Thursday, May 14, 2009

Three monkey's and a step dad

Maxim’s Hot 100 party attended by the Kardashyasse's who look like three demented monkey's there...if monkey's dressed in ho clothes and gladiators. Bruce Jenner got his botched face lift fixed, the results will be shown Sunday on E! Kim says he looks awesome now, but, Kim thinks she looks awesome I have no idea. I like Bruce though. He's a good reason to watch the Kardashiass mess. I like it when he tells them they're fat or they shouldn't get naked so much...or be ho's so much. He leaves them devastated and goes off to fly toy airplanes. Hey E!, more Bruce, less Armenian ass..okay?


Anonymous said...

He looks like he should be on the Golden Girls!

crabbie said...


bubble said...

they are all so freaky looking, those girls, attractive coloring but spoiled by the whorey clothes & fuck me faces they like to pull. Pointless every one of them

Anonymous said...

The show is called "Keeping Up With The Kardashians"...and he agreed to that? Well, majority rules I 'spose. I like the show. I like Kris, I like Bruce too. And I really like Rob's girlfriend. Rob seems like a nice guy. I will be watching to see the results of Bruce's fix. He did get effed up by some dumbass Dr. Maybe they pulled up that turkey neck too? He's 60 ans still looks good. Kris is adorable, controlling, nosey and I like her alot. LOL!!! Like all mom's of young ladies are! We gotta know the 411...right????

Anonymous said...

I like him, he seems like the only one that doesnt relish the spotlight and pimp himself out, but his face just hasnt looked "right" for years now. Kris and him look sorta mismatched as a couple.

Anonymous said...

I remember Bruce from way back when, you know, he had a human face. Wondered WTF happened to him when I tuned into this show. He was handsome. Now he is a freak.

Hate them, hate the K's.

Anonymous said...

Why is one of those girls so much bigger than the other two? Are the three of them biological sisters?

Mingey said...

IT'S the hunchback!!! OF NOTRE DAME!!!!!