She came over the first time to see if I was up. She thinks I sleep too late. She came over the second time to borrow milk. I gave her a new quart and told her to keep it, Lissa isn't coming, I don't need it. She screamed "OMG, why isn't she coming??" I told her she has a party and I wanted some quiet time ALONE. Big hint, right? She didn't take it. She came over the third time to tell me Pin called and she assured her I'd watch Alex (the two year old) ..I told her no, I'm not (which I told Pin yesterday) and besides I still have a headache. She came over the fourth time to ask me to take her to the store to get milk. I reminded her that I just gave her milk. Then I just thought, fuck this, and I got my purse and said, let's go. On the way out, I noticed a big bottle of pills on my top desk shelf is missing. When we were in the car I asked her if she took it and she admitted she did and said she knew when I have "those headaches" I take pills and she wants to keep them from now on and give them out as needed. For my own good. I calmly said, "Wouldn't it make more sense to take my pain pills then? You took my cholesterol pills." The fifth trip she made over here was to bring back my pills and I have now hidden all my medication.
She also came up with the "rule" that I should now tell her when I'm leaving and what time I'm going to be back. She smiled indulgently when she spewed this out, like she's a..mother. I said, no, thank you. If I had the money to go away, I would. Just for a few days. But, I don't and if she doesn't leave me alone this weekend, I think I might lose it. She needs to stay home for a few days, away from me. And if anyone out there is being driven to the brink by insane relatives, I want to hear it. All of it. Spill.
been to the brink of insanity....back...pretty much....
you want a $100 to go on a nice day trip? i can paypal you $100!! anyone else want to chip in?? let's start a 'save DD from her mom' fund!!!
Awww, that's so sweet, but, no. I'll live. If she leaves me alone.
I sent you an email. :)
I'll chip in on the send DD on a day trip. Hell, I'll come pick you up and chauffeur.
What's the paypal account name?
DD, you need a respite. I recommend several large guard dogs, too, for after the weekend away. PS I can also send oyu some mace. Just sayin'..
I don't know how you can be so calm around her. Coming into your home and taking your meds? Telling you you have to report to her when you leave? What the fuck is wrong with this woman?? I'll chip in $100 to send mom away...
My insane relatives are kept at bay most of the time. That's a beautiful pumpkin though. I heard it's been hard to find canned pumpkin and stuff because of a crop shortage. Haven't checked my grocery store, but there's gonna be hell if i don't get pumpkin pie on thanksgiving!! lol
Don't have $100 to chip in right now (sorry...) but will definitely contribute what I can if a paypal account is set up! Maybe we could all take turns - all those in need of a break from insanity (whether it be from parents, spouses, children, neighbors, colleagues, etc...) get a day or week end off somewhere. Sounds pretty nice, right now.
Take your pills, sleep and lock your doors. Can you take a "day trip" somewhere - just get in the car and drive no where (with the needle on E if you must...)?
I had a boss that wanted me to tell her where I was going every time I left the room, who I talked to and what I said to them. I would drive her crazy by saying, "I'm going to pee now, I'm going to find chocolate, I'm going to call my husband.." Then one day she told me to sit down, and I refused to, she was pissed. I quit that afternoon.
Try having someome just diagnosed with dementia with akisthesia. The akisthesia is the worse. It means they don't stop moving and will repeat things over and over and.....well you get the idea. Checking out nursing homes now. Ain't science wonderful. It allows us to live longer. We just don't know who the hell anyone is!
Can I come with you?
By the way, great looking pumpkin. You did well and if that is the only one that comes out that perfect, you're still ahead of the game. And the tooties and neat and pretty too.
Sorry about the dribble in the last mail, but you did say to let it out.
I think you should buy a big can of powdered milk and every time she says she forgot, you can tell her you have an extra one. Fill the empty jug with water (your choice of the source)-and problem is solved.
I bet Lissa is happy to be back in school and active in the party circuit again.
Nice Pumpkin! Great Gardening! Its has perfect shape!
I'm Watching Chris Isaac Show with guest Michael Buble on A&E that is an Hour Vacation. Oh yeah and no one is out of bed yet!
I believe as a whole, we can put our collective heads together and come up with a sensible, workable solution to your situation with your Mom--You should not have to deal with her like this on an on going basis. I think she needs
to go to an assisted living home
for starters. Her behavior is more than just annoying. I am worried about you Pat. You deserve better.
ps...set up that paypal account-
Pat get-a-way from Mom for a quiet vacation. I've never been to Iowa, but it appears to lack the one thing I truly love--Spectacular foliage of turning leaves that we have in the East.
It's getting to be that time of year!
Doesn't your door have a lock? Or is she stupid enough to stand there and beat on the door.
Feelin' for ya today dd.
Please stop with the money talk. No amount of money will get her out of my head. There is no lock that will keep her out. You guys have no idea how nuts she is.
I like the powdered milk idea, that made me laugh, since she used to do that to us when we were little. Gross lumpy shit. I can't be that mean.
I can see a lot of people have never had a crazy Narcissist in their lives, Pat and they think she's just a stronger version of 'difficult'.
Honestly, you gotta use your personal energy/power to give her the silent message that YOU"RE NOT HER PROPERTY.
I'm working on the same thing with mixed results as my energy fluctuates. But it does work.
Stay strong.
I love the textured look and color of your pumpkin. You have very pretty feet!
Everytime I read about your mom I am remindsd how much stronger and more tolerant you are then me. I'm for the most part pretty mellow and chill but I don't think I'd handle her as well as you do.
I have had a terrible year. Both my parents died this past year. The silver lining is that it means I no longer am compelled to deal with my crazy, angry, mean, rude sister. I have tried over the years to distance myself from her, or to just ignore her, but my parents forced me through guilt and mind games to always be her "keeper". Meanwhile she has treated me, and my husband, abhorantly.
It has been SO DIFFICULT for me to distance myself from her. No matter what she does or says to me I have always felt a sort of pity/responsibility for her.
I feel for you Pat. Dealing with crazy is the hardest thing. Hang in there!
3:26:00 PM, thanks.
Nina, I don't think I'm very mellow. That was a thing we wanted to be in the 70's..heh. I never really got there. I think I am on a pretty even keel. I lose it once or twice a year. I cuss a lot to myself.
Anon 133, that's interesting and horrible that your parents forced you to be your sisters keeper. I'd like to hear more about that sometime. If you wanted to tell it.
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