Dasha, from Seattle, says the cops have pulled her over 30 times for speeding, but, she only got two tickets. She knows they just pull her over because she's pretty. I don't know, Dasha, but, you kind of look like a hoard of Satan's minions have crawled up your ass to me. Maybe it's magic. Nice hair though.
Pretty attention whore, looking for more attention and it looks like she got her wish! People crack me up...
they pulled her over because she was SPEEDING, not cause she was pretty. She got away with it because she was pretty. and obviously stupid...
LMAO! Yep.
She looks like a mutt...maybe she's a Kate Gosselin wannabe as in rules don't apply to her either.
who is this chick? Sorry, I just don't have a clue.
These are the types of people that cause other types of people to wish horrible disfiguring warts to appear on the former type's face....Not me though, I'm not wishing that........LOL
She's not ugly but she isn't a supermodel either.
She is no one. She just thinks she is.
And that is what is frustrating with people like that. Living in her self-important little world, there is nothing anyone could say to convince her that she isn't the most gorgeous thing going.
"A hoard of Satan's minions have crawled up your ass". That's one hell of a funny line! I'm still laughing!
I'm pretty and I never get pulled over. Then again, I'm an anal driver and rarely speed. I also usually buy my own drinks and open my own car doors. Hmmm. Maybe I'm not as pretty as I think I am.
Ha Ha! It's great that she wrote that shit on her window and has customized plates: Now we know who to ram in case of a pretty emergency.
I think thats a dude....
I read this story on a news site a couple of days ago and found it amusing.
Are cops really that blind?
She should be fined for "tricking" cops into thinking she's somebody.
More like "Hard-faced shrew".
She is not even that pretty and I'm not saying that because I'm jealous. She just...isn't. Not ugly but not gorgeous enough to merit constantly being hit on either. Sounds like she just has a really big ego.
Now I'm embarassed to be from Seattle. What an douche.
My daughter got pulled over, she has done some modeling and is very pretty. This cop takes her info goes back to his car. The next thing my daughter knows there are about 7 other cops peering into her car even in the front windshield for no apparent reason, they weren't even there when this started, they just all stopped by! WTF? And this was late evening, so she was getting scared & she was in another town in another county. They just all hung out glaring into her car until the incident was over. Where the hell did they all come from? And why? To see a young woman rcieve a speeding ticket? And yes, she got the ticket too! Cops are the biggest dicks ever. Love me a fireman, hate cops. I dont trust them.
PS: that sign she scrawled on her car is an invitation to every sexual deviant around. It's like a bullseye. She just wants attention, and she will get it! She is probably dead, in some guys trunk now. I'm being serious.
Who goes around saying they are pretty anyway? If you gotta tell people you are, then you probably aren't!
12:17 Bull shit.
I don't get the cop-hating thing. I just got pulled over late last night by the nicest young plain-clothes pair of guys and they asked a few questions, checked them out and let me go with a non-officious, mellow, word of warning (Vancouver city cops). I've only met a few arseholes by speeding and I DO speed, so I've been pulled over several times. I'm not young anymore so they weren't responding to my beauty.
I expected them to be decent and they were. Hmmm...
Thank god I live in Olympia :)
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