I came home from work Saturday to find this. That's her yard in the bottom pic, but, mine fared no better. They took everything except the big Mulberry over my house (which I actually want gone) and my big Walnut. The Walnut is too big even for most tree companies, let alone hard up neighbors making a few buck from my Mother. Why in the name of everything unholy would anyone do this to their yard, you ask? Ahhh, you think like an amateur. What is the destruction of a beautiful yard compared to the total annihilation of your daughter's soul? Fool. You have to think these things out.
The weird thing is..my psychic stuff was working. I had been worried about my trees for some odd reason, but, I thought..she couldn't pull this one again. The last time she did it, I lived miles away in another state and it caused so many problems and so much rage I didn't talk to her for six months and I got a therapist. Ha ha to me. I underestimated her. My second mistake was telling her I loved the yard and the trees and how nice and private it is. Was. If you want to destroy people, you have to find out what is important to them. My Mother is no amateur. Watch and learn, Grasshopper.
The weird thing is..my psychic stuff was working. I had been worried about my trees for some odd reason, but, I thought..she couldn't pull this one again. The last time she did it, I lived miles away in another state and it caused so many problems and so much rage I didn't talk to her for six months and I got a therapist. Ha ha to me. I underestimated her. My second mistake was telling her I loved the yard and the trees and how nice and private it is. Was. If you want to destroy people, you have to find out what is important to them. My Mother is no amateur. Watch and learn, Grasshopper.
DD, I still don't understand, really and seriously, why you put up with this shit. I do not know what you went through in your life, at least not all of it. But I have to tell you that my father has been pretty fucked up most of his life, so has my mom. Do they live near me now? Yes, they do... They moved here to be closer to us and the children. But I had to set a few things straight first and, believe me, it was no piece of cake. It was damn fucking horrible. And it took over 3 years for them to understand that I will not permit certain things, comments, actions, and it still takes a lot for us to work together. But your mother, lawdy, what can one say. I understand that you feel responsible for her but, at the same time, you need to take care of yourself and your sanity. Too long of a rant, sorry. It just gets my blood boiling when I read some of these posts where your mother does absolutely not respect you. Why do you put up with this? Seriously. I love your blog, I love what you have to say and read you daily. It just boggles the mind.
I re-read your post three times, looked at the pictures and still don't know what to say. Completely at a loss for words. She paid neighbors to come in and clear your yard? Garden as well? Did she give any kind of reason or is that a really dumb question?
Pat - are you saying she took down the trees and bushes between the yards? Sorry, it's hard to tell from the pics but I think that's what you mean. If so, I really can't understand how you could put up with it. Do you have any legal recourse? I'm so angry at the constant violations against you.
Melissa took the words out of my mouth. Pat, it is almost sounding like a situation where you have to bail in order to save yourself! I am concerned for you; going to prison for killing her almost sounds like something that could happen. Everyone has a breaking point. I know you do alot for her, but sounds like she can manipulate people to haul her crazy ass around. Pat, please save yourself. Seriously.
What I say doesn't matter. Telling her off means nothing to her. Moving far away is only a minor inconvenience for her, she will do these things no matter where I am. And she has. What am I supposed to do, call the cops?
To the other questions. No, not between our yards. In her yard and MY Yard. They had to remove my fence to do it. All trees and shrubs, gone. Gone. Yard art, gone. Birdhouses, (15 of them) gone. My fence is still down...laying on the ground.
It took me two days to post this without sounding like a lunatic.
Oh, I'm so sorry. What a horrible thing for her to do.
Who did this for her? Why would they without permision? My god what the hell kind of town do you live in? DD you need to put her ass in a nursing home. No reason to feel guilty lock her ass up! You deserve so much better.
I'm not going to bother saying all the expected things, you've heard it all before. Bill is right, your mother is mentally ill, probably an advanced case of dementia and it is your duty as her daughter to see that she gets care in a nursing facility. You aren't going to have much trouble showing just cause for putting her there, she's obviously not capable of reasonable judgement. She's got a cruel streak that seems to have gotten worse as she's gotten older.
Tell me they didn't take the Prom Queen and the Ruhbarb cement leaf?
I'm going through a dementia problem now. There's several routes you can take. You have to call the coroner to have her held for 72 hrs.in a psychiatric ward. Then she can be moved to a nursing home. But I think you know all this already. You are suffering because it is put on your back to decide to do it.
I'm sorry! It is a hard thing to live with.
Pat, I know how much I love my garden and I know how much you loved yours. It's my sanctuary when too much stuff is going through my heard.
I'm so sorry she did this to you. I think I would have to call the cops and have her arrested. Can you get a restraining order put on her?
Ugh..That should be head not heard.
Your posts have been far and few between lately and I am worried about you.
This is your excuse. This is your reason. THIS IS WHAT YOU CANNOT FORGET. Your yard, your sanctuary, your son's memory. Lissa's hope. THIS IS A GIFT. I know you cannot see it right now but BELIEVE ME the memory of this is what will give you strength while you do what is necessary to leave this person, your mother. THIS IS YOUR EXCUSE. I am emailing you right now so we can talk more about it. Pat, I know EXACTLY what you are feeling.
anon 133
Mother of Pearl, that is awful. How can someone come in and trespass like that. I agree something needs to be done about your mom. This has really gone too far. I am so sorry about your yard, that would nearly kill me. (((hugs)))
she is a murderer of souls and everything that is beautiful. evil, just like my mother in law. down to the bone and born that way. will never change and will ceaselessly suck my wonderful husband into her hell. i have done my therapy in regards to my destructive mother, fire and abandonment were her thing, but really, where do we draw the line???
this is no accident on her part. this is calculated destruction. what drives people like this, forget the fact we are related to them for a minute. would we want to know these types of people, let alone give them the time of day?? i can't wrap my head around it!!
I was devastated for you when i read this. Trees are friends. It's like she murdered them, out of spite and craziness. I agree...time for the nursing home. Past time. She is vicious and has no moral compass. She doesn't deserve you.
On the up side..hey..at least she won't outlive you....hopefully you will have decades to do just as you please.
sending calming leafy green thoughts your way...
one last thought. I come here from the west coast to get a quick smile and chuckle and to realize how funny things are, even though they are tragic, but one thing is buggin me. I look at this as abuse in the clearest sense of the word. forget that it's not a boyfriend or husband beating you and you making excuses, this is YOUR MOTHER!! and I see the bruises of the whacks she takes on you. what can a single far away anonymous reader do, nothing, right? right. but really even whitney got away from bobby. shit get away now!! that's all from me. take care of yourself.
ugh. i don't even know what to say... :(
DD, I plead ignorance but does she OWN your property? I have to believe so or otherwise whatever asswipe came onto your property and removed anything (much less ALL) was legally trespassing, no matter WHO paid him/them to do it.
Ah, crap. I am so, so sorry. Nothing like ripping out your heart and soul.
WEOW i am GOBSMACKED!!!!! just came home from driving my mother 500 miles to a wedding and back another 500 miles. so after spending 3 days with her am feeling depressed, morose, fat, ugly and angry. but my mother has nothing on yours. this would make me positively murderous and obviously thats not healthy. is there a chance that your mother had dementia. if so, a nursing home for her. plan 2 do you own this house, or does it belong to your mother. if you own it, then you should sell it and move on. this woman may outlive you. my mother is 88 but i am not at all confident that i will outlive the heartless bitch. if you can get out then do so because she will kill you if you don't kill her and thats not a good place to be.
all my love and strength and good wishes to you. do whatever you have to do to stay out of trouble.
I read your blog daily. I never posted here but have always wanted to. I look forward to reading about your garden, the things you do with your granddaughter and all the things you have to say. You never fail to make me laugh. This however made me sick to my stomach. How cruel! My grandmother was like this to my Mom( her mother in law). When I was a toddler, my mother was cleaning up my baby carrage to give to her sister so she didn't have to buy one. My mother was being kind because her sister had no money for a new one. Anyway, my grandmother sat and watched my mom clean and polish up this pram all afternoon ( she lived in a in law section of my parents home). My mom left to go to the grocery store and left the carriage out on the back patio in her fenced yard. When she returned from the store the carriage was smashed to pieces. My grandmother was so against giving things away instead of selling them or keeping them, that she had smashed the entire thing so no one could have it. My mother was dumbfounded. She didn't know what to do. By then my grandmother had gone back into her apartment and totally denied knowing anything about it,but she was the only one who could have done it. She also did numerous things to my mother that were so mean and hateful, including trying to split my parents up. She died when I was 7 years old and I'm glad I never really got to know her. My mother took care of her for 3 years while she suffered from cancer and was nothing but kind and compassionate towards her. I've often asked my mother how could you be so kind towards someone who was so cruel to you and she tells me that she thought of my grandmother as being mental ill and that if it were her mother she would want someone to care for her inspite of her problems. She and you are a better than I am. I really couldn't handle even being civil to someone who would be so callous. My thoughts are with you. Sorry for the length but your post brought back alot of sad memories for me regarding how cruel my grandmother was to my mom.
you read stuff like this and wonder if karma really does exist.
Hi Pat,
Feeling better?, you can't control it, so face the day and the consequences of having an out-of-control narcissistic parent living next to you. My Dad's been that way since his stroke. Some things got better; but his self-reliance is lost, so he tries to manage people around him as his last position of authority.
I think it's her need to assert herself by claiming your stuff and time--seems that has been the case with computers, other people's kids, checkbooks, siblings and yards.
Privacy is big for me, I don't like being around a lot of people, shit, I don't go to sporting events or concerts because I find myself looking at everyone and deciding which escape exit is closest. I feel for your newfound vulnerability.
No advice or even opinions here. Just compassion...
You're a strong and wise woman, in so many ways. I can only hope you find your way safely through this. You're the only one who can define the problem and the solution.
((((((BIG HUGS))))))
I am so sorry Pat. I am very sad right now because of this. I look forward to reading about your garden and looking at the pictures. I am utterly speechless in a way about it. I would see red and want to commit murder over that shit!
I want to give you a real hug because that must have been the most awful thing to see when you came home (to date).
Hugs again!
I'm just so, so sorry. That's all I can say right now. Sending healing thoughts your way. We love you.
Im speechless.. i hardly know what to write...
I check your blog a couple of times a day as i love to hear about what you and Lissa have been up to..ill even tell my husband things about you! "i was reading Pat's blog and she had these neat photos...etc"
And the person above me is right...those that come here do you 'love' you...i know that probably sounds weird coming from a stranger online that you have never met..esp one that lives half a world away..
I feel sick thinking about what your mum has done.. and really angry..
All i can say is that im so sorry this has happened and send you a big cyber hug...
much love
Liz from NZ x
Pat, I am sooooooooo sorry she did this to you..... I know you don't need advice but I think that you should look into what others have said..."put her into a nursing home" . The way she lives etc, she will not pass an evaluation, tell them you think she is a danger to herself etc..... and maybe you will get lucky and they will cart her off. The woman is friggin sick and she wants to drive you insane...please don't let her keep trying... Lissa NEEDS you.....
Pat, I have no advice just my deepest sympathies. I can only send you positive thoughts. Although I know that it is not a consoliation, it can grow back. It's the bigger issues that worry me and I send you well wishes.
I am so sorry this happened to you. Luckily I have never experienced anything like this with a family member, but I can only imagine what you must be doing through.
I know revenge is the worst medicine but I would so have the urge to go and trash something near and dear to her. Or at least don't take her to the store anymore on check day!
Take care of yourself and keep us posted!
When I first looked at the third picture, thought one of your Iowa tornadoes had blown through. Read the story and found it was a shit storm, of your Mother's making. You have my sympathy and support. I was responsible for my Mother when she was old, crazy and suffering from dementia. Was going to have her move in with me, that lasted two days before I was yelling 'get her the fuck out of here'. She went off to live at the happy home (Alzheimer unit).
Try to stay sane, we're all here for you.
That's fucked. Time to start over. Do you need suggestions for fast-growing shrubs to provide some privacy in the short term?
Whoever took your fence and trees without your permission should be more than happy to get off just reimbursing you for what they took and destroyed. Call the police if they fuck with you.
Your mom is too much. You could sign her over to the state and be done with her. It seems severe, but she's very cruel to you. If it were a new development because of dementia, that would be one thing but it sounds like she's made it a life-long hobby. It's waaaay over the top.
Do you have friends *there* who can help you? Because now is the time to call in some favors for support.
Oh hell no! Your Mother is a psychopath...is she that desperate for attention or is she just that mean? I don't know this woman, but I can't stand her. Crazy old bat!! I don't know how you do it. I would probably set her house on fire with her in it.
DD, I'm sick over this..
I looked forward to the end of the season where everything slowly died and was picked over for its seeds, interesting dying leaves and foliage..
This may be the worst most invasive thing she's done. I really have no words of anger, just hurt.
I'm sorry.
DD- I'm so sorry about your yard. I haven't been a really good friend lately,by not coming by,huh? It's not because I don't love ya,I've been trying to keep my bastard followers from tearing your site apart again. They have stepped up their game,but anyhoo. If I can do anything you got my email address just let me know & I'll try my hardest to help. You need to get away from your mom,sweetie! I'd NEVER say things to intentionally make you mad,but this doesn't look like something that's going to be able to be fixed or just get better on it's own. Let me know what I can do. We love ya girl!
sue her. Damage of property. Also, have her declared suffering from dementia and carried away to the next insane asylum.
Fuck! no words
So sorry about what happened to your yard! Say, I was just wondering.... your mom asked you awhile back to start letting her know when you'd be leaving and when you'd be coming back home. Was this her way of finding a window of opportunity to get the yard stripped while you were gone? Maybe she wanted to make sure you wouldn't be returning home in the middle of the job and throw a fit.
She's one mean woman!
It's not dementia - everyone understands to their capabilities and experience.
Narcissist, psychopath - they hide behind a veneer of charm and charisma.
I thot you had a destructive storm or tornado! It looks like it! Or that some kind of animals destroyed everything. Its a total mess and looks like a bomb went off there. I had to read it a few times to even get what happened. I cannot imagine. I think she feels like it's her property and she will do what she damn well pleases to it. Right? Maybe she wants you to move? Well, as soon as you can afford it, have a privacy fence installed. You have to. Post a No Trespassing sign on the fence at the gate and make her call you if she has something to say to you. A day in advance if at all possible. This is horrible. I am sorry for you. All your work and love. I bet the fairies are mad! You dont' wanna get them mad ya' know? They love you tho and will help you. They will. Just wait.
This makes me appreciate my mother a little more. I can't imagine what it must be like to have your own mother be so cruel to you. It's really sad. I agree with others. She belongs in a nursing home.
!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK !!!!!!!!
there are really no words....what the fuck?! are you suppose to sit there day in/day out ever vigilant in case she wants to destroy something else? what next, she'll bulldoze your house??
what a fucknut!
there is SOME solace in the fact that things DO grow back....plot out what to grow next year....also, you can plant trees this time of year...poplar trees grow quickly....
i just wouldn't even talk to her...just look right thru her....ignore her...pretend you don't hear her....she walks in your house act like she's a burglar and start yelling "stop thief stop" and chase her out...hit her with a broom...
i seriously would be blind with rage.....
DD ~ I understand more then you'll ever know. I am so so sorry to you for this horrible distruction to your garden. Hang in there -- from the looks of things around here you have ALOT of friends and we will get you through. Chin up!
This is not getting better and to think that it will begin to is foolishness. I feel horribly for you but I hope that you will do the right thing and separate yourself physically from this woman.
My condolences go out to you, Pat.
I hope the trees and bushes won't have been sacrificed in vain, and something good will emerge from this grievous trespass.
Sending you strength, courage and sympathy. May you and your garden prevail and flourish.
Pat, I think everything that can be said has been said. I'm just so sorry for your sadness.
Is it possible to turn it around and look at it as a brand new palette in the spring? Suppose it had been a tornado--I know you'd take a deep breath and go on with your garden in the spring. You have so much talent--you can turn something ugly into something beautiful and sweet.
Maybe you could ask Lissa to help you plan what you and she will do.
This is a lame attempt to help in a situation that I really don't know anything about. I'm sad about the trees, but I'm sadder about the hurt in your heart.
Dear Pat,
Words fail me....I check your blog everyday, and look forward to your funny comments, and your view on life in general. This was quite simply mean-spirted and nasty. I'll bet she's smirking! You really should do something before she does something worse ... to you or your granddaughter. My thoughts are with you, and I send you hugs....
i bet she was smirking too...acting superior and like she HAD to do it or there was some REASON it had to be done and woe be tide you question her authority....
she is obviously very mentally ill...i don't think dementia cuz she knows what she is doing....elderly narcism...i hope you don't give her a ride anytime soon...tell her to fucking pay one of her neighbor buddies...
i'm unsure what kind of illness your brother has, but i bet it was developed as an escape mechanism from your mother....
would you like everyone to send you seeds DD???
Pat, I don't know what to say. I've always admired your little garden and loved the stories you told about it. But most importantly, I've always admired YOU and your great stories. Please remember that you have a lot of support and people who care about you - as evidenced by all of these comments.
My sincerest condolences for your loss DD. This is definitely a mourning and please give yourself permission to act as such.
I am so, so sorry Pat. I watched my Mom deal with her Mother all her life and I am so sorry that you are having to live through this. It is hell on earth - any happiness or pleasure you have she purposefully takes from you. You are a wonderful daughter, a great mom and an amazing grandma. Know that We all love you and don't even *know* you.
Oh. My. GOD. I cannot believe someone would do this. I LOVED your garden. WTF?!!!!!
I'm sorry is so inadequate, but...I'm sorry. So sorry.
I'm concerned that you haven't weighed in, updated us in some way. Where are you, Pat?
Does you Mom have some kindof legal control over you?
I wish you peace. I have come to love your blog and the pictures.
Thank-you for allowing me to view them.
I second Miss Tia, WTF!!!! I am so upset for you that the hair in my arms is standing up and i have goosebumps! Something is happening to you now, i can feel it, please update us!
i agree with ali....what is going on now? please let us know! i wish i had your #, as i'd give you a call!
I'm so sorry Pat. There are really no words. I am outraged on your behalf.
It's all been said, but I just wanted to say I am truly sorry for what you're going through - you don't deserve this.
Pat, I have no words other than I am so very sorry. Pictures of your garden and yard and Lissa always cheer me up. Thank you for that and I wish you peace.
That is not dementia. That is just 100 kinds of mean. Where was she last spring when you could have really used the help. No wonder you can't take off for a few days, regardless of money. Just where does she get all this money to pay people with anyway? And how on earth could she do this kind of thing if she didn't live near you?
DD, I'm getting worried too.
Please check in.
I'm okay. I am planning to plant some things. No, she has no legal control. And she doesn't have dementia. She really fucked her own yard the worst. It's bad, but, it's done.
Please don't punch her in the mouth. I don't want you going to jail.
If this were me, I'd be in a straight-jacket right about now.
I am absolutely shocked by this woman.
Where does she get the balls to do these things?
Does she pull shit with other people? Or just you?
good questions schmeddle.
All of your greenery will grow back 10-fold. Maybe this way you can put down a new base & start designing from scratch. Make it bigger & better than it was! If thats possible! But do it, you gotta work with what you got girl! You did it once, you will do it again, better! Look at it like this...everything was about dead anyway. You can't let it get you down babe. It will grow back. But the items taken away that were yours, I dont know how to recover them. She really shouldn't mess with you. She depends on you so much. She is really foolish to do that. I dont get it. I will send you some sweet pea seed pods from my garden! Beautiful pink sweet peas from Indiana. They climb too. I will send them out tomorrow. Maybe some other things. I need an address.
schmeddle, no, she only does these things to me. Everyone else thinks she's a sweet old lady who was just trying to help. But, she knows. She knows very well, we've been through this before.
I know it will grow back. I'll post some pics of my yard and make some plans.
Glad to hear from you. Sorry to hear that it isn't dementia, then at least there could be a modicum of pity for her. It's not what she did, but that she thought she could that gets me. Good luck in your next steps.
Pat, I feel so bad for you !! I can totally empathize with you !!!I had a beautiful back yard until this past summer . Our crazy neighbor decided to cut down ALL of the trees in his yard . Only problem was that half of the trees were on the very edge of our yard . My yard looked like a park . People loved to come and sit in my garden and look at all of the flowers and veggies and TREES .THey would say how peaceful and beautiful it was . The trees were beautiful big old shade trees that weren't hurting anything . It ruined my summer . I couldn't enjoy my garden as in other years because it just wasn't the same . I know that we can plant more trees but these were old trees that had seen and heard so much . They truly were like old friends .
I have to agree with the others , it's time to put your mom in a home . If people came on your property without your permission and cut your trees .... call the cops and have them arrested for trespassing and destruction of YOUR property .
I feel so bad for you , Pat . It really is like a death , isn't it ? Sending comforting and healing thoughts and prayers your way . Linda
The first thing that came to my mind when I read the post was "A good friend will help dispose of the body" and I was going to volunteer to be that good friend.
You are mentally strong and I say let the games begin!!!! Kill them with kindness and smiles.
Linda, I am so sorry, it is a death of sorts.
Connie, in my fantasies, I kill her. There will be no smiling, but, no drama either, which I think is what she wants. I'm not ready to talk to her yet.
Pat, I read this this morning before work. Was just too sad for
you to come up with words. We are all thinking of you and deep down know YOU will prevail. Cyber
(((hugs))) to you.
WOW. I'm at a loss of words.
I'm sorry, Pat.
Gosh Pat...I don't even know what to say that could possibly make you feel better. So sorry!
How would a tree removal company possibly go ahead and remove trees from a home without that owner's permission??
Your mother may be mentally ill but why do her moments of lucidity occur when it involves premeditating the evisceration of all that is meaningful to you, DD?
I knew something was wrong and I'm so sorry this is what it turned out to be. Clearly we all found beauty and solace in your garden posts and I can't imagine how you're feeling. Is the dress form/mirror ball decoration gone too??
I still have some white columbine seeds with your name on them. They're yours when you want them.
Im sorry....I thought those after pics were the before pics you posted forever ago. I get the feeling you know what to do about this situation though. Know we are all thinking of you.
It occurs to me, DD, that you might want to make a preemptive strike, thank her for her kind gesture and that next year when she picks up the cost for razing your garden, could she please make sure to remove [list beloved objects here] and make sure to save [list objects you want removed here].
Then snicker quietly to yourself. Two can play at that game, can't they?
maybe some day you should put your mom on the bingo bus and then have her place CLEANED OUT...all the clutter, all the hordes and all the cats....then act like nothing happened..."what? someone did what?"
I am speechless. I just can not believe that no one asked you for permission!
Wow. And you have to put up with this all the time? See when I had to put up with that kind of crap I left the country.
I have to agree with Frimmy. Thank her for helping to clear your garden for the fall and winter. You might even ask her what she would suggest you plant. It would really piss me off if I were your mother.
Also, when she needs a ride, tell her that you forgot you had a root canal scheduled for that day and it would take a while. The next time she asks, tell her you have a follow up appointment and can't make it that day. You don't have to open your mouth and show her. You don't owe her anything. I would need revenge! I know it's wrong, but I would have to do something. What does Casey say? Aren't you afraid for Lis?
Or do you feel like this is just another "Mother" day?
You have so many friends, you are really lucky in that sense!
I don't know Pat, you and your mother have dragged us through a real emotional upheaval here. But you haven't answered many of the questions that eople have asked. You have left us in some sort of limbo. Do you own the house? Can you take out a restraining order against her. Is it possible for you to move away? Is she a danger to your grand daughter? Can you now try to have her declared to be suffering from dementia (regardless of whether you think she has it or not)? How did you come to be living next door to her when she has this history? Is she more than an emotional danger to you, that is does she physically abuse you? Is she capable of physically harming you? Why do you put up with this shit? Questions, Questions, Questions.................
If Pat is living on her Mom's property than her Mom can do pretty much what she wants. I feel that Pat is trying to deal with her Mom as best she can but under the circumstances there's not much she can do... short of having her committed, which I don't feel she would ever do. That's a pretty drastic measure and would have to be considered very carefully. And although her Mom's behavior and actions can sometimes be quite annoying they might not be enough to justify having her "put away".
You have my sympathy, Pat. I understand what you are going through. I wish you had the resources to move away from your Mom.
Deeds mean nothing to my mother, it's a moot point. She does not have dementia.
Are you ok, Pat?
I will be. Thanks.
I know I'm coming here awfully late, but I am so very sorry to see that after picture. It boggles my mind that your mother would do this to you. She deserves to lose every bit of joy she finds in life.
I hope you are as okay as you can be following a loss like this. How is Lissa doing with it? Must be very difficult for a child to try to make sense of something like this when adults are at a loss.
My computer went tits up a few months ago, just after I posted that we got chicks and were building a chicken coop. I never dreamed that I would find something like this when I came back. (computer is still not working, but I am here via my husband's old laptop and a different carrier.) I loved seeing all the great changes you were making to your yard, and the interesting decorations you had.
I wish you peace, Pat. And I wish your mom justice. She will get hers, I am sure, one way or another.
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