Monday, April 20, 2009

Multiple Ble$$ings, by Kate review

There's a place for everything. And I found the perfect place for this one.


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NCL said...

10doll quoted me and said...
"I'm sure you've never said anything in anger (sarcasm)" NCL- Sure I've said many things in a angry moment. Like the comment regarding your husband that you won't let me fucking live down!

I said I forgave you. When it was brought up over here at DD along with added cruel insults by "Anonymous"--how did you think I would feel? I didn't ask for the insults and there was no apparent reason for the first mean post.

10doll, I want no more bitterness with you. I'm willing to let it go--we've both made mistakes of our own. No, we'll never be friends, but I wish the best for you with your friendships in the Golden Circle. I have no desire to be included--I understand completely how much I'm hated. Why don't we leave it like that. I'm passing the olive branch and wishing you and your family the best with the hope that we just stay away from each other on any site if we happen to cross paths.

10doll said...

"That you made the remarks about my husband and family makes me think you're not above anything. I accepted your apology because you sounded sincere, once, and you turned right around and started with your nasty mouth, again."
NCL- First off I told you that if you wanted to ask DD if I was the one who made the comments, but I can tell you for sure that I wasn't. I DID NOT MAKE THOSE DAMN COMMENTS ON HERE ABOUT YOUR HUSBAND! WHAT PART OF THAT STATEMENT ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE WITH? How does it make YOU feel? You appear to enjoy wallowing in misery & bring the same shit up over & over again! As much as I loathe you right now, Id still never make comments regarding your family. Either believe me or not because at this point Im so fucking tired of dealing with this all the time. If it makes you feel better to assume that I posted the comments on DD's than have at it. You are so desperate to keep rubbing this in on me that you refuse to think that in all actuality Im possibly not the only person who dislikes you. You do want bitterness with me. You feed off of it. Willing to let it go? Ive apologized til Im fucking blue in the face & then you pop up again bashing me for my comment about your husband.You wish me the best? Yeah Im so sure you do. I hate nobody on the planet Earth. I loathe & really dislike, but I HATE nobody. Hate is not a word I use or I let my kids use because anything someone can do to hurt your feelings can always be mended. So no I dont hate you. I went back last night & read all the posts between me & you & I think your one of the lonliest,saddest & most pathetic people Ive ever come into contact with. I also know you & can pretty much guess that any olive branch you'd ever extend to me more than likely will be covered with poison ivy. Also please spare me any drama comments on how you tried to stop the fight & 10doll was being her normal bitchy self. Ive apologized to you more than was ever neeeded & more than some people ever would have, but you still show up & manage to beat me down with your accusations of more husband comments. I agree we should ignore each other & we need to begin ASAP! BYE

NCL said...

10doll said
NCL- First off I told you that if you wanted to ask DD if I was the one who made the comments, but I can tell you for sure that I wasn't. I DID NOT MAKE THOSE DAMN COMMENTS ON HERE ABOUT YOUR HUSBAND! WHAT PART OF THAT STATEMENT ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE WITH?

I didn't say you said them. I said I was angry when they were said over here on DD.
"I said I forgave you. When it was brought up over here at DD along with added cruel insults by "Anonymous"--how did you think I would feel? I didn't ask for the insults and there was no apparent reason for the first mean post." Everyone was posting to me under "Anonymous". We were discussing "anger" at the time. I didn't think it was you, but I had no way of knowing until you said you didn't using your own userid. I believe you.

I'm sorry I gave you another forum to go right back into a tirade with me, but that's okay.

I'm done.

Nina said...

Dream on...Dan wouldn't let you in. He allows us to decide on who enters that forum.

10doll said...

NCL said- "Dan said I can get into the Gold Circle Forum so there bitch."

NCL- You need to look at your facts again,because I know for a fact he never told you that.

10doll said...

NCL- Oh & just for shits & giggles let me pass some info that apparently you are unaware of. Dan doesn't choose who goes into the Gold Circle in any way. We choose who gets into the Gold City Forum. We're the only ones that can say who gets in or who doesn't.

NCL said...

Nina said...
Dream on...Dan wouldn't let you in. He allows us to decide on who enters that forum.

That was a forgery, stupid. I use punctuation and don't feel the need to swear.

NCL said...

10doll said...
NCL- Oh & just for shits & giggles let me pass some info that apparently you are unaware of. Dan doesn't choose who goes into the Gold Circle in any way. We choose who gets into the Gold City Forum. We're the only ones that can say who gets in or who doesn't.

Why would I care? I have no idea where it is nor do I have any desire to know. Do you really want to continue this, 10doll? What's the point?

NCL said...

10doll said...
NCL said- "Dan said I can get into the Gold Circle Forum so there bitch."

NCL- You need to look at your facts again,because I know for a fact he never told you that.

Read my answer to Nina. One of your friends posted that because they knew you would respond to it.

10doll said...

Actually Seachelle said that she thought it was forged because you rarely say bitch

NCL said...

10doll said...
Actually Seachelle said that she thought it was forged because you rarely say bitch

Thanks, 10doll, for acknowledging that.

GiselleM said...

retro sucks dan the owner made a private chat room so the retro queens could talk in secret and blast eveyone bunch of whimps. Im surprized dan would go so low to let them talk him into that how mature of him. No new people will want to go over there he will be stuck with these retro sluts for good.

GiselleM said...

Dan allows it because hes spinless and whipped his wife wears the pants in his family cant think for himself.

teresa said...

10 doll needs someone to come to her rescue she just wants to fight NCL dont pay eney attion to her.

NCL said...


I think Daniel (or any other blogger) has a right to run his site/blog any way he chooses.

In my communication with Daniel, he's always been fair and responsible.

Anonymous said...

really ncl you fuck tard why are you hanging out on this site argueing with eveyone? Dan does not need you to take up for him stupid trouble maker.

Anonymous said...

ncl would say eneything to get back on retro blog she wants to make up sure shes nuts.

NCL said...

Anonymous said...
really ncl you fuck tard why are you hanging out on this site argueing with eveyone? Dan does not need you to take up for him stupid trouble maker.

Whoever you are "Anonymous", I don't have to have permission from you or anyone else, except the owner of a blog, where I can post.

You're the "stupid trouble maker" who just wants to hear yourself talk.

Rant away, fool.

NCL said...

Anonymous said...
ncl would say eneything to get back on retro blog she wants to make up sure shes nuts.

Oh, right. I want to communicate with people who hate me and can't get through a sentence with out obscenity. That would be appropriate for your reasoning ability.

Anonymous said...

AWWWW....Is wittle Giselle mad? She uses big girl words, huh? You got your stupid ass handed to you on RetroBlog, huh? You felt real good about yourself when you thought we were getting in trouble!Seeing how mad you are is making my day!Do you know Daniels wife? No? Then you need to leave her out of your temper tantrum. Dan is an awesome guy that gave us a place to talk where people such as yourself can't read our comments. If that bothers you...well it looks like you're just gonna have to be bothered.

Anonymous said...

I agree with NCL about Dan & the way he runs his site. He's very fair.

Anonymous said...

Teresa you stupid illiterate bitch kiss my ass! You're mad that everyone can't stand you & the wedge you attempted to put between certain posters backfired in your stupid face. Maybe if you keep saying how much you hate us & dont want back on RetroBlog you might actually be able to start convincing yourself. Maybe you & Giselle can start your own site. You could call it "2 bitches working with 1/2 a brain". GOOD LUCK!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:24 and all other Retro ladies: There is someone that keeps posting as anonymous and using other people's names to post. I don't believe that the comment from GiseleM was really hers.

Someone is trying to stir the pot here, and it is someone that is familiar with Retro. I am NOT accusing anyone in particular, so please don't jump on me.

It is obvious that this person is purposely mispelling words...

Anonymous said...

Giselle M, could be NCL she could have used a diffrent computer of her freinds or library shes sly .

NCL said...

I'm fairly sure that someone is posting with Teresa's userid.

This anonymous posting makes for more misunderstandings. I could very well have used "anonymous" and avoided some of the bashing, but I'd prefer to avoid the cowardly tactic.

As far as the forging, it just shows that people only feel safe posting trash when no one can identify them--cowardly, as well.

Anonymous said...

NCL fuck off stop makeing trouble.

Anonymous said...

ncl said I'm fairly sure that someone is posting with Teresa's userid. you should know Teresa NCL yor the same person.

NCL said...

Anonymous said...
Giselle M, could be NCL she could have used a diffrent computer of her freinds or library shes sly .

No, I only post under NCL. The advantage of having a lap top is that I can watch TV and amuse myself on the internet at the same time. By the way, "Anonymous", "diffrent" is spelled different and "freinds" is spelled friends. You also might make it easier to read your posts if you knew how to use punctuation. All that in your very short statement that says nothing.

Yup, I'm sly because I can see that your dumb. You know you're dumb because you post anonymously.

10doll said...

Well it's not like that has never be done before. Too avoid a possible war with NCL, I posted no comments to you or about you. Whoever the ass is that's using others names, grow the fuck up or move on! What a complete idiot!

NCL said...

Let's see if the latest "Anonymous" can pick up my error.

NCL said...

10doll said...
Well it's not like that has never be done before. Too avoid a possible war with NCL, I posted no comments to you or about you.

I know.

NCL said...

Anonymous said...
NCL fuck off stop makeing trouble.

Another bright post. How surprising.

10doll said...

Look. There is some asshole that thinks it's so funny to use other peoples names & is starting shit that doesn't need to be started. Ive posted anonymously myself, but from here out if you don't see my name I didnt post it. Ive never shown that Im afraid to admit all I say so I will do the same now. You can trust or not, but if we could all do this that would take whatever little bored bitch that's having a great time watching us attack each other for stuff that's not even true out of this equation. If you need to post anonymous that's fine, but I no longer address anonymous posters & I'll no longer post anonymous. If you cant stand behind the shit you're posting than maybe you shouldn't be posting.

Anonymous said...

NCL is in Moon’s forums oh she doesent want to talk to eney retro queens huh tv snarkie sure.

NCL said...

Anonymous said...
ncl said I'm fairly sure that someone is posting with Teresa's userid. you should know Teresa NCL yor the same person.

Thanks for the compliment, but I don't post as Teresa. It's a desperate effort on your part to cause confusion while you're too cowardly to have a real userid. Who would pay attention to or believe anything you say?

What is the old blogger cliche'? Grow up.

Teresa said...

maybe 10 doll should not post here.

NCL said...

Anonymous said...
NCL is in Moon’s forums oh she doesent want to talk to eney retro queens huh tv snarkie sure.


"eney" would be spelled "any". You just gave your identity away. People tend to make the same errors over and over.

I'm enjoying Moon's site. Are you following me around? I'm not sure that you'll post over there what with your spelling and grammar not being up to snuff let alone your intelligence. In fact, I'm not sure, but I don't think you could use "Anonymous" as your userid--so lurk away.

Anonymous said...

Teresa you stupid illiterate bitch kiss my ass! You're mad that everyone can't stand you & the wedge you attempted to put between certain posters backfired in your stupid face you too NCL.

NCL said...

Anonymous said...
Teresa you stupid illiterate bitch kiss my ass! You're mad that everyone can't stand you & the wedge you attempted to put between certain posters backfired in your stupid face you too NCL.

You're making me laugh.

NCL said...

10doll said...
Look. There is some asshole that thinks it's so funny to use other peoples names & is starting shit that doesn't need to be started.

***Right, 10doll

Ive posted anonymously myself, but from here out if you don't see my name I didnt post it.

***I believe you.

If you need to post anonymous that's fine, but I no longer address anonymous posters & I'll no longer post anonymous. If you cant stand behind the shit you're posting than maybe you shouldn't be posting.

***I think I'll follow the same course.

NCL said...

Ive posted anonymously myself, but from here out if you don't see my name I didnt post it.

NCL said...

NCL said...
Ive posted anonymously myself, but from here out if you don't see my name I didnt post it.


Elizabeth said...

good to see you on here NCL.

Lauren said...

people are soooo mean to poor NCL.

NCL said...

Elizabeth said...
good to see you on here NCL.

I'm a little gun shy and surprised to see your post. Thank you.

I refuse to be run off with profanity, lies, forging, and whatever ignorant tactics some have in store.

Again, thank you for the welcome.

Vesna said...

Reality Without Apologies and retro blog .net. big time haters.

NCL said...

Lauren said...
people are soooo mean to poor NCL.

Lauren, some people have been mean, but I don't like to think of myself as "poor NCL". I just ran into a bunch that don't like me, which is their right, and some odd balls.

Elizabeth said...

yeah, I can post here and cant get ran off. I can say I love Kate and Jon and the kids alot.

NCL said...

Strange, all the anonymous posters seem to have acquired userids unless someone scared them all off.

Vesna said...

the haters will never get me off here.

Vesna said...

im sick of these retro blog ladys there crazy.

Vesna said...

odd balls you said it.

10doll said...

The "haters" hasn't run anyone off. We're all grown adults & if someone wants to post they should post. DD owns this site, not the "haters".

10doll said...

"im sick of these retro blog ladys there crazy." Vesna- Back at ya babe!

Vesna said...

10 doll, on the attack what your not going to fight with NCL today oh how big of you fat nut.

10doll said...

Vesna- No Im not gonna fight with NCL as a matter of fact. You seem like someone much more enjoyable to fight with. Your IQ's right at retard level, so I can see you wont be that big of a challenge. It probably took you 10-15 hours to write that little piss ant comment you come up with & to be honest I think you're a man. So why don't you go scratch your balls & enjoy your beer & spare us from anymore of your "Views of the World" by Bubba.

10doll said...

Vesna- Fat nut? Wow! I've got to write that one down. Such a pearl of wisdom from the mouth of a swine, Vesna. I really hope you & your wife don't home school.

Anonymous said...

hey 10 doll, we all know your kids bully eveyone just like there fat ass mom no wonder people want to give out your info. You hide behind these blogs to attack people beacause your a fat ass whimp I feel sorry for your kids and husband and the people that live next to you. Yor full of hate no wonder NCL cant stand you she has class you dont.

Vesna said...

her kids are in school so she sits on her fat ass all day and fights with people no one likes her she has no freinds.

Lauren said...

what goes around comes around the way you treat people is usally the way you end up getting treated. To fight all day with people is real mature they have a blog so fight over there. Oh I forgot they cant Dan said no they have to run and hide in there private chat room because there cowards NCL doesnt hide she had real class.

Anonymous said...

at least Gwop, wont put up with the bad talk like on retro they have standards at least.

10doll said...

Tell me that ANONYMOUS didn't say I run & hide? ANONYMOUS? Give me a freaking break! Bad talk? Run & hide? Real mature? These are the gem comments you come up with, huh? Wow, Im really impressed. Vesna is it? Tell your wife to get you a dictionary it's spelled like this f-r-i-e-n-d-s not freinds, but you're a big boy you'll learn.Im not discussing NCL because she's left me alone as I told her I'm happy to return the favor. People like you are shit stirrers. You love to see that there's no arguing, so you jump & try to start some. If you all were not mentally challenged then I might be mad, but this is your entertainment so carry on. Wait a minute, maybe you've got to go to work? You're right I don't. I take my kids to school, start whatever Im gonna do for dinner then go pick them up. My husband & I can afford to do so & I love him for making it possible for me to do so. Some can't, such as yourselves, but some can such as me. You all better get to work. HUSSLE HUSSLE!

10doll said...

I did say Id never respond to anonymous comments, but when someone goes out of their way to prove what complete dipshits they are that deserves recognition. The GWOP comment Im not gonna comment on, because I've been to that site maybe twice. Lauren it's "their cowards" not "there". It's petty I know, but morons don't learn if their not taught. I also don't feel I run & hide. Hell, you dipshits found me, so I'm not trying to hide too hard. ANYTIME you want to talk to me just let me know & we'll talk. Just a suggestion though. If you want to seem credible then #1 Don't post ANONYMOUS. Take your big girl pill (Vesna your big boy pill)& post your name. #2.I don't care if you call me fat ass or if you say my kids are bullies & I won't return comments to you on your kids because that's tacky. Been there, done that. Will do never again. #3 I don't care about your lazy comments, although I must say my husband loved them, but he did wonder why Vesna wasn't working when it seemed his wife is. Anyway. I'm easy to find & trust me the ladies on RetroBlog have yet to come across one of you that's challenged us to the point where we will hide. None of you are real "mental giants" if you get my drift. TA TA!!!!!

10doll said...

Vesana, Lauren & Anonymous must still be trying to read my comments, so I'll check back when they catch up.

Anonymous said...

10 doll said...I did say Id never respond to anonymous comments. Beacause im a stupid fat ass pig that doesnt have a life outside the blog world I sit on my whore ass all day why my husband breaks his skinny balls so I can sit around and do nothing all day you pot belly pig slut . I WONT REPLY TO ENEYMORE OF YOUR COMMENTS BECAUSE YOUR A LOSER BITCH!

Anonymous said...

ihateeveryone said...
If people didn't keep buying and watching this kind of crap it wouldn't be done- so don't buy the book and don't watch the show and guess what?? POOF!! they are gone. Of course, then certain folks wouldn't have anything to bitch about!

Great point and right on the mark!

Anonymous said...

10doll said...

..."their cowards" not "there"...

Actually is "they're" cowards not "their" or "there"


10doll said...

Vesna your wife is one lucky lady! Im so jealous of you, Lauren & anonymous I can't stand it! My feelings are so hurt! You called me a pig & fat ass whore! What will I do? How will I recover from this? You 3 are gems! Wow! Im lost for words because of that verbal thrashing from you 3. Mental giants! You 3 are mental giants!

10doll said...

Ooops I almost forgot! Jon & Kate still suck & apparently Jons getting his sucked quite often from his new mystery woman. Kate doesn't care because she's got her new grey haired love toy. You 3 can have BabyMama & the douchebags from Mom Logic or hell even Cafe Mom. Im sure they are all trannies, but you 2 are probably preoperative trannies & Mr Vesna may be complete. Have your balls been attached yet Mr Vesna. Log on & call me more names you tickle me with your trannie humor! HA HA HA

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