The Cosmos have finally bloomed. They are 10 feet tall, I've never seen that before. They aren't that pretty, it's kind of sad. They look old before their time, if that makes any sense. The Magnolia tree is blooming again too. Have you ever seen Magnolia's in the Midwest in September? Me neither. We had a jungle weather year, so all sorts of odd things are happening. The flower beds still look nice, except the front one by the mailbox, but, I expected that..those are wild flowers out there. They have to dry now. I woke up angry this morning. It happens sometimes. Just really really angry. It's a good thing I live alone, I really might have slapped someone if they talked to me this morning. I put on the coffee and stomped outside and was just hating everything when I noticed my Pineapple Sage was drying out, so I picked it. I went to put it on a strip of foil I have laying on the heater and the foil had bits of leftover Basil on it, so I took it out and shook it. While I was standing there, still mad, I had the thought that I should go over to the Marigold bed and wave the foil like a flag. It was just a very strong feeling and I couldn't shake it. So I did it. Standing out there, waving this 3 foot piece of foil in a figure eight pattern...and I had no idea why I had to do it. I wondered if this is how the tin foil hat people started. It wasn't a cute idea. I kept on doing it and some words came to me..I went with it..I still don't know why. But, after a few minutes of this ridiculous behavior a ton of butterflies swooped in. Attracted by the flashing tin foil? WTF? I have no idea, but, I watched them for awhile and I wasn't angry anymore. There were lots of Monarchs and those black ones with the orange wing tips..I like the way they look..they're like a reverse Monarch. I don't know what they're called. And lots of those small white ones that chase each other. And brown ones. Underrated, the browns.
I am not a butterfly person, trust me, I consider them just bugs with wings. Not my thing. Though I do occasionally watch one if it's right in front of me. I keep a special container of water out for them, they can only drink if it's shallow. Other than that, bugs with wings. So, why did I do that thing with the foil? And why did it cure my anger? This is one of the odd things that's happening and I don't understand them. There are a ton of Bumble Bees out there too, heavy, weighing down the flowers. I usually like them, they aren't mean, but, there was one in my ear while I was watching all this and he wouldn't stop pestering me. I almost stomped his ass, but, I figured that wasn't very Zen.
Pat, it's a good thing you didnt' stomp the bumblebee.
First, most all bumblebees you see are females, not males. So it was a her, not a him. :) Drones (males) are only created by the queen when it's time to make a new nest. They are born to mate, and then they die. We are quite unlikely to see them as all they do after they mature born is chase the queen when she leaves the nest. She flies as high as she can and only the male who can catch up with her, can mate with her. The rest just die.
Second, bumblebees have a special significance in paganism and old lore. IMO your bumblebee visitor is benevolent and was merely trying to bring you good news/a blessing of nature.
Here's a link but you can do a lot more research if you want.
By the way, is Lissa's full name Melissa?
Even if it's just Lissa, it may be a derivatice of Melissa which means - honey bee. :)
I think is fascinating that you were drawn to wave the foil in a figure 8, mobius, infinity symbol.
Maybe the pattern and movement drew the angry energies out of you.
Maybe the foil and energy flow attracted the butterflies and bee.
This is pure athiest speculation but my inner, agnostic optimist likes to ponder these things.
Lissa is for Alissa, a derivative of Alice. My son liked the name.
Thanks, anon.
Nina, for some reason I never thought of the infinity symbol..thanks.
Another good laugh (a good anecdote, too) but the other people here at Starbucks are wondering what the hell I'm laughing so much at. You're making me look silly too.
When I was a little girl in central KS there would be thousands of Monarchs by our house in the country. I remember standing by a tree and the bark looked like it was moving, then suddenly hundreds of them flew away at once. I had to be near Lissa's age. The moment floods back to my memory almost everytime I see a monarch.
I found exactly what I was looking for because anon happened to see this post. No, it wasn't the bee thing, but, it led me there. There is no such thing as coincidence.
I was at Lake Michigan near Charlevoix when the Monarchs were migrating from Beaver Island. It was awesome. Hundreds of Monarchs started to appear over the water and began to fly by over our heads. They weren't landing yet, but kept on going. It was such a "moving" experience for me. Of course I'm a big softie for butterflies and dragonflies. I collect them when I find them dead and unbroken...:-)
Ya, they are just a bug really, and kind of a dopey one at that fluttering about not really making any sense. But they sure are beautiful.
P.S. I'm glad you lost your anger. It's no fun to wake up that way. It happens to me too. I don't like it and I can't stop it. Nothing like a little dose of nature to cure a foul mood.
The foil was "the way out" for the negative feelings you had when you woke up.... it helped disperse the negative energy into the air.... NOPE there are NO coincidences... everything has a reason for happening.... and even tho you don't really like butterflies, they made you take notice today.. the flutter of their wings gave you positive good energy.... you see.... Isis has a way to work her magic... :)
Honestly, this post almost made me cry. Something about what you did & the result was moving to me. Sweet little innocent butterflies were summoned by your wonderful loving garden fairies and you heard w/o knowing & you went outside where the fairies could summon their legions. I totally believe this. You have a tight connection with your fairies and they love you, which is unusual, they mostly just tolerate us. They felt your inner turmoil as soon as you touched the plants. They just know...and they wanted to help you release it. You are very lucky. Sit out a low dish of sugar water for them, they appreciate it. Wow, they really love you. I might cry,
Rox, yeah, that's what I think too. I found the ritual and it was actually close. I'd never heard of it.
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