Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fake garden plants

This is some kind of a wild mallow plant, it springs up only in the watermelons and it's leaves resemble the melons. So, I pull most of it, but, every once in awhile I miss one, because the melon vines are crazy now. There are many plants that are almost twins to your flowers and veggies and they all seem to come up right where they can hide in plain site. I don't want to give them too much credit, it's not like they thought out their plan. I'm sure it's because the birds who eat the bugs in the mallow fields find the same kind of bugs on the watermelons and bring the seeds in to the garden. The mallow and melons like the same conditions. Well, a bunch of them bit the dust yesterday, but, I left this one. It's flower is pretty. It has a soft pink color underneath with that creamy top and dark center. It had better behave itself though, or it will get evicted. Those are the real watermelons on the right.


Dirty Disher said...

Actually, that wild plant is so pretty, I might try saving some seeds and getting it to grow in the back of the flower bed. I'll have to watch it to see if it turns obnoxious.

Anonymous said...

mallow is a good plant to have! you can use the root and i believe the stem (i'd have to double check on the stem)....

Dirty Disher said...

Hmm. I'll have to look it up, thanks. If anyone knows the identity of that particular one, I'd like to know too.