I apologise to anyone who sent me an email this week. I updated MSN because it said I couldn't get in unless I got the new version. The new version messed up everything in here, my photo album, my PSP's, etc. It took me several days to straighten that out and then I couldn't get into MSN unless I had the password. I made that flying_buttress email 10 years ago. I have no idea what the password is. I had to hack myself. They claim powerful new security, but, emails are not secure, they are surprisingly easy to hack. When I got in, there was no email box. It brought up Outlook. I have no problem giving any of you my Outlook, but, if I put it on here it will be spam filled and I use it for business and important (boring) things. I get 500 spams a day in hotmail just from having that addy on here. I puzzled over the lack of an email box for awhile and finally Googled the hotmail and found it opened, no need for a password. I have to go to a separate place for email now, it's so ridiculous. I'll bet I'm not the only one having problems with their new improved crap. If something works, leave it the fuck alone, is my thought. Anyway, that's what's up and sorry.
That pic is my Mother's reading material. I use it for BeeBee's cage. I told her not to save any colored paper or the slick ads, I don't want my pet chewing on that stuff. So, of course she does. She also makes sure the whole stack is wrinkled, that won't lay on the cage bottom. It's just one more little irritation. Maybe I'll do some paper mache with it. It seems I've done a thousand things in paper mache over the years. Cat in the hat, Joe Camel (that one won someone a prize in a bar contest) and I wonder why you can't do something serious with it? (note: Serious may be wishful thinking) I wonder if you can use it as an armature and cover it with cement? I found a gallon of wall spackle. I wonder what I can use that for? Paper art is calling me..isn't it? I'll probably end up with a huge mess. I don't think there's any way to avoid it. It seems to be in my brain now.
MSN is evil. It did the same shit to my husband's computer years ago, when he had the service through them, which lasted about a week I should add. I just use the browsers of my choice and go straight to hotmail or yahoo mail through the little shortcut icons below the searchbar. I am signed in on more than one browser in case one crashes lol.
I look at tabloids too! But only in the check-out line. I like the fashion pages and the "Fashion victim of the week". Also, I think the "Enquirer" is right about their claims quite often, even though all the celebs piss and moan and insist it's always wrong.
Meissa, yep, exactly, they want us to load their browser, this is an attemt to force us to. It's created a damn mess out of something handy and simple. I hope they're proud.
Live blogging the Emmys on Crabbie's Hollywood. Actually, right now, live blogging the red carpet. http://bit.ly/YXVKg
Pat, you've brought back memories. I remember making a paper machete bowl when I was in 3rd or 4th grade. I painted it orange and thought it was beautiful. I wouldn't be surprised if it's still up in the attic of the house I was raised in.
It seems a lot of things related to computers are fixed when they aren't broken. Software is a perfect example. Microsoft Office has become a beast and a memory hog. It was once wonderful to work with.
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