I had a mammogram appointment yesterday and my DIL showed up with Lissa and asked if she could stay here because she got out of school early and was bored at home. I told her I had an appointment and she just stared at me (DIL, not Lis). So I said, sure, of course. I really don't want her to think she can't ask me to babysit anytime, but, it was one of those days I desperately wanted to be alone. But, she promised it was only for a couple of hours. I asked Mom to watch her while I went to the hospital and I got there, got it done and got back in a record 20 minutes. They were playing cards. Lis threw herself at me like I'd been gone a month and ask how bad did it hurt? Great, Mom had been telling her hypochondriac medical tales again. I said, it didn't hurt, it's just pictures. It's..a boobie squasher. I squashed my boob and she laughed. She gave Tuwella dirty look and said, it didn't hurt. She needs to lay off that medical stuff in front of Lis, the kid has enough medical stuff of her own. I wish I never had to leave her there.
I got paid back later when Mom's friend, Pin came over and brought her grandson. Lissa and I had spent an hour playing dress up with some old Halloween costumes, my head hurt and everything seemed really loud. Mom walked in holding this little boy's hand and she deposited him in my kitchen and said, I told Alex he could play with Lissa. Then she left. He's too young to play with Lissa, he's only two. I've seen him around the yard when Pin visits, he's a cute little guy, but, I don't really know him. I knew what happened. They can't stand him. Pin is raising him because her daughter is a druggie fuck up and she loves him, but, he drives her nuts. My Mom can not stand this kid, she says he's a holy terror. So, I had no idea what to expect. And I really wasn't in the mood for any of them, but, he didn't ask to be dropped here, so I tried to shake it off. What's one day out of a crappy life, right?
We tried to engage him in play and he wasn't having it. I tried reading to him, but, he wasn't interested, he just wanted the book that was shaped like a truck and had velcro on it. What he seemed to enjoy was getting into everything. It's been awhile since I've had a two year old, but, isn't that pretty normal? So I told Lis, let's just let him go for it, it makes him happy. He tore apart the toy box, the tub of Matchbox stuff, all the movies, books, my canned goods, pots and pans and anything else he could reach. I don't have anything he could get hurt on at toddler level, so he really had a good time. I just sat here at my desk chair where I could see them. Bad babysitter. Free babysitter. He could say three things..twuck, mine and ah zis? Every time he'd find something interesting he'd bring it to me and ask, ah zis? I'd say, that's Gigli, the worst movie ever made or that's pork and beans, never eat the pork. All afternoon. Sigh. Lissa started having a good time when I'd give kid humor answers to his querrys. That's a package of hiney wipe for stinky butts. Bwaa ha ha. Yeah.
Lissa got into this babysitting experience more when she started trying to figure out what two year olds can eat. Can he eat candy? I have no idea, he didn't come with instructions. Try it. He spit the chocolate out in my hand. Gross. Yeah, that's funny. Try string cheese. Graham crackers. Oreos. He wasn't hungry, this was just a way for me to let her kill time. I found a sippy and gave him some milk, but, he pointed at her Coke and cried like his heart was broken. When strange toddlers cry, there's a universal move, we both patted his back and said, no, it's okay, it's okay. I dumped out the milk and gave him a tiny bit of soda. He had one sip, big grin, off he went. Lissa looked at me and said, I'm telling on you. Nice. Schooled by a five year old. It's not like I offered him a smoke. I reminded her that she shouldn't have it either and she's lucky I'm a crappy babysitter.
That went on for a few hours until his Grandma finally came and got him. She told him it was time to go home and he yelled, NO! (Hey, another word) and he ran from her and tried to hide. She asked me "He no bother you?" Pin doesn't speak bad English or good English, but, the inflection of her tone was "Why aren't you insane by now?" I told her, honestly, no, he doesn't bother me. He's a good little kid, he's just busy. I don't know what my Mom's problem is with him. He's not loud, he knows what no means and he occupies himself. Anyway, she left with him kicking and screaming and we gave him the Elmo on a motorcycle toy. It's a toddler toy and Lis has outgrown it.
The weird part is that once Pin realized I meant it when I said I liked him, she kept asking if I wanted him back today. I thought she was joking and I laughed. She wasn't joking. I told her Lissa wouldn't be here today. After a pause she said, so, you no want him come back tomorrow? Gawd. I finally just said, no, I'm busy. I told her he can come back when Lissa is here though. I may regret that. My DIL didn't show up until bedtime and then she had something to tell me. She said they have a birthday party in the city this weekend so Lis won't be here. She didn't know how to "break it to me." I told her I needed a break anyway and she looked shocked. What is with these people anyhow? They all seem weird to me, only the kids make sense, and I think a weekend without kids sounds pretty good. And no, I won't be lonely. Wankers.
I'm never lonely when I'm alone either. I treasure it. I don't get lonely people. I enjoy my own company I guess. LOL Maybe in 30 years I'll understand. Or I won't remember to be lonely by then. I enjoyed this post Pat. You have a nice quiet weekend. Sounds like you need it.
Thanks, I do need it. It's been a week of people in my face.
You'd think your DIL would understand that you need a break sometimes just like she does. She sounds pretty self-absorbed.
I think I like hearing about you & your life more than celebrity gossip.
Have a great weekend!
Why aren't you supposed to eat the pork?
It's not like I offered him a smoke. That cracks me up.
I was out with my mom, sister in law and niece at a children's shop a few weeks ago. My niece, who is 10 months old, seemed to really be interested in this board puzzle. It had 3 pieces shaped like a cow, a horse, and a barn with pegs sticking out. I picked it up and started walking toward the register and my sister in law asked what I was doing.
I said,"I'm getting her the puzzle, she loves it and it's on sale." she said, "You wouldn't understand because you don't have kids but they can't have puzzles until they're 12 months." I said, "It's not dangerous or anything, it's just a developmental guideline. It's not like I'm getting her a bag of marbles or anything."
Her response, "Babies can't have marbles." I seriously wanted to smack her.
Oh boy! That's a story. Poor kids with messed up parents. Grandparents raising grandkids. You know your mom didn't want the little one over at her house. Can you imagine what kind of a mess he would make out of her mess? The picture in my mind involves eating cat food. Never too early to learn dog food is better.
You sound the like best Gramma around. I love how you just let the little guy tear it up...I bet he never gets to do that and was just thrilled.
I let little kids drink pop when they're here...I tell them when they ask for milk, "you know, your mom's not here...you can have as much pop as you want". Yes, I'm *that* kind of auntie.
Not my kid, not my problem...that's what I always say :D .
Oh, I should add: people are always asking me to babysit their kids...and my husband tells me it serves me right for being nice to their kid. I just think all kids deserve respect, ya know? That doesn't mean I want them in my house all day every day...
Alanna: Hahaha..good one! People drive me nuts. If we waited to do things for or with our kids until the experts say it's time for it, we would all be so far behind. Kids are so fast at learning. It's kinda what they do for many years and all they do besides eat & poop! They learn. It's never too early to get a child to do puzzles or enjoy books. I read to my kids while hey were still in my womb. It always calmed them down. They would enjoy a good story book over TV anytime. My kids still love to read. They remember the books & stories too. We have to make intelligent decisions as parents. If it feels right, then it probably is. If it's too soon, put it away for a month or 2. It's not brain surgery.
Rox, I completely agree with you. I just want my niece to be able to learn and I figured if she was interested in it, she's probably ready for it or close to it.
My sister in law is very over protective and doesn't let my niece explore things and just does them for her. It worries me but what do I know, I don't have kids.
Pat, I'm sure the reason that little boy wanted to stay was because you let him have some independence. That and you're an awesome grandmother to Lissa. Hope you enjoy your weekend and that the mammogram results are good.
Actually, the bb's are used to mark a lump, mass, or just something suspicious. The nipple shows up just fine without any kind of marking.
They use the bb's pre-biopsy as well.
BTW, I hate mammagrams. They are very painful on small breasted women! OUCH!
Alanna, I'm so glad you bought her the puzzle. There's no reason I can think of why a baby can't have a puzzle with big pieces. Parents who go by the exactly by the "book" are just odd to me.
Noelle, you hit the nail right on the head. Mom needs to clean up that mess in the front room, put out a box of harmless junk for him and buy a cheap baby gate to the kitchen. If she did that, the kid wouldn't bother anybody, and Pin is one of her few friends. So, you'd think she do that. I don't get it.
Fiona, pre biopsy, you are correct. But, in a check up, I was told by the doctor and by radiology it's to mark nipple placement. As for pain in small breasted people, sigh, I wouldn't know. They do contort the hell out of ya, don't they? This tech gal adjusted for my lack of height though. I was greatful. No one enjoys standing on tip toe while caught in a vice. In all the kid stuff going on, I forgot to remove the bandaids until this morning. It wasn't pleasant getting them off and they need to find less sticky ones for delicate places.
Awww, Pat you have such a good heart. This brought back a sweet memory of my kids playing with tupperware containers, baking tins and stainless mixing bowls while I made dinner.
They'd take the 10 million letter magnets off the fridge and use them to make special recipes for me to, "taste." The louder I smacked my lips and said, "Yummm" the happier they were...
Amen to that! I hate that test above all others. I do NOT have enough to throw on the tray and have it smushed. A man came up with that damn machine, I am sure!
Kylie's Mom, yep. I totally related to what you said. I like little kids, but, I don't choose to do that all day, everyday, and I'm sick of people who don't understand that I have a life too. And I'm not lonely.
And Crabbie, yuk. You eat that??
Nina! Thanks for reminding me I have a whole coffee can filled with magnet letter somewhere. I gotta find that!
Why is it in the can if I'm not supposed to eat it?
i'm small boobed and had my first mammogram this spring and it didn't hurt, at ALL...not even discomfort....i even had numbing gel to put on if i felt i needed it, and i didn't need it! they put those bandaids on me though to mark the nipples in the mammogram....
if anyone is around NE Ohio, go to the Akron General Breast Health Center!
hope you enjoy your kid free weekend!!! :-)
Well interesting ladies is all I can say-work next door to top notch Breast Imaging facility and we have never done that, nor heard of...so, learn something new everyday. Was it digital mammaography or radiographic? The reason I ask is because on digital you can see the nipple plain as day.
Miss Tia-tell me about NE Ohio...I have an interview next week at Clevland Clinic...so nervous, but excited.
BTW-also never heard of numbing gel for the boobs...LOL-just will say you are lucky it didn't hurt. Mine was sheer agony, and I had a very experienced technologist. I was told it was because I have fiborous breast tissue.
You know, men have to get them sometimes....jokingly call them manograms...they can get breast cancer as well.
talking about smashing things. I am going to use my thighmaster for a chin/neck exerciser after seeing the Neck Slimmer on TV. Its just a thigh master for your neck and I already have that. I'm sure it will explode out from under my face & hit me in the nose, but I deserve that for trying it. Wish me luck. LOL..it's Friday and I get kinda crazy about 4:45. TGIF!
i still have the numbing gel around here somewhere...when i find it, i'll post the name of it...you could probably google it...it can be used for numbing sore parts, so it's multi-purpose gel....you put it on about an hour before...but i didn't use mine...
where do you live now fiona? then i could explain NE Ohio better!
You're a good person letting that little guy have fun. I can't stand it when people get on kid's asses for being just a little kid.
Enjoy your weekend!
Miss Tia,
I am in beautiful Utah!
No one is paying attention to Crabbie :(...
I love being alone too. Not that I treasure my own company, I just love the quiet and empty um...air space.
My mom would let my brother play in the oven drawer. She cleaned out anything dangerous and left pots and pans and wooden spoons and let him go at it. He kept busy for a long time. He liked being in the same room as her and she was always in the kitchen. It was a good partnership. He graduated to helping her do her kitchen stuff. I'd like to tell you he became a great chef but he didn't. He knows his way around the kitchen and he helps his wife out a lot though. Good enough for me.
It was a lovely post DD and I've missed your daily observations and commentaries. I love how you interact with Lissa (and everyone else) and I'm so glad for her that she has you in her life.
whoa, you're flying to cleveland for an interview from utah?! wow!
well of course cleveland gets bad winters...cleveland does have things to do...google 'cleveland scene' a weekly free magazine that lists events...there are some very nice neighborhoods in cleveland and some very bad ones....
the sports fans are rabid for the most part...
i've been up to the cleveland clinic a couple times taking friends and it is HUGE....
i don't know what else to tell ya...what would you like to know?
good luck with the interview!
I want numbing gel next time!
Good luck Rox! I got the biggest kick out of your re-cycling the thighmaster!
Its nice to see a fellow Utard here !!!!!
LMAO @ the thigh master. I actually laughed out loud picturing that.
Frimmy, that oven drawer was Lissa's fav when she was little. I just remembered that. I never even knew I had one before she found it. LOL.
I want numbing gel right now for my brain. Never heard of that either.
it is lidocaine gel....not expensive...insurance covers it unless you have hmo from hell...
The first time I saw the beebees, I thought something was supposed to snap to them. I guess you can see, I'm not too bright!
I treasure my alone time. I practically leap for joy when I realize I will have the whole house to myself.
Oh divinity!
alone time is my favorite time. Me, tv, magazine, litre of haagen daaz praline & cream, curtains drawn & phone switched off. Heaven. Havent had a day like in a long while.
Hey Pat, is that Pin woman Thai?
She is. How did you know?
Who is going to the Cleveland Clinic?
I know that area well. My son was born there.
A good place to eat is Little Italy. Right around the corner from the clinic.
And, BTW, The Clinic is in a rough and impoverished neighborhood.
It's a stark juxtaposition: the world-renown Cleve. Clinic, and the boarded-up houses that surround it.
Does this Thai women cook? I love Thai food. Is she any good?
there's some neat old homes by the cleveland clinic...though of course they are now empty or turned into apartments...or inhibited by squattors....
The name is a common thai nick name, the way you wrote how she spoke & her total indifference to who looks after her grandchild. Totally thai style. lol
The nic is one I gave her. Oddly, her name is Penelope. I don't know if she can cook. She's my mom's friend of many years. I try to avoid her.
Awesome story :) I haven't been able to get to your site and I missed this. Too glad I caught it, it was great!
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