Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Sister's Keeper

Would you have a child to save your first child?


konspiracytheory said...

I have three kids - as much as I would love to have another, I can't justify having any more (not enough time in the day or $ in the bank). So for me the answer is yes, but I totally get it if people think that's an odd thing to do.

Dirty Disher said...

I would too, but, I'd never tell them. There wouldn't be any point in telling them.

konspiracytheory said...


Anonymous said...

I'd do it, too. It would just be a double bonus, having a darling new child and the a chance to give the other a shot at life.

Mona K said...

This is a FANTASTIC book, and I'm already bummed that they're having Alec Baldwin play Campbell, the lawyer. In the book, the lawyer is in his 30's and has a great subplot with his disease and with Anna's social worker- not 50+ like botoxed Alec Baldwin. Cameron Diaz better not screw it up and overact like always.

Dirty Disher said...

Cameron Diaz better not screw it up..yeah, that was what I thought too.

ronnie said...

Yes, yes and yes. In a heartbeat.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely would, but I'd never tell the child, I wouldnt dream of making them feel like they were only conceived for that one reason.

Anonymous said...

I am a reader of your blog and I have never commented before. This really hits home for me because my 2 year old little boy was diagnosed in Dec. with aplastic anemia. It is a type of bone marrow failure. If his current treatments don't work, then a bone marrow transplant is the only option. My husband and I have had several discussions about having another child to save my first. We want more children anyway, why not? My husband is against it. Luckily, his treatment is showing signs of working and we don't have to worry about that right now. Anyway, sorry to write so much, this just really struck a chord with me. Also, I love your blog. It is a much needed source of laughter for me daily.

maureen said...

This was an excellent book. I don't think the parents ever told the younger daughter that they had her to keep the older one alive, she kind of guessed it, it was pretty obvious. I could be wrong because I read it a long time ago. I would recommend it along with most of her( Jodi Piccoult)other novels.

Disher said...

6:49:00, my thoughts go out to your sweet little boy and I'm so glad he's doing well with his treatments. Keep me posted on him, thanks. And never apologize for typing, that's what this place is for. I happily read it all.

Anonymous said...

No i wouldn't. As much as i understand the manic need to save the sick child i couldn't have another knowing i was going to put them at risk of major surgery for the sole purpose of saving the first(any surgery where your having a general anesthetic is a risk especially for a child).

What happens if the child isn't a match or is born with a deficiency of some kind that excludes them as a donor or puts them further at risk if you choose to still go ahead with it.

Your guaranting that one child is going to think of themselves as second rate and not as important or not as lovable, not as wanted. There is no way in hell i'd dump that on a innocent child to carry through life and always weigh them down.

Anonymous said...

A few of you have said you 'would but wouldnt tell the child'...ummmm how do you think youre going to keep it a secret? do you not think they will notice being prodded and poked? and do you not think they will figure out their date of conception, and tie it in with their siblings illness? good grief...

Anonymous said...

Oh and before you say i dont know what im talking about ...i saved my sister's life ..she had leukaemia and I was her bone marrow donor.. but i was 19 and i was ASKED.. not 'bred' to do it.

cakegirl68 said...

You know, you never know what you would do for your own child - not until you are in that situation...I feel that I would indeed do that, but I feel that it is unfair to judge someone else for not feeling that way. How about we not throw bricks at a glass house? I have 5 kids and am about to be 41 - I say I would have another to help one of mine, but the reality is, would another child at my age be a good idea? Don't judge others because they would do something different than you...

This movie looks like it will be a really good one.

Dirty Disher said...

cakegirl, you have 5 kids? Wow, you must be busy.

Anonymous said...

9:08 again, i'm not judging anyone for their choices, real or imagined. We were all asked a question and answers will vary and all are valid, even the ones you don't like cake.

But i'm not going to jump on the general yes bandwagon because it's the popular opinion, i stand by my opinion, it's how i feel, i couldn't look in the mirror again if i put a innocent child through physical torture because i was placing a greater value on the one who came before.

I'm trying to put aside what i as the adult wants and just look at the child brought into this world to save their siblings point of view. Save one and give the other one miserable baggage for a lifetime. Nope can't do it.

Thats not judging, thats opinion. More power to ya if you can live with it maybe that makes you a better person or a stronger one i don't know, either way everyones opinion is as valid as the next.

Unknown said...

My answer is "no". Children should be brought into this world because they are wanted and loved and not to save the life of another child. Life is precious, yes, but it's not the 2nd child's fault that the older child is sick. Having a child for the sole purpose of using it as a cure is wrong. That is my opinion.