teresa & NCL

Anonymous said...

Has your trash been picked up yet? If not, can you set that "Multiple Scriptures Stolen From The Bible And Made To Look Like Kate's Own Thoughts" book on fire and take another picture of it for us? Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Whats the deal with RetroBlog?

Disher said... me.

Libby said...

Multiple Ble$$ings in the garbage - perfect, absolutely perfect!

RetroQueen said...

Some Kate fans hate retroblog because we don't agree with them. They post, we argue, They get upset and the moderator ends up blocking them for threatening people or being crude.

They are jealous. Plain and simple.
Or, maybe I should say jelous.

Another Retro Queen said...

..and the funny thing is, it's the Sheeples that come in to Retro that are vulgar, judgemental, name-calling bitches.

Anonymous said...


We should ask Kate's bodyguard that question because that is the only balls she has seen in 5 years. HAHA

Anonymous said...

IN!! for the Dirty Disher-hate!!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

NCL(top bitch), Teresa(top bitch wannabe),Rob(or Sally as he's known),Imvee(hefer),Amber(ditz),Kathleen O'Brian(snore), Nora(snore),Elizabeth(wannabe saint),LeslieJDC(holier than thou),Heather(so sad),Mom Logic(big jokes),Jennifer(ewwww)

Yet Another Retro Queen said...

There have been people come to Retroblog that search out personal info on regular posters & taunt them with the fact that know this persons real name & where they live & create a thread with that persons real name.(ncl is 1) So that's the lovely array of folks that visit Retroblog.(teresa too)

NCL said...

Cowardly Anonymous Said, "NCL(top bitch)"

Thank you. I'm honored that you chose to come to another site to bestow my title.

NCL said...

And yet another anonymous poster said, "There have been people come to Retroblog that search out personal info on regular posters & taunt them with the fact that know this persons real name & where they live & create a thread with that persons real name.(ncl is 1) So that's the lovely array of folks that visit Retroblog..."

Your facts are wrong. I came across an identity by mistake. The poster in question left her identity vulnerable while slinging insults around--she obviously didn't know how to use the privacy settings. Had I wanted to announce her name and address I could have. I didn't. I checked to make sure that it was a valid name by putting it together with information she posted about herself, made sure she was still on the blog, and then I left a message in a post for said "userid" that she needed to change her identity options to remain anonymous. Actually, I used the word "ping" and the poster's first name telling her to go to the forum so that only she would recognize, but the poster didn't know that ping means "attention" in the computer world. She had also stated in earlier posts that Daniel (blog admin) was not responding to email so I chose to try to solve the situation--in hind sight, probably a wrong move on my part.

I later had a weak moment and apologized to the poster because she was too hysterical (she's also a drama queen) to understand that nothing had been divulged and all she had to do was to change her settings, for causing Daniel any problems, and for aggravating the "ladies", iirc. Choosing to lie on yet another site shows stupidity, once again.

If anyone doubts this information, take a look and read retro-blog. It's all there in black and white. Daniel is a welcoming and more than fair blog administrator. I'm sure he'd enjoy the traffic. I no longer post there out of respect for Daniel, and because it gets all the ladies' panties in a wad and then they can't seem to make a statement without using obscenities and lies. It seems they want attention, though, so they've come here to stir the pot. They must be tiring of praising each other and declaring their undying love for one another.

I'm not surprised that the retro queens, as they call themselves, would disrespect Daniel by posting garbage, that they posted, and he solved on his blog, over here.

Nina said...

Oh, I love it when psychotics attempt to clean their own slates.

NCL came onto Retroblog calling everyone gossip hounds etc...She got called on her obvious contradictive nature and apologized.
Then again and again she would post sensibly for a bit then break into insulting, editorial rants on a site that is obviously an anti-G site. More than once she had to retract comments in posts because they were incorrect quotes or flat out lies.

No one tolerated her constant editing of others thoughts and POV's. Then, most just considered the source and ignored her.

She inapprropriatly posted personal info about another poster
when she could have easily notified the mod.

I do think others should go and read the snide posts, with veiled threats to the other poster. Anyone with functional braincells can easily see that she was attempting to cause fear.

She has also time and again said she was neither fan or anti-G's in regards to the show. One of her last posts mentioned that the only reason she posted at all was to annoy another poster. How mature is that?

Why persue people on a site who discuss a program you hold no views for one way or the other. Wouldn't one be better served finding a site of like-minded folks to have a pleasant exchange with?

She is a person who has never learned how to relate and maintain fulfilling relationships on the web or probably anywhere else for that matter. She openly admitted to being lonely.

She cannot blame her dysfunctional behavior and anti-social traits on anyone but herself. She doesn't post anymore because No One would respond....

NCL said...

April 22, 2009 10:47:00 AM GST
Nina said...
Oh, I love it when psychotics attempt to clean their own slates. (Blah, blah, blah)

Go back a long way and read retroblog, folks. Remember, toward the end, that Daniel cleaned up some of the obsenity posted by the "ladies".

Just a reader said...

I just went and checked out retro. This ncl is a crazy bitch who goes on and says a bunch of shit then says she is never coming back and like 2 min.'s later she's back talking more shit.She's always saying how she hates the reg. peeps in there.
Mostly the regs. in there sound pretty smart and tight. I think ncl needs to go see Dr. fixurfuckinhead. she's a spaz no doubt!

NCL said...

Just a reader said...(another anonymous retro queen?)
"...ncl is a crazy bitch / shit / shit / fixurfuckinhead...

Typical retro queen post

Anonymous said...

NCL, post your arrogant, high and mighty crap somewhere else. Anyone who lurks at Retro knows that you are a game-playing, lonely (your own words), woman. DD's readers don't need this slopped onto to them as well.

Being a long-time lurker of Retro, I can say with all honesty that whenever I go to that site, those ladies completely entertain me and make me think.

They are real. You are a real pain in the ass. Figure out who you want to be and dominate someone else.

Anonymous said...

"IN!! for the Dirty Disher-hate!!! ;-)" I dont understand this comment. Can someone explain? Thanks

lurker long time said...

I lurk all over too and agree with you 100%. ncl=fucktard.
You always hear about people having a few screws loose this one has a whole hardware store floating around in that addled head of hers. Her posts are the most obscene thing I've seen on retro,

Anonymous said...

NCL- Oh the pleasure is all mine. Nobody deserves it more than you.

Anonymous said...

NCL- And you're the bitch who posted someones personal info & opened a thread in her real name.

Teresa said...

ncl can't go back to retro cause they all ignore her and she can't get in the private forum and she is jealous. Boo-fuckin-hoo lonely ole sap. Life's a bitch when you make people hate you huh?

Anonymous said...

NCL- You sound dumber & dumber everytime you peddle that fairytale. Sure instead of going to the admin to let him try to alert her that her personal info was open you put her initials in your comments, open a thread in her name (because that's the discreet thing to do) & attempt to give out where she lives. You may be dead to her, but trust me alot of people think you're disgusting.

NCL said...

April 22, 2009 12:05:00 PM GST
Anonymous said...
NCL- And you're the bitch who posted someones personal info & opened a thread in her real name.

You're not wrapped tight, Anonymous. I'm sure the bloggers in this forum are smart enough to go back a couple of months in retroblog and decipher the truth for themselves. Don't insult their intelligence.

Anonymous said...

NCL- Has a very distinct pattern. She will be cordial & commenting back & forth fine, then she gets pissed & calls posters horrible names, then she will start threatening, she will leave & then she will come back crying with her sob story. They figured her out long ago. I encourage people to go back in the posts a ways & read her progression to evil with your own 2 eyes.

NCL said...

April 22, 2009 12:08:00 PM GST

Anonymous said...
"NCL- You sound dumber & dumber (blah blah blah)..."

Obviously, you don't have the ability to grasp the truth.
"You may be dead to her, but trust me alot of people think you're disgusting."

Ask me if I care what any of the retroqueens (fitting name by the way) think.

I'm not going to continue with a war here with posters who choose to be anonymous.

Your diatribe is boring.

Anonymous said...

NCL- You're right if any go back & read the posts we'll see what they say. Im surprised that you're on DD's site since you once said she was a little delusional at times. For the record Im not insulting DD's intelligence or the other posters on her, Im questioning the fact that you think YOU'RE intelligent.

I love crabbie said...

NCL you halfwit. I've been on this site since the beginning and I've started reading retro awhile back as well. DON'T EVEN think you're going to play a plea case here. We have way less tolerance for assholes then the retro group. Remeber we like crabbie...Get a move on ancient troll...Take your pity party to a site that care.

NCL'S Therapist said...

Yeah NCL, find a rock and crawl back under it. The geriatric wing is that way>

Anonymous said...

NCL- Oh I think you care what they say about you, which is where your anger comes from. You tried to come back & apologize & peddle your sob story & they didnt fall for it again, which is when you hit the fucking roof! When you came back & apologized to them I thought they should have at least accepted it, until I read your take back of your apology a little while ago. Sorry Retrobloggers she fooled me to. NCL UP YOUR DOSAGE YOU CRAZY, PSYCHO BITCH! DD I love your posts from start to finish. Your site ROCKS!!!!

Get fucked said...

I gotta agree with, I love crabbie.
No sympathy here. I remember reading all the shit you stirred up at retro. Lonely, isolated, polarized loser looking to stir the pot in a new location. NOT a GOOD choice to start HERE.

Teresa (top bitch wannabe) said...

Wow! You ladies must be bored over at Retro so have to come here and start crap.

I have seen you all have mentioned my name as well as NCL's all over the place. And I have also seen what other people are saying about you and your responses to those comments validates what is being said.

Now, one of you are posting using my name... Too Funny!!!

For those of you who don't know me, I am the real Teresa (top bitch wannabe).

NCL said...

Oh, heck, I just can't resist this one,
Anonymous said...
"NCL, post your arrogant, high and mighty crap somewhere else. Anyone who lurks at Retro knows that you are a game-playing, lonely (your own words), woman. DD's readers don't need this slopped onto to them as well.

Find a post from me before my response to a bored, anonymous, retroblogger this morning.

Being a long-time lurker of Retro, I can say with all honesty that whenever I go to that site, those ladies completely entertain me and make me think.

That must be a novelty for you--thinking, that is.

They are real. You are a real pain in the ass. Figure out who you want to be and dominate someone else."


Has it occurred to you that I never commented on this blog until today when I responded to an coward who brought my name up--looking for a fight.

You're looking for attention--nothing must be going on at retro--and you need to feed the beast. Open wide---you're a dufus.

No pity said...

I went to Retro I read wayyy the fuck back and I caught a lot of NCL's shit. She insulted and attempted to play opinion dominatrix over there and the girls kicked her ass with logic, intellegence and candor. She's here trying to suck ass for a new perch to sit on.

Poor old buzzard don't even know who she's dealing with on this site. I think she's needs a big ole vinbrator set on high more than a new place to post. If anybody need a good rough fuck and a hand full of tranq's it's her.

NCL said...

Hi, Teresa!

I figured that was a forged post.

I didn't expect anything else--you're right--they're bored, and they're over here posting and agreeing with themselves. Too funny.


Anonymous said...

This site allows the true colors of people to show through. For example NCL. What a loser! Ive yet to find anyone that likes her. She needs to lay off the computer for a while & come to terms with why she is the way she is.That ho is CRAZY! MAYBE SHE SLINK OFF FOR A WHILE OR BETTER YET FOR GOOD. DOUBLE CHECK YOUR PERSONAL INFO GUYS!SHE'LL FIND IT!

Teresa (top bitch wannabe). said...

Yes NCL - they are bored... I don't know about you, but I have the feeling that they miss us.

I almost feel sorry for them... ROFLMAO.

NCL said...

Teresa, I think you're right. How can they be so transparent and not expect us to laugh???

NCL said...

Oh, I forgot, Teresa. I like your new title. heheh

no time for shit. said...

Oh Fuck the neighborhood has been brought down in value. The fuckin granny squad has arrived. NCL & Teresa. You two need to come to grips with the fact you're losers and everybody laughs at you. I just checked out some of the stuff on retro and the two of you read like a couple of idiots. Why the fuck would you go onto a non-fan site to post shit like that. It's like going swimming and bitching about being wet, for Christs sake. Grow the fuck up or die.

Anonymous said...

Teresa you're no better than NCL so who are you to defend anyone? Maybe you 2 should start dating each other & relieve some of that aggression. You 2 are crazy. Do you all hear an echo when you talk due to the empty space between your ears?

NCL said...

Oh, geez, Teresa, you may have taken my title. It's okay. I don't mind being second in line to the throne.

Unlike the retroqueens, however, I won't proclaim my undying love for you.

Teresa (top bitch wannabe) said...

Retros: I don't care what you or anyone else thinks of me. But please keep on going, you are making fools of yourselves.

Also, I am glad that Daniel decided to keep an eye on things and made you clean up your act. He does have a great site but your presence just makes it trashy.

To the real NCL - They really think we are stupid!

NCL said...

Oops, that really was me, Teresa

The forging and ANYMOUSING can get confusing!

April 22, 2009 1:08:00 PM GST
NCL said...
Oh, geez, Teresa, you may have taken my title.

Anonymous said...

Aw shit. I know why this ncl cunt is all wound up. Someone told her her old man offed himself cause she was such a bitch and she got all crazy about it and the person who said it said they were sorry. I wouldn't have, cause it's true living with a crazy bitch like you I'd rather swallow a bullet too.

You can;t go back to that site cause the mod would kick your ass out. He thinks your a stinky ole cunt looking for trouble too.

DD don't take a lot of shit either.

Teresa (top bitch wannabe) said...

NCL- It can get a bit confusing... They won't even use their names. They are just probably confused with all the new names that they have created for themselves to try to fool us!

I am amazed how some of these posters can go back and read months worth of comments in a few minutes, and come back with such "intelligent" responses.

I don't know about you, but I am enjoying this. It's like being sober around a bunch of drunks and watching them talk stupid and make fools of themselves.

NCL said...

April 22, 2009 1:35:00 PM GST

Teresa said:
"...I am amazed how some of these posters can go back and read months worth of comments in a few minutes, and come back with such "intelligent" responses..."


I was thinking the same thing. Slow thinkers, fast readers, I guess. heheh

Teresa (top bitch wannabe) said...

Well NCL - We are being ignored. I don't know about you, but I am heartbroken. I think I will go under my rock and cry (boo, hoo).

Funny, they call for us, we show up and then they go hide in their hell hole. I guess they thought we died or something.

MsPeabody said...

So NCL’s original plan was to spare the one she calls a “drama queen” some heartache by sharing her knowledge on weirdo’s getting a hold of private info. If one is not careful and so she shared with the “drama queen” (her words not mine” how easy it was to get her private info, including address which in turn alarmed the one NCL has named “drama queen”. I would have been alarmed too same as this person whom NCL calls “drama queen” because of the way NCL warned this person of the so called threat if her info got out there. First of all, NCL and this person were not on good talking terms and if NCL was really so concerned for this ones welfare, NCL could have privately gone to Dan (moderator of Retroblog) with her findings and let him share the concern since this one had trust in Dan. But she didn’t do that and instead shared it with everyone which shows motives imo that had nothing to do with true concern for another’s welfare. NCL has consistently done things like this in Retroblog to others as well and because she now finds herself unwelcome there she boo hoos about it here and probably anywhere else she can twist it. She came on Retroblog to deceive those who oppose Jane and Take. She doesn’t like anyone who sees right through those two cons. She should have a warning beside her name from now on that says: Warning, her blogs can be dangerous to the hearers, for one’s own health it’s best to pass over her blogs!
NCL said: I'm not surprised that the retro queens, as they call themselves, would disrespect Daniel by posting garbage, that they posted, and he solved on his blog, over here.
We are giving out a warning shout to those who read your posts to be wary, be careful for things just aren’t what they appear at first. I don’t see that as disrespecting Dan, in fact he can be proud.
NCL said: I no longer post there out of respect for Daniel, and because it gets all the ladies' panties in a wad and then they can't seem to make a statement without using obscenities and lies. It seems they want attention, though, so they've come here to stir the pot. They must be tiring of praising each other and declaring their undying love for one another.
The truth is you no longer post over there because no one wants to hear what you have to say. I have never used obscenities or lied but have always called it as I saw it. It’s funny you bring up us tiring of praising each other and declaring our undying love for one another which is childish in the first place but mostly because you show your jealousy of the friendships that have developed over there and not with just a few as you seem to suggest but many more have been welcomed into the friendly atmosphere since you left. You couldn’t play nice and for some reason couldn’t get along with the group so now you’re pouting and mad. I watched time and time again those lovely women; me included give you the benefit of the doubt and welcome you back after yet another one of your attempts to cause a problem. It’s a shame you couldn’t learn something’s about yourself and even have some interpersonal growth from those things but instead you want revenge.
Now, I’ve said enough about all that and want to throw out a Great Big Welcome to anyone who just wants to chat, share their thoughts about the J&K plus eight show on the Retroblog forum, come see for yourself that things are not as NCL has described but know that if you are a troll who comes to hurl insults and speak as a child with accusations saying we are just jealous, or we need to get a life or change the channel or we must be bad parents, etc. then know that you will be ignored, passed over for we are adults having adult conversations and friendships with one another and will not waste time on such childish games. We have all come into agreement over at Retroblog concerning such things.

BTW, I agree with the picture of the book in the garbage and can’t think of a better place for it to be with the exception of being in the Gosselin photo albums only for their eyes to see. What kind of people puts up their family photo’s for sale for every freak out there to look at and do whatever their sick minds can think to do? Family photo’s are for the family and close friends to look back on and reminisce, not for public viewing. Jon and Kate have no good sense, I’m sure they are using God as the scapegoat in why they have put this book out there, they’ve used Him for a scapegoat in every other crazy thing they’ve done so am sure they’ve done it with this book too.

Life is Good said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

"I guess they thought we died or something." NCL & Teresa- More like hoped.

Teresa (top bitch wannabe) said...

MsPeabody said... "She came on Retroblog to deceive those who oppose Jane and Take. She doesn’t like anyone who sees right through those two cons."

NCL made it clear from the start that she is a Non-Fan!!!

Once again, a perfect example of your inability to comprehend what you read.

Let's see, what will you come back with:

1) I will ignore Teresa.
2) Teresa and NCL should get together.
3) Damn BK's need to go back and crawl under their rock.
4) Some other nonsense.

Please people do go support RetroDan's site. He is a nice guy.

Here are some of the bitches - I mean - Queens rules:

- Just make sure that you are on the same page as them.
- Make sure to make negative comments about BK's.
_ And VERY IMPORTANT... MAKE SURE TO USE YOUR SPELLCHECK BEFORE POSTING. Only the Queens are permitted to make spelling and grammar errors without their credibility being questioned or being called uneducated, retards, idiots, etc.

Have fun at Retroblog!

Anonymous said...

NCL- In the real world telling someones private info can get you a date with Mr Asswooping so I think you got off pretty easy. How dare you squash any feeling of security that the blogger had when you told her info. If she had wanted anyone to know that she would have used her real name in the 1st place.What you did was a very scary thing & I wish there was something she could do about it.The next person you do that to may not be as willing to let it go as she did. Then you're confused why they dont want you back on there? Are you serious? Who could ever trust you? Lady, what you did no matter how you try to shift blame was wrong & you know it. Then you come here & said the apology that you made was all a lie? You dont know why they are not welcoming you back? OMG! When I went & read the previous comments she never retracted her apology to you despite what you did to her.She never did. You've got a dark heart & no conscience which makes you extremely dangerous in my book.Hopefully she will tell enough people & no will ever trust you.

Anonymous said...

Ive got to read that book! Everyone says that Beth wrote it & Kate put her name on it, is that true? Does Beth attend any book signings with Kate? Is Kate put on as author or is it a 50/50 thing between her & Beth. Somebody knows this info. Fill me in.

Teresa (top bitch wannabe) said...

Anonymous said...
"I guess they thought we died or something." NCL & Teresa- More like hoped.

April 22, 2009 3:17:00 PM GST

Sorry to disappoint you. But come on, for once be honest and admit that you've all missed me... I mean you mention my name often enough.

BTW - Would you please let Chelle know that her comment on Baby Mama's site where she offered to proof read her posts was very sweet. I guess she had taken a "nice" pill that day.

Anonymous said...

Retroblog has always said it's a non-fan site.The mod over there was REALLY upset with them, huh? So upset that he made an "invite only" forum for them so they could talk without any interference from you 2. Then to top it off he lets THEM be the ones that decide who's allowed in & who's not.That's what you all are pissed about. Oh yeah he punished them good, huh? I love reading your rants. So very pathetic! I got an idea why don't you go & ask their mod to let you on that forum & see what he says.

Anonymous said...

NCL & Teresa- That site is a non-fan site as is made clear in the mod's opening comment. What was that about an inability to comprehend what you read thing you were saying?

Anonymous said...

"I guess she had taken a "nice" pill that day." NCL & Teresa- As oppossed to you 2who seem to overdose on bitch pills daily!

Anonymous said...

NCL wrote, "
I no longer post there out of respect for Daniel, and because it gets all the ladies' panties in a wad and then they can't seem to make a statement without using obscenities and lies. It seems they want attention"

First, you no longer post there because we have caught on to your ways. You know what those are. They involve lying, deception, arrogance and pride.

Second, I am a regular poster there and have not once used obscenities. I can count several others who have not either. We have also posted no lies, they are called OPINIONS, NCL.

Third, we want attention? This from a woman who comes on to "teach us lesson" and show how intelligent she can be...while also bemoaning her lonliness, as we simply mind our own business?

You say we praise each other. Honey, it's called friendship. Perhaps you should try might help you with your issues.

Fourth, my panties can't get in a wad because I don't wear them.

Now, honestly, DD and her fans could care less about all of this. Take your odd little mind out into the fresh air and find some friends. Please.

Anonymous said...

NCL & Teresa- Hey you forgot some. #5.Hold on to your info while this 2 are on the site.#6. Be prepared to be called bitches by these 2. #7.NCL will definately come back with her sob story after she leaves for the 100th time. #8.They will appear friendly in the beginning which hopefully the Queens will be able to share their tale with others & make NCL & Teresa unable to fool others. One site at a time. Keep spreading the story on these 2 & what others need to look out for regarding them.Hopefully, the next person will know about them before that poor soul's private info is spread around.Let mods know what they have been able to pull off in the past. Next time they could give someones info out & could really cause trouble or danger for someone. Is it unheard of these days for people to get mad at comments & hunt down the person who posted them, especially when the info is just handed to them? The Craigslist killer? Have you ever really pissed someone off? Now imagine you REALLY pissed them off & look what they were given,all your info.This kind of evil has to be stopped!!! Do you want someone knocking on your door? Me either.

Teresa (top bitch wannabe) said...

Anonymous said...
Retroblog has always said it's a non-fan site.The mod over there was REALLY upset with them, huh? So upset that he made an "invite only" forum for them so they could talk without any interference from you 2. Then to top it off he lets THEM be the ones that decide who's allowed in & who's not.That's what you all are pissed about. Oh yeah he punished them good, huh? I love reading your rants. So very pathetic! I got an idea why don't you go & ask their mod to let you on that forum & see what he says.

April 22, 2009 3:56:00 PM GST

Oh, yeah, you are so right... I am soooo pissed, and sad and depressed. I haven't slept in weeks thinking about what you all might be saying (ROFLMAO).

Get over yourselves. All this might be of high important to you, but not me... Just a form of entertainment on days like today when I have nothing better to do.

Anonymous said...

NCL- No, no, no. Go ask the mod to allow you on the forum. Anyone can post. Ask to be put on the list to get into the forum. What you just did over there meant nothing. Go on. We'll wait.

Teresa (top bitch wannabe) said...

Anonymous said...

"BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.... Now, honestly, DD and her fans could care less about all of this. BLAH,BLAH,BLAH..."

April 22, 2009 4:10:00 PM GST

I agree "DD and her fans could care less about all of this", then why did you bring it up?

Just to refresh your memory:

Anonymous said...
NCL(top bitch), Teresa(top bitch wannabe),Rob(or Sally as he's known),Imvee(hefer),Amber(ditz),Kathleen O'Brian(snore), Nora(snore),Elizabeth(wannabe saint),LeslieJDC(holier than thou),Heather(so sad),Mom Logic(big jokes),Jennifer(ewwww)

April 22, 2009 3:56:00 AM GST

Yet Another Retro Queen said...
There have been people come to Retroblog that search out personal info on regular posters & taunt them with the fact that know this persons real name & where they live & create a thread with that persons real name.(ncl is 1) So that's the lovely array of folks that visit Retroblog.(teresa too)

April 22, 2009 4:07:00 AM GST

lisa k said...

Oh God, its NCL and Teresa! What the hell are they doing here? Nobody wants to talk to you, go away! Go back over to the BabyMama site and wonder where you can get Kate shoes or something. Go read '8 little exploited faces or 'Multiple cash crops'....Surely you guys can find something to do with your time. While you are there, teach BM how to use spell check.

10doll said...

Well here's where everyones been

Anonymous said...

NCL & Teresa- When do you all have anything better to do? NEVER! Oh well you can dream. So hows everything going with getting on that forum? You 2 up & ready to go?

Anonymous said...

We knew you could post on the blog. YOU CANNOT go into the Golden Circle Forum.

You weren't being ignored. You may not have anything better to do but the rest of us have perfect little lives to attend to. rofl...

You too are really sad...I am glad you have each other.

Teresa (top bitch wannabe) said...

Lisa K. and 10doll - oh my, you both sound so surprised! Didn't your anonymous personality tell you where we were? Or your retroblog friends? Well, I am really surprised! And you should be disappointed.

Well, read up girls, you have some catching up to do.

I've had so much fun here today. And I am touched that you've all missed me so very much. I know you've been calling my name all over the place...

Just in case you don't remember what your anonymous personalities called me, my new name is:
Teresa (top bitch wannabe)

I guess I could use anonymous, but everyone else does...

Teresa (top bitch wannabe) said...

You are absolutely right. I have nothing better to do... Aren't you as excited as I am!!!

I really do need to re-evaluate my priorities and add blogging to my list of THINGS THAT MUST BE DONE... Actually, I'll make it #1.

Yay, I have seen the light...

Anonymous said...

NCL & Teresa- Trust me everyone is well aware of your new names.

NCL said...

To those of you who have rejoiced in my husband’s death and mocked my grief, tragedy comes to all one day unless they’re lucky and die first. Whether you suffer grief today, tomorrow, next week, next month or next year, you will suffer some where along the line.

When you lose your husband, your little boy, your little girl, your mother or your father, I hope your words come back to haunt you in your deepest, darkest moments of grief. I want you to remember your words and believe that you might have brought your loss upon yourselves. Life has a way of equalizing.

I left you alone. You brought this fight to me for no reason other than you are boring each other to tears and you are mean. I have no desire to post on the retroblog, its forums or otherwise. I did want you to know that I was not thrown off by Daniel, I left of my own accord because I don’t mind reading and laughing at you, but don’t flatter yourselves to think that I care to interact with you. You were the ones who came for Teresa and me.

Since you’ve all chosen to post as anonymous, I have nothing but contempt for you because you are cowards. Again, remember—tragedy will strike you. You just don’t know when.

NCL said...

To those of you who would like to hound me about the identity that you accuse me of announcing, would you like for me to give a full name and address here? Would that make help you get past the fact that I did no such thing?

Keep pushing me, and your wish will beome my command.

NCL said...

pril 22, 2009 4:22:00 PM GST

Anonymous said...
"NCL- No, no, no. Go ask the mod to allow you on the forum. Anyone can post. Ask to be put on the list to get into the forum. What you just did over there meant nothing. Go on. We'll wait."

Don't hang by your eyelashes, you fool.

Anonymous said...

"IN!! for the Dirty Disher-hate!!! ;-)" I dont understand this comment. Can someone explain? Thanks

Means somebody enjoys watching Dirty Disher rip Kate apart.

Teresa said...

NCL - I thought and still think that comment was very cruel. She apologized and I believe that she meant it. However, it was brought up again today, and I although I don't believe it was the same person,it was one of them.

I cannot imagine what I would do or how I would feel if I lost my husband.

lisa k said...

I can't remember anyone ever mocking someone's family tragedy. NCL and Teresa are the ones who saw who was posting here and started the argument. I think they are trouble makers.

Anonymous said...

Tragedy has already struck. We have made the acquaintances of NCL. Just reading her posts I am sure her husband must have killed himself just to get away from her, the poor bastard. Who is Teresa?

NCL said...

April 22, 2009 6:41:00 PM GST

Anonymous said...
Tragedy has already struck. We have made the acquaintances of NCL. Just reading her posts I am sure her husband must have killed himself just to get away from her, the poor bastard.

And, tragedy will strike again when you lose your husband (if you could ever find one), your little boy, your little girl, your mother or your father. Life has a way of equalizing. Your family may be next, and maybe sooner than you think.

Anonymous said...

NCL, I am rubber, you are glue, what you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.

lisa k said...

Making threats on the net is against the law! Just Saying!

NCL said...

April 22, 2009 6:53:00 PM GST
Anonymous said...
NCL, I am rubber, you are glue, what you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.
I'm not sure which of your brilliant minds told you to post this, but I haven't heard it since kindergarten.

I don't blame you for posting anonymously. I would, too, with your mentality.

Anonymous said...

If I were you I would be very careful about making threats....You never know who YOU are talking to either...Some stay
anonymous for a reason.

NCL said...

lisa k said...
Making threats on the net is against the law! Just Saying!

I couldn't care less what you were "just saying", Lisa. I will give you credit for posting under your userid--you're a cut above the rest of the queen bloggers, in that respect.

I've been stating facts, not threats. It's all in the way you read. Oh, I did call one bluff, but I haven't had a response. Guess they don't want their name and address revealed after all. Until the person asks, I won't post it. Never intended to, but if I were "anonymous", I wouldn't push my luck.

NCL said...

lisa k said...
I can't remember anyone ever mocking someone's family tragedy. NCL and Teresa are the ones who saw who was posting here and started the argument. I think they are trouble makers.

Response: When I can't remember, I go back to read and research--with an open mind.

lisa k said...

If someone wants to post under anonymous, it is their prerogative to do so....I don't see that as much of an issue as the threats you make.
Seriously, it is illegal!

Anonymous said...

NCL, I'd love to be a fly on the wall when the law comes and arrests you for making threats against people's lives on the net. At least you have opened the eyes of others who blog here about what kind of vile scum you truly are.

Nina said...

How sad that some spend their days stalking people with a different opinion about a, "Reality TV show"

Over on Retro we spend a moment here and there throughout the day joking and exchanging thoughts with like-minded folks.

How sad to waste such valuable time threatening others....
I can't even bring myself to laugh at you two any longer. It's gone from a joke to a tragedy before my eyes.

Anonymous said...

Tell me NCL didnt claim that she's open minded

Anonymous said...

NCL- After you release someones info, you've got the balls to complain when people use Anonymous when dealing with you

NCL said...

Anonymous said...
NCL, I'd love to be a fly on the wall when the law comes and arrests you for making threats against people's lives on the net. At least you have opened the eyes of others who blog here about what kind of vile scum you truly are.

You read threats, I read facts. Ooooh, I'm really scared about the law coming.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if it has yet occurred to her that HER IP is kicking around a few of the sites she LURKS at and posts disruptive taunts in???Hmmmmm makes you wonder huh?

NCL said...

Anonymous said...
NCL- After you release someones info, you've got the balls to complain when people use Anonymous when dealing with you

Response: The last time I'm saying this. I did not release any information. Tell me her full name (that I revealed and where I revealed it) and I'll tell you whether you're right. Give up. You're probably scaring her half to death by pushing me.

NCL said...

Nina said...
How sad that some spend their days stalking people with a different opinion about a, "Reality TV show"

Who came over here with her list with my userid on it? Who is stalking who? You're right I do have a different opinion about a Reality TV show. Thanks for noticing.

Anonymous said...

Technically the poster who's info you gave out could do a police report on you for what they call a "Cyber Assault".

NCL said...

Anonymous said...
I wonder if it has yet occurred to her that HER IP is kicking around a few of the sites she LURKS at and posts disruptive taunts in???Hmmmmm makes you wonder huh?

Of course I do. But, who knows, maybe I'm posting from the library. Or maybe from my very own laptop, which is most probable.

NCL said...

Anonymous said...
Technically the poster who's info you gave out could do a police report on you for what they call a "Cyber Assault".

Report it.

NCL said...

Anonymous said...
If I were you I would be very careful about making threats....You never know who YOU are talking to either...Some stay anonymous for a reason.

You're not me. Oh, you've come such a long way learning about IP addresses, etc.

Anonymous said...

NCL, I wouldn't be so la-di-dah with the attitude if I were you.

NCL said...

Anonymous said...
NCL, I wouldn't be so la-di-dah with the attitude if I were you.

I told you. You're not me.

Anonymous said...

"Report it." You got it! Have fun!

Anonymous said...

NCL you should really try to be nicer if not yourself think of your children. First, a father who killed himself to escape their crazy mother than the mother becomes a jailbird for making threats on the internet. That would be so humiliating.

NCL said...

Nina said...
How sad that some spend their days stalking people with a different opinion about a, "Reality TV show"

Anonymous said...
NCL(top bitch), Teresa(top bitch wannabe),Rob(or Sally as he's known),Imvee(hefer),Amber(ditz),Kathleen O'Brian(snore), Nora(snore),Elizabeth(wannabe saint),LeslieJDC(holier than thou),Heather(so sad),Mom Logic(big jokes),Jennifer(ewwww)

Anonymous said...

Nina said...
How sad that some spend their days stalking people with a different opinion about a, "Reality TV show"

April 21, 2009 2:38:00 PM GST
Anonymous said...
Ive realized that BabyMamas site is a site you go to to only read her opinion of the Gosselins. If you say stuff that's the same as she believes, she'll post. If not she wont. She is a pussy whos unable to back up what she says so she deletes anyone with a mind of their own. She's a fucking bitch! So is Teresa & NCL

Anonymous said...

ncl is a fuck tard that wont go away.

NCL said...

Anonymous said...
ncl is a fuck tard that wont go away.

Running out of original things to say?

NCL said...

Anonymous said...
"Report it." You got it! Have fun!

If you're stupid enough to think you have anything to report, I might as well just post the name and address. What do you think? Are you asking me to post it? Might as well if I'm going to be dragged off to jail in leg-irons. You're laughable.

Anonymous said...

Kate and her book belong in the trash.

Anonymous said...

its real low to scare the hell out of people like ncl does.

Anonymous said...

hows this ncl person?? she needs to get the hell off here really.

NCL said...

Anonymous said...
its real low to scare the hell out of people like ncl does.

I didn't bring it up, you did, remember? You're the one who is scaring her. Drop the subject and she can relax.

NCL said...

Anonymous said...
"hows this ncl person??"

I'm fine, how are you?
"she needs to get the hell off here really."

I don't believe I *need* to do anything at the moment. I'm simply responding to you.

baby mama said...

baby mama, ncl your makeing alot of trouble for me and my site I already left a message at retro blog so stop already.

seachelle said...

NCL, really, let it all go. Rise above. Life is so short! I'm not sure if you enjoy the drama, but it's not becoming. Please find the peace that you wished on us; but I'm sure you won't find it in this way.

I know there are people out there with whom you can find common bonds and friendships. You're time and energy might be better spent that way. Heck, it might be better spent eating Oreos dunked in milk.

In all sincerity, please, let all of this silliness go and rise above to more comfortable pastures for yourself. There is a great world out there waiting.

seachelle said...

No response necessary. In fact, I ask that my name not be typed from your keyboard, ever. That's my request, you decide your actions. I'm just trying to send a big, refreshing wind through here so we can all regroup and be on our merry paths.

Anonymous said...

hey ncl left the compound yeah.

NCL said...

seachelle, go back to retro blog.

Teresa said...

yeah bitch get back to yor retro blog.

NCL said...

baby mama said...
baby mama, ncl your makeing alot of trouble for me and my site I already left a message at retro blog so stop already.

I've never posted on your site. The retro ladies are forging, again.

NCL said...

NCL said...
seachelle, go back to retro blog.

April 22, 2009 10:58:00 PM GST

How childish and boring. I didn't post this, either.

Teresa (top bitch wannabe) said...

NCL - They are not worth all this stupidity.

Teresa said...
yeah bitch get back to yor retro blog.
Next time you want to use my name get it right... it is: Teresa (top bitch wannabe)

And it is ok if my name is typed on your keyboards.

NCL said...

To Anonymous,

I'm going to *try to take some good advice* though I don't know why anyone feels it's only me who needs the advice. Post away to each other until you get bored over here, too. You deserve one another.

I'm sure if other bloggers are reading, they'll know a forged post as opposed to my own. If I feel there's any doubt, I'll clarify.

Catch you later Teresa.

Anonymous said...

Teresa (top bitch wannabe, go to bed slut bag. WELL GET GAY TOGETHER HONEY.

NCL said...

NCL SAID THAT Teresa (top bitch wannabe.

NCL said...

NCL said...
NCL SAID THAT Teresa (top bitch wannabe.

April 22, 2009 11:32:00 PM GST

Another forge. One more and I'll post a name and address in full on this blog or another. It wasn't me who left the id vulnerable--I'd just be publishing public information that was left on a blog.

Do yourself or your friend a favor and end this stupidness.

Teresa (top bitch wannabe) said...

NCL - They are not worth it!

NCL said...

i wont post a thing im sorry .

NCL said...

NCL said...
i wont post a thing im sorry .

Forge. Okay, you made the call. You people have stooped about as low as you can go. I'll take you down one step further. Say thank you to your *friends* 10doll.

Teresa (top bitch wannabe) said...

Ncl, your a bitch ass slut.

NCL said...

Forge. Okay, you made the call. You people have stooped about as low as you can go. I'll take you down one step further. Say thank you to your *friends* 10doll. your in for it ill tell everthing.

NCL said...

ncl is a fuck tard that wont go away.

Running out of original things to say ABOUT MY SELF IM A BITCH.

NCL said...


lisa k said...

BabyMama was over at RetroBlog acting crazy (like she is) and got deleted. She runs around talking about GWOP and B'Moon, but when the tables are turned on her...she can't handle it. LMFAO!

Anonymous said...

yeh, babtelephantmama goes in there all bent out of shape cause somebody said a lot of the fans are big and then she says shes a size 18...nothing wrong with bein a 18 but it ain't exactly changin anybodies mind...know what i mean?

Her and har trailer trash buds must all meet up after cashin their welfare checks and sit around eatin krispy cremes and watching all them Kate n Jon dvd's she's got.

Anonymous said...

I use to be on babymama's site all the time but once you see that Kate is a bitch and say anything she jumps down your throat about it and her hemmroid friends do the same. I got so tired of her sounding like some 14 year old cheerleader all the time I had to leave. I got really ticked when she'd say stuff like well we'll all have to keep ourselves OCCUPiED until the next season...Like we don't have enough to be busy with in our REAL worlds.

She needs to grow up. I really only like watching the little kids because they are so cute but kate has driven me crazy for a long time. I do think the show should end now. Jon would be okay if he got away from Kate and got a real job and found a better woman.

seachelle said...

Teresa, NO one is worth all of this stupidity.

Teresa (top bithch wannabe) said...

Seachelle- I agree.

lisa k said...

One of you BM followers really need to sit her down and tell her how obsessed she really is. Don't let her make a complete idiot out of herself. She has gone overboard on the whole J&K thing. From trying to find out what clothes Kate is wearing, trying to act like her, etc...A true friend would let her know.

NCL said...

How childish and boring.

NCL said...


The Real NCL said...

No matter what is posted under NCL tonight, will be forged. I don't care to participate in your games.

NCL said...

don't care to participate in your games retro queens.

The Real NCL said...

go back to retro blog dont pick a fight with me you will lose.

Anonymous said...

You can't win the fights that rage within yourself...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

NCL said...

You can't win fights with me retro blog bitches im smart your not.

Anonymous said...

So true, true.

Anonymous said...

So true, true. retor blog bitche are sick.

Anonymous said...

baby mama, rules retor queens suck ass sooooooo true. retro sucks stupids.

NCL said...

so true.

Anonymous said...

we love you baby mama.queens not

10doll said...

This comment isn't as much for NCL, but more for me to assure the people Ive got respect for I didn't do this. I, 100%, hand to God, may lightening strike me dead, did not post the comments on here regarding NCL's husband. I SINCERLY & TOTALLY meant the apology I gave her on RetroBlog. Despite my feelings about her & hers for me (which Ive made crystal clear to her) I'd never make comments like that again. NCL's kids & husband are considered, by me, to be off limits & that pertains to every blogger on the entire internet as well. Whatever & whoever Ive got a beef with it never includes anyones family. If their are doubts from anyone I might can get DD to find real sender & not to release their name, but only to clear mine.

Anonymous said...

Who is this NCL person and Teresa, are they the same person? Either they are the same person posting with two different ids or they got lucky and found someone exactly like themselves online. Maybe that’s how they keep one another company. Think about it, if they are ignored at this retroblog site and other sites because of the things they have done or said, then I’m guessing this is the only way to keep each other from getting too lonely. They sound like two loons! This NCL lady or guy has a few screws loose for sure! Did they make threat after threat of putting someone’s private information out there? Who does things like this? Freaks, weirdoes, creeps, perverts? There is some psychiatric disorder at work in this mind and they seem to be infatuated with the one who they threatened. No wonder so many people are upset about it. What did they think would happen if they made threats like that on a site? That's just not something people are going to take lightly but they probably knew that and got off on it, sicko! They wanted attention because they are nuts! And seems this Teresa is the same person and if not then she is just as nutty. They sound so much alike in what they have to say. Two peas from the same pod, both nuts! I would never respond to them again and report this to the proper authorities so it's on record and I'd report them everytime they come back with anymore threats. Clearly, there's something not right with them!

10doll said...

NCL- I'm sick of worrying if you're gonna post my info. The fact that you've threatened to do so recently on this site proves your true intentions from the get go. You're the ONLY person that's threatened to do it, so when you do post it everyone will know for sure you did it & people will never trust you again. I've asked the Retro ladies for advice & one said we can get 10doll's name changed & make it seem like I quit the site. There's no way Id ever give you the power to force me to do that. One thing I'd never do to you (even though I can't stand you) is post any of your info I came across. It's never even entered my mind to do that. I (unlike you it seems) figure if you wanted every one to know your info, you would have used your real name. Same for me. So if posting my info is what you feel you must do, then by all means go ahead. "Keep pushing me, and your wish will become my command." Your ability to worry me with threats like this one are over."If you're stupid enough to think you have anything to report, I might as well just post the name and address. What do you think? Are you asking me to post it?" Here's the deal. You only used my first name on the thread & only my initials in your comments so that's never been my real problem. It's the holding over my head that you CAN release my info anytime you want.Blackmailing me pretty much.RetroDan said there's really nothing I can do about this, but I called & spoke to a lawyer friend of my fathers & he agreed with Dan. UNLESS! If any harm comes to me or my family be it physical or can be shown that her actions to be a key factor in the "compromising of my families stability" then something can be done. With all her comments saved he said that shows clear intent on her part & that she was the one that got my info & has attempted to blackmail me with it.

Anonymous said...

"baby mama, rules retor queens suck ass sooooooo true. retro sucks stupids." You all should be going to

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got that information from the lawyer. I just read down through all the garbage this NCL posted and I said in my post before to get it on record but since it is already on record here and on the other sites that were mentioned then it can be used against this one if any harm should come to you from this nut. Makes me sick that someone would threaten another like this online. They sound like a real creep! They want attention and get off on their manipulating ways of getting it. I don't know you but I hope all works out for you and that this creep gets the message you just posted to them! Sorry that you were put through this.

NCL said...

10doll said...
NCL- I'm sick of worrying if you're gonna post my info.

What a strange comment. According to everyone, I already posted your information. Why would you worry, now? I'm not a bit concerned about "being reported" because I'm the one telling the truth. If you and the other retro queens were telling the truth, you'd realize that it doesn't make sense to be afraid of information being divulged, now, when you're claiming that the information has already been posted. I DID NOT BRING THE ISSUE OVER HERE--either you or your friends did. It had to come from retroblog because it has never been mentioned anywhere else to my knowledge (at least not by me). I have no way of knowing which queen it was since you all post anonymously (and I'm sure there will be those waiting in the wings to forge posts with my userid).

I said I was lonely on retroblog. I'm not ashamed of that. I miss my husband, terribly, and I will miss him for the rest of my life. Those of you who have not suffered the loss of a husband or child will NEVER understand until you do. This past four years has been miserable without him. Revealing my name, address, phone number, etc., wouldn't have hurt even a smidgeon as much as the hateful remarks about my family. If I were ever going to reveal anything about you it would have been after those remarks.


The fact that you've threatened to do so recently on this site
proves your true intentions from the get go. You're the ONLY person that's threatened to do it, so when you do post it everyone will know for sure you did it & people will never trust you again.

RESPONSE: Again, I thought I already posted it according to everyone. If you didn't post the remarks about my husband, and you're so sincere about your remarks in this post, why would you not feel that those who made the remarks about my family were the very same people who brought up your identity issue in the first place. Here...right here to make trouble not only for me, but for you, as well.
I've asked the Retro ladies for advice & one said we can get 10doll's name changed & make it seem like I quit the site.

I don't have any interest in what the ladies' advice was nor whether you change your userid. Again, why after all this time would you do that if I already divulged your information as is claimed.


There's no way Id ever give you the power to force me to do that. One thing I'd never do to you (even though I can't stand you) is post any of your info I came across.

That you made the remarks about my husband and family makes me think you're not above anything. I accepted your apology because you sounded sincere, once, and you turned right around and started with your nasty mouth, again. You nor any of the women, aside from Teresa, "claim" to believe anything I say, yet you expect me to believe everything you say.


It's never even entered my mind to do that. I (unlike you it seems) figure if you wanted every one to know your info, you would have used your real name. Same for me.

10doll, just try to think for a moment, here. I DID NOT post your information anywhere on any blog, and you know it. I never even linked your userid and name together. You are right, I wouldn't want my information out on the internet so I tried to warn you. I don't like you, but I was honest in my attempt to get you to change your settings. During the series of posts on retroblog, you yourself stated that you were unable to reach Daniel so I tried to warn you as discreetly as possible on the forum (not on the blog). That's where I made my mistake--trying to do what I would have wanted someone to do for me no matter how much they hated me. You were on the blog at the very same time--otherwise, I would have emailed Daniel! The "ping" was right in full view to the left of the screen. All you had to do was go to the forum to change your settings, then I would have deleted the whole entry. End of story.


So if posting my info is what you feel you must do, then by all means go ahead.

All the other nasty remarks from you and others seem to be overlooked. Had I ever had any intention of posting your information, I would have done it in response to the posts that were made here about my husband. THAT'S WHY I FIND IT SO INCREDIBLE THAT AT THE SAME TIME YOU ARE SCREAMING THAT I DIVULGED YOUR INFORMATION, YOU'RE SCARED TO DEATH THAT I WILL DIVULGE IT. THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. Think about it. Read that last sentence twice.

One last statement that I'm sure will bring the wrath of god down on my head, but I'll make it anyway. I DID NOT AND I NEVER WILL DIVULGE INFORMATION ABOUT YOU. I hope you will be woman enough to acknowledge the truth and will ask your friends to drop the subject:

April 25, 2009 9:54:00 AM GST

10doll said...

NCL- You did show my real name & not only that but you opened a thread with it. My initials were all over the place, you told 3 letters shy of my town name. Everyone knew my state I think. You're a real piece of work aren't you? What you're claiming doesn't mean anything & it will never be your word against mine because Ive got every single conversation we have ever had so Ive pretty much got the whole story & how it played out in front of me. Well here's the deal. Ive got no doubt in my head that you would post that info on any clear space you could & if whoever didnt pick up on my info before, then your sure as Hell gonna make sure people see it now. I agree that I brought most of this "story" to DD's site. Why? I want people to see what a snake you are & if they start to trust you it will only bring them heartache & trouble.FUCK ME RUNNING!Im not apologizing to you any more, because apparently you need more than that from me & Ive got nothing more to offer you. What do you want from me? An arm, a leg? Feel free to contact DD because those husband comments on this site didn't come from me.

10doll said...

"Again, I thought I already posted it according to everyone." *********************************** Oh you did, but thanks to your thirst for revenge & your threats on this site & your insisting that my friends let it go or you will post it has brought on a whole new group of people that knew nothing of this until you spouted off. Now, I don't doubt you miss your husband, but that doesn't give you license to be a bitch & then come back peddling that story. People lose loved ones everyday, but that doesn't make the way you treat people ok.

NCL said...

10doll said...
NCL- You did show my real name & not only that but you opened a thread with it.

***I showed your first name to get your attention, and it was only to get your attention while you were on the blog. I have never mentioned in any where else.

My initials were all over the place,

***So? They wouldn't have been if the others had minded there own business. And, how telling are initials?

you told 3 letters shy of my town name.

***That was in response to the crap that was being thrown my way, if I recall correctly--not interested enough to look it up. None of that I said to you would have meant anything if your friends didn't go bonkers.

I really don't care anymore. I've done my best to convince that you have nothing to worry about. You just want to be the drama queen--I doubt you even read my whole response--you don't have the attention span. Now you're admitting that you brought the subject over here, yourself. How afraid can you be? What a phony you are.

If you think you have anything to report, be my guest. I couldn't care less because there is nothing for you to report. Even if there were, it wouldn't worry me. YOU left your information open to the public, not me.

NCL said...

10doll said...
Oh you did, but thanks to your thirst for revenge & your threats on this site & your insisting that my friends let it go or you will post it has brought on a whole new group of people that knew nothing of this until you spouted off.

NCL said...

10doll stated:
I agree that I brought most of this "story" to DD's site. Why? I want people to see what a snake you are & if they start to trust you it will only bring them heartache & trouble.
Should have been included in my last post. See, you brought it to the DD site--for revenge.

I had never even posted on this site before the retrobloggers slithered there way over here. So, how was I trying to gain their trust? Admit it that you were just causing trouble.

10doll said...

That you made the remarks about my husband and family makes me think you're not above anything. I accepted your apology because you sounded sincere, once, and you turned right around and started with your nasty mouth, again. You nor any of the women, aside from Teresa, "claim" to believe anything I say, yet you expect me to believe everything you say.
Listen to me you stupid bitch! Ive apologized! Don't accept it? That's your fucking problem not mine.I don't give 2 shits if you believe what I say or not. I don't care if you're lonely. Maybe if you'd quit being a bitch you'd make friends.As for your "good intentions" when you did the thread,KISS MY ASS YOU LYING BITCH!

NCL said...

10doll said,

Maybe if you'd quit being a bitch you'd make friends.


I have many friends. Unlike yourself and your friends, I don't rely on blogs to make them. Reading/surfing blogs, and the whole internet for that matter, is something to occupy myself when I'm watching TV. Nothing more.

10doll said...

You did divulge my info, my concern is that you're gonna keep on & keep on until everyone knows, when before only some people knew & it hadn't become a huge deal yet. I feel you're dedicated to making sure every person knows this story & all my info & I think you're looking forward to plastering this where ever you can.You claim you didn't intend on posting the info, but you sure as Hell liked hanging it over my head that you could post it if you wanted.Im concerned that you're the type of psycho bitch, that if you don't feel my info is getting the reaction you want that you'll go to every posts you know & put it out. If Im wrong, then you need to stop threatening me with it.For the record Im not scared to death for me that you'll post (again) my info, Im concerned for my kids. It's not a stretch to think that someone Ive pissed off could decide that we need to speak face to face & show up on my doorstep. Is it likely? No. Could it happen? Of course.

Anonymous said...

Another forge. One more and I'll post a name and address in full on this blog or another. It wasn't me who left the id vulnerable--I'd just be publishing public information that was left on a blog.

Do yourself or your friend a favor and end this stupidness.

April 22, 2009 11:45:00 PM GST
NCL get a life dont make threats to people grow up lady.

Anonymous said...

thats what you said on apri 25th NCL. Leave 10 doll alone stupid.

NCL said...

10doll came here and mentioned my name with her.

Yes, I said:
"Another forge. One more and I'll post a name and address in full on this blog or another. It wasn't me who left the id vulnerable--I'd just be publishing public information that was left on a blog.

Do yourself or your friend a favor and end this stupidness."

Did they end the stupidness? Did I post any information?
Was she/they anxious for me to post it because it was never posted before and really create DRAMA?

Go back to your "golden circle". You can't answer any question or comprehend any truth. You are amusing "Anonymouses". What a crock.

10doll said...

NCL- Don't you fucking dare come at me with the "if Im woman enough" speech. I didn't ask my friends to stand up for me, but the fact that they did speaks more about the Queens on RetroBlogs character & warm hearts then I probably deserve. I'll ask them to let it go for awhile, but not for you for them. They don't need to waste their time & energy on a plague like you.Do you get a rash from all the manure you dish out? I said "you told 3 letters shy of my town name."
Your response..."That was in response to the crap that was being thrown my way"
That's my point exactly. If you get pissed off what's to keep you from doing something with my info because you're mad? You've done your best to convince me? Kinda like my apology to you regarding your husband? It's not lack of attention span if I don't read your comments, it's lack of interest in any fucking thing you have to say.

NCL said...

10 doll said:
Your response..."That was in response to the crap that was being thrown my way"
That's my point exactly. If you get pissed off what's to keep you from doing something with my info because you're mad?

For what it's worth, I don't even remember the three letters any's ancient history--or was until you decided to dig it up, again. I'm sure you've never said anything in anger (sarcasm). The fact is neither of us should be blogging on the internet if we're not prepared for some unpleasantness. "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." Something we should both remember.
You've done your best to convince me? Kinda like my apology to you regarding your husband? It's not lack of attention span if I don't read your comments, it's lack of interest in any fucking thing you have to say.

Exactly, we only have words to rely on. It doesn't surprise me that you don't read my comments because you don't want this whole thing to end.

I'll ask them to let it go for awhile

Why for just a while? They are your friends. Why not ask them never to bring it up, again?

As I said in a previous post that was re-posted by "Anonymous", "Do yourself or your friend and stop the stupidness."

I never intended to mention it again until you brought it up over her and brought attention to your identity. It was a dead issue until that point.

10doll said...

"I'm sure you've never said anything in anger (sarcasm)" NCL- Sure I've said many things in a angry moment. Like the comment regarding your husband that you won't let me fucking live down!

10doll said...

NCL- You know what? Ive just noticed how long Ive been dealing with you today & Im gonna let all this go. Here's what we know for sure...I don't like you, you don't like me. There's not a snowballs chance in Hell you'll ever get into the Gold Circle Forum & it's for sure we all dislike you on RetroBlog. Am I gonna change your opinion? No. Are you gonna change mine? No. Is anything going to be solved by all this back & forth & back & forth? No. Bye NCL. Hopefully one day you'll make some friends. You seem very lonely, pathetic & EVIL. Adios BITCH!

NCL said...

Dan said I can get into the Gold Circle Forum so there bitch.

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