Big paper star hanging in the kitchen, no apparent reason. It was one of those middle of the night things, the desperate need to do something with my hands as I watch movies or TV. I've been slightly obsessed with the idea of the floating fire lanterns and after looking them up I realized it wasn't a smart idea to set a flaming paper sculpture loose in the air around here. I also realized my interest in it wasn't mystical, it was a subliminal message in a vodka ad that's been playing repeatedly on Hulu. I still like the floating fire lanterns, I don't think you have to use fire. I'm still thinking that out. While looking I found a lot of paper art. A lot of ideas that could be expanded on and taken in a different direction...and I don't know what the point is. Except that I have paper. Plain white paper. It's depressing that you can't buy any supplies around here. I have a friend who's making the trip to the city today and she asked if I needed anything. Um, yeah, the entire contents of any art supply shop. I'll settle for some decent paper.
You have sooo much talent on so many levels. People would buy these stars....
That's a really easy project, any kid who can cut a straight line can do that. Cute, isn't it? With paper art, I will really be starting at the beginning..that's for sure.
DD,you can use the little led candles and they look just like the real ones. We put them in jewel colored glass cups and they look fab!
Thanks, can't get those here either. Hmm.
Hey, there are some of those kiddie light up punkin necklaces at the dollar store. Bet that'd work.
Pat, that's so strange that you brought up the floating paper lanterns with the candle inside. Last night I went to meet a couple of friends at this place that has a big deck. We were sitting there chatting and all of a sudden I saw one floating about 30 feet from us. We watched it fly away for a few minutes until we couldn't see it anymore. I have no idea where it came from. My friend just kept saying, "Who would do that? It's going to catch something on fire.". It was pretty though.
That's strange. It one of those "things". I think the chance of fire is very slight if you can get them off the ground. Aren't they amazing? I wish I'd been there.
Pat, the punkin light thingys will do! I bet they will have little led candle thingys at the dollar store around xmas. I'm pretty sure I've seen those there before.
This is so pretty Pat. Not sure I could make one. I can't even make the Scandinavian paper folded stars. I bought a set of paper trips with instructions at a Norwegian Rosmaling show. I could not do it. Felt so dumb. I would buy that star.
Anon 3:54: Fuck Off. Pleaseeee.
Enough already.
Yeah. It was really weird. I'd never seen one floating before and had no clue what it was at first. It was beautiful though, especially since it was so unexpected.
It's beautiful Pat! You are so creative in so many ways.
We make these at school during Christmas time using in all the xmas colors and hang them up through the hallways. It's kinda magical.
I wish I knew more of your "back" story about how you came to b e your Mother's neighbor, what happened to Lissa's dad etc....Would you mind filling us newbies in? Maybe everyone else knows-but when you refer to your old house, being moved against your will and such, I was just wondering how it all came to be.
I have tons and tons and a tons of discarded paper from my work. . . . just saying . . .
I guess I should have said "reams and reams . . . "
I love those things!! I made like 5 of them out out fancy double sided paper for Christmas gifts 2 years ago. They hold up well - i still have mine! :)
Fiona, go back to the posts from a month or two ago, she writes how she ended up with this current house, and how she was forced out of her old house.
Send happy thoughts to Leonard Cohen who collapsed on-stage in Spain Friday but is out of the hospital now.
O.K. So I know I'm stupid. How do these things float? And where do you find directions?
Good Morning!
At the very least Pat, maybe you should consider an art you tube channel. Craft ideas such as the one you pictured are a popular but lost thing with kids and parents. The shitty books you can get now are that; shitty.
Very pretty star. Even though you say its an easy project. I couldn't have done such a great job and I'm old-er than a kid to say the least. :D
I made 2000 of those once during a meth freak-out.
Fiona, I'm thrilled anyone is even the least bit interested..thanks. My son died and this house was empty..and almost free. I've grown to like the tiny house, but, not the location. As for my farm house, that happened years ago and I've not talked about it much on here. I lived in an apartment before I moved to this place. It's nice to have a garden again.
Mischa, meth is a bad drug. I once built a cathederal out of pebbles.
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