Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Enviromental whore

Trudie Styler flew her hair and makeup people in to Washington DC for a White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Yeah. Trudie said: "Yes, I do take planes. My life is to travel and my life is also to speak out about the horrors of an environment that is being abused at the hands of oil companies."
I don't think that's supposed to include your hair and makeup people, Trudie. Everyone and their dog knows we have to save the rain forest, you're a dumbass if you don't know that. I don't know why governments don't step in right now and find a solution for that mess. It's too big and important to leave it in the hands of celebrities or celebritie's wives. Jebus.
Trudie heads the Rainforest Foundation. Do you know what Faded Youth (via page 6) found out? Only 41% of the proceeds go to tree-saving programs. That's right. I'm so sick of celebrity environmentalists I could puke at the site of them. Flying your hair stylist in as the sole passenger on a jet makes me sick and many of them do it. J-Lo, Mariah..oh, and John Travolta with his five private jets in his driveway. Good Gawd.

I don't even have a carbon footprint. I know because I took all those net quizzes and common sense will tell you that anyhow. I drive a Ford Focus, use it sparingly, I don't own a dishwasher or dryer. I use the damn clothes line, even in winter. I plant trees. I'll bet most of you do that stuff too. Or at least some of it. I'll betcha a lot of you recycle. And the celebs preaching to us about "green" never ends, while they do the things they tell us not to. They can kiss my ass. Ed Begley Junior is my personal hero. He's one of the few that practices what he preaches. No word on weather Sting realizes his wife is a cunt. Trudie, and everyone like her, makes me throw soda cans in the trash. That's right. I hate the can center, it's gross and stinky. I don't feel a bit guilty. Kiss my fat ass, green celeb whores.


crabbie said...


Anonymous said...

Ed Begley has been an enviromental warrior for YEARS, even before al gore created global warming....ed practices what he preaches and doesn't fly in a private jet to tell you that....

Dirty Disher said...

He's so cool. I love his show. Maybe I'll put a clip on.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So that picture was taken AFTER she had personal hair and makeup attention? Looks like she ain't getting her money's worth.

Dirty Disher said...

Awful, aint it?

Shelly said...

Nice rant!! I just watch the Oprah show from last week. Ed Begley Skyped so as not to waste plane rides and such. Good for him! 40%? Fuck that if it's the best they can do. Rich people are stupid.
Oh, and I want to have tantric sex with her husband!! Thats all I think about when I see these two:
Tantric sex with Sting.
Tantric sex with Sting.
Tantric sex with Sting.
Tantric sex with Sting in the rain forest.

Anonymous said...

Oil company abuse, eh? Makes me chuckle as I think back to footage from their wedding reception when they drove a HUMMER! Nothing says fuel efficiency like a Hummer. And I don't mean the little baby H3either. This was the original big ass military type Hummer.

Makes so much sense.

Dirty Disher said...

Hummer, hmmf! Why does anyone need a Hummer? Stupid people.

Leslie said...

I hate Sting.

Anonymous said...

Good rant, DD. Go get 'em.

Anonymous said...

Celebrity "enviromentalists" are so full of shit, always bragging about how they drive hybrids and blah blah blah, and then they live in mansions (thus taking up a ton of land, plus using a ton of energy to light up and air condition such a big place) and take private jets everywhere.

Honestly, celebrities should just stick to entertaining people because with very few exceptions, whenever they try to do anything else they suck at it.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is her stylist needs to be fired...gawd look at that rats nest on her head!

lia said...

it really pisses me off that we powerless people are asked to take on the responsibility of saving the planet. it makes me really mad to think that we are being asked to use less when corporate buildings are still lit up. celebrities pollute the air with their private jets. and and and and..... need i go on? you all get it. i don't mind doing my bit but really, i don't take up as much space as all the powerful people do. i am just a tiny, tiny powerless consumer in the grand scheme of things.

Anonymous said...

Environmental bailout!.

MaryL said...

She is a total fucking hypocrite and elitist skank. The rules she demands all the little people to live by don't apply to Princess Trudie. Oh, no. Not EVER.

MaryL said...

P.S. And like DD says, she's also a cunt.

Anonymous said...

It's all true. They are nearly all hypocrites. I didn't know Sting ever actually married Trudy. When did this take place? They have been together forever. There is no accounting for taste. How she landed Sting is beyond me...

Elizabeth said...

Anonymous said...

So that picture was taken AFTER she had personal hair and makeup attention? Looks like she ain't getting her money's worth.

Ha-my thoughts exactly.

Anonymous said...

Now I gotta find Begley's site. I've gotten to hate tv and the only shows I like are Don't Forget Your Passport, Don't Tell My Mother I'm In and Dog Whisperer. Watching Oprah and Ellen promote Having Stuff and all those "healthy" packaged food ads makes me sick Ok, this isn't my blog, I'll shut up now.
Point is, I agree with this post. Please post a clip DD.

MaryL said...

Anonymous 12:08 - He's no prize either. While she's an elitist skank, he's an arrogant, preening skank.