Thursday, May 14, 2009

EVERYBODY wants her hair

Kate Gosselin on her hair: “It’s my attitude! Everybody wants it. It’s work. I have very, very thick hair, so it’s not going to work for everybody. I’ve seen people come through the book line with thin hair and it just won’t work. My hair stylist gets calls from all across the country.”
I'm sure they do. Everyone wants what you have Kate, we are all just jealous of you and your hair and your wonderful life. Not to mention your fabulous career.
Aunt Jodi and Uncle Kevin are talking. HERE.
I'd just like to say that Aunt Jodi is nothing but a class act and I believe every word they say. Seriously. I am not snarking. Jodi babysat Kate's 8 kids for free, for days at a time and Kate never once returned the favor for Jodi's four. Not once.


Anonymous said...

Why would anyone want her hair? It's horrible. I rather shave my head.

Anonymous said...

her hairstyle sucks. alot.

Anonymous said...

she looks like a particularly stupid cockatiel.

FukKate said...

She's fucked in the head.

Anonymous said...

She has that hairstyle for one reason which is pretty obvious if you look at the older pictures posted of her recently. She has that one wonky eye and the shelf of hair hides that. She could get all the botox and veneers and plumping resylane, but nothing could be done about that weird eye placement.

Hedgehog's butt head.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:53: "Hedgehog's butt head"--PERFECT!!! I initially described her as looking like she stuck a chicken atop her head, but your description owns!!! Absolutlely perfect! ;)

crabbie said...

I ran over a porcupine the other day. It looked like her hair.

TVsnark said...

I'm so sick of her face.

bubble said...

if she dared show that hair in London she would be laughed out of town. Only a demented monkey with no style would want that hair.

MaryL said...


Anonymous said...

the back of her hair looks like those brushes outside doors where you wipe the mud off your shoes...

she's a delusional idiot...

Eric in San Diego said...

If I see a woman on the street with her hair like that, I will most likely point and laugh. She looks like crap, but is oblivious! She truly is believing her own press and BS. I honestly believe she would give up her family in order to maintain her fame. So very different from the beginning...

Unknown said...

No woman in SoCal would be caught DEAD with her hair. It is like the opposite mullet. Cropped in the back, party (striped zebra party) in the front. The front looks like a style I wore in 1985 in high school.
She is so hideous and such a bad mother. All she cares about is her, everyone loves me, everyone wants what I have. Blarf!

Anonymous said...

The best description I've ever seen mentioned that it looked like the TOILET brush! Yep, that's it!

Anonymous said...

Its amusing that someone actually gets paid to "style" her hair like that. I wouldnt admit it if I was that so-called stylist.

Anonymous said...

She has a Grinch face.

Dirty Disher said...

It's caught on here in the boonies. I saw it at the grocery store. It looked odd...and that's putting it nicely.

Unknown said...

Oh yes I really want to look like I only have time to do once side of my hair.

looks like the red spoon is back dirty disher.

Anonymous said...

She's totally full of shit. Every nutbag in the Harrisburg, PA area has that goofy haircut. I kid you not. I went to a concert in Herhsey 2-3 years ago and damn near every female was wearing that ridiculous cut.

Anonymous said...

Her hairstyle's caught on in the boonies because it's BOONIE HAIR. No one in a semi-urban area would dare. Not.even.

By the way, Kate's going to emerge from this mess smelling like the proverbial rose. Even though I totally believe she's as much to blame for their mess-of-a-marriage as he is-- if not moreso- as far as their fans are concerned he'll be cast as the 'bad guy' and the "cheater". I can almost guarantee that now that Jon's "affair" is plastered on every tabloid, Kate will receive even MORE 'love offerings' from her sycophantic (PSYCHO-FAN-tic) fans and continue to live very well indeed.

As for "Uncle Kevin", isn't it a little LATE to make a pitch to Jon & Kate to not trade their marriage for fame and fortune?? Hellll-OOO?

Perhaps the time for that plea would have been beFORE they signed the contracts and their lives (and those of their innocent kids) were irreparably changed for all time.

I can't stand the lot of these folks, but I disagree with 'ol Uncle & Auntie's decision to take their case to the media at all. In my opinion they're just jumping on the publicity bandwagon with this 'weighing in with their opinion' bull-crap. Was it interesting? Yeah. Juicy? Fer sure. But they need to SHADDUP. They really didn't tell us anything we didn't already know. Shit... I'm not even a VIEWER, but I knew.

By the way Dish, what's with the "class" obsessing? It seems to turn up frequently in your posts. This one's got it... that one doesn't. You're starting to sound like the "Countess" (wink-nudge)
I love ya, but really, who cares?

Anonymous said...

It's the same cut every muddshark in town gets.

Dirty Disher said...

Ava's Mommy..Kate's violent rages are no secret to us, right? Why are her stupid fans still defending her? All mom's lose it once in awile, except maybe Michelle Dugger..but, Kate rages constantly. She hits those kids and she's mean.

Dirty Disher said...

"By the way Dish, what's with the "class" obsessing?"

Class, to me, is someone who's honest, trustworthy, decent. That's real class and money can't buy it.

Go away. PLEASE said...

The top back of her head looks like a hairy tiara.

Anonymous said...

I think we all know Katie Irene has no class. She doesn't know the meaning of the word gracious (or as she would say...graciosity).

She puts the noxious in obnoxious. No friends at all? Hmmmm....wonder why that is?

Kevin and his wife may have been saying this all along, but can you imagine KI sitting there with her hands over her ears and her eyes closed saying "I won't listen...I won't listen"? Geez, I can picture it.

Anonymous said...

it looks like the butch cut rosie got when she publicly came out of the closet.

Anonymous said...

My daughter is a hair stylist at a hi-end salon and she calls this cut "the fat girl haircut". Then I thot about it and she's right. It's guy-repellent as well. Dykes love this cut. It makes them feel powerful, and BTW, they are usually BIG girls with Extra large heads! Now, don't we all agree?

Anonymous said...

Good gawd, that's a fuckin' assinine hairdo!

Anonymous said...

I see more people with that stupid hair that I would like too. Even the girl from the Biggest Loser had that hair cut but a shorter version. That hair sucjs and so does the creator.

Anonymous said...

Her stupid, lazy and useless fans defend her because Kate is their way out of a pathetic life. These women feel that Kates dream is obtainable. Kate is not smart, educated, did not discover anything or create anything. All she did was get a hold of some pretty potent fertility drugs and she became famous. That dream IS obtainable and thats why Kate has women who love her. Because they can also get that dream. *cough* Octomom.

Anonymous said...

Yes, anon:6:45, we all know you know her middle name since its how you like to refer to her, I couldn't be more impressed.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure all the soccer moms who are obsessed with her and think she's the bestest mommy ever want her haircut.

But nobody wth any sense does.

Mingey said...

I hope her hair dies!! BURN IT BURN IT NOW!!!!!!

bubble said...

I forgot to mention that I love the way Kate manages to slag off the women who have probably queued for ages to get her to sign her "book" by stating she sees them come through all the time but have thin hair so couldn't carry off her "look". Slag cant even be gracious to her "fans"

Anonymous said...

Slagging me for knowing her middle name? You have too much time on your hands. Just FYI, I didn't discover or care about this jerk's middle name. I just saw her referred to in that way and picked it up. I call her worse, believe me. My favorite is hedgehog butt head.