Yeah, I know. Susan Atkins is dead. Awww, she had cancer. Aww, she had brain surgery. Aww, she had a leg amputated. Aww, she found Jesus. Atkins died on clean sheets with pain killers being cared for by nursing staff. How did Sharon Tate and her baby die again? Oh, yeah, I remember now. And the rest of her victims. Atkins can't blame what she did on Charles Manson, her past, drugs or anything else as far as I'm concerned and it's a damn shame we waste taxpayers money on people like her and the rest of the Manson family. They all should have been economically disposed of long ago.
I agree 100%.
Crabbie has hit on the perfect solution to our moral dilemma over capital punishment.
Here's what you do: You give the worthless piece of shit who deserves to die a gun with one bullet. You lock them in a room for a couple of hours and let them think about it. If, after the time has elapsed, they have not shot themselves, you return them to their cell.
Won't guess what percentage of these cowardly hunks of garbage would take the easy way out but I'm sure plenty of them would. And we can have a clear conscience cause they did it to themselves.
I have to think it would take some sort of guts to blow your brains out, wouldn't it?
But if it works, I'm all for it.
I'm so weird because as much as I admit to being a "bleeding heart liberal," I also believe in the death penalty.
I agree with your post 100% too. She shouldn't have been given pain meds. Some people do not deserve to "die with dignity." Fuck her.
She probably came high on a cloud and left high on a cloud.
That convicted killer had better health care than I will ever have and all of us paid for it with our tax dollars. That's F'ed up.
For people like Susan Atkins, and the rest of the manson garbage, I hope there is a hell.
Most of those murderers and rapists "find Jesus" after they've been convicted and thrown in the slammer. Remember Karla Faye Tucker and how all those religious groups tried to stop her execution? So you found Jesus, huh? Too little too late.
These are things that totally blow my mind about this woman...1)The crazy Biatch let Manson name her son Zezozece Zadfrack Glutz so hopefully when he was adopted the good people who took this child in gave him a good name. 2)She marries a guy who was a self proclaimed millionair, and when SHE found out he not only lied about being a millionaire but had been married 35 times she had the marriage annuled and lastly 3) She marries again (her current husband) who just happens to be one of her lawyers a Harvard graduate...Im not sure what this says about Lawyers or Harvard but WHY. She had a messed up life and she destroyed others.
TV and others. I am a proud liberal democrat.
I'm really torn. Many ppl, I'd pull the switch myself.
But, Capital punishment is flawed. I read Grisham's non fiction book, The Innocent Man.
And have perused the site, The Innocence project.
Rationally, I know that the system isn't perfect, and where there are mistakes...innocent people will die.
However, I still believe the worst of the worst don't deserve to breathe.
Remember the Danielle Van Dam case?
The sickening thing about that case was that Westerfield's lawyer KNEW he kidnapped, raped, and murdered that little girl. That knowledge didn't stop him from insinuating that the parents may have had a role in their daughter's death.
Westerfield was working on a deal to avoid the death penalty, with his lawyer, to tell where her body was, when police found the little girl dumped on the side of the road.
Angie said...
I have to think it would take some sort of guts to blow your brains out, wouldn't it?
I know, ppl always say a coward would kill themselves....i think it does take some bravado to blow your brains out. And some mental illness. One of my friends blew his brains out in June. He had a 6 yr old son and a 3 day old daughter.
Agree 100% DD.
I've always believed it's a cowardly thing to kill yourself, leaving your loved ones behind to deal with the grief, but putting a gun in your mouth makes you someone very determined to succeed at something.
I also agree DD. Am also so amazed how thoughtful Debra Tate (Sharon's Sister) has been toward the works Atkins supposedly did while in prison. I would not be like Debra at all. Debra never wanted a parole for Atkins, but some how found it within herself to give Atkins credit for her "Good" works. Debra is a Saint in my book. I'd never find anything good in Atkins-EVER.
You said it
I am a liberal and I am 100% for the death penalty. I live in Canada and I am pissed we don't have it here. I would have sent sickos like Paul Bernardo to the death penalty long ago if I had the choice.
I am so tired of murderers thinking they should be spared because they "found Jesus". Um...SO WHAT? Finding Jesus makes *no* difference about what you did to your victims. None.
No shit. She should have died painfully a long time ago. I hope she suffered. A lot.
sharon tate is now stabbing her for eternity...
all the low lives find 'jesus' in jail.....fucktards....
I couldn't agree more. Was just talking about this with the hubs. It infuriates me that hard working/retired/vets/natural born Americans are struggling with or don't have health care and monsters like her are fully taken care of. Pain medication? Are you kidding me? She should have been left to rot in a cell.
I'm still very torn up about the death penalty, at first I'm all for it, but after what I've been through when someone heinously murders someone you love, the last thing I wanted was for them to get off "easy". I want pain and suffering and torture to ever possible extent, just to bring them to the edge of death, begging to die, then bring them back again for 100 lifetimes over again.
p.s. Miss Tia - I agree. It's an awfully convenient time to find Jesus.
Ya, I agree. Killing yourself is a super shitty thing to do to the people you leave behind.
Suicide is absolutely an awful thing to do to your family and friends, but I'd like to point out that very few people who get to the point where they want to kill themselves are *not* thinking of how much they will hurt their loved ones. Quite the opposite-most of them are convinced everybody would be better off without them.
As for Susan, if there is a hell, I am sure she is there now, as she deserves to be.
Sorry, edited my post wrong and made it confusing. What I meant to say is that people who are considering suicide generally do *not* believe they are going to cause everyone they love pain.
Isn't it funny how atheists are hated so much in our society, but there are almost NO atheists in prison!
Alison, I completely agree with you on this: Suicide is absolutely an awful thing to do to your family and friends, but I'd like to point out that very few people who get to the point where they want to kill themselves are *not* thinking of how much they will hurt their loved ones. Quite the opposite-most of them are convinced everybody would be better off without them.
I had terrible post partum depression after my second child was born and I felt so horrible that I wanted to die. I didn't really want to kill myself, per se, but I just wanted to die. I wanted to drive my car off of a cliff, but I'm a stay at home mom and my kids were always with me. I didn't want to hurt them. And at the time, I really and truly felt that my family would have been much better off without me, I was SO miserable. I thought "Oh, they won't miss me. The kids are so young, they won't remember me and my husband hates me so much right now that he'll be glad I'm gone."
But my beautiful baby stopped me from doing anything to myself. Now I'm expecting my 3rd child in a few weeks and I'm terrified of feeling that way again, but thankfully I know what to look for and when to ask for help.
My heart goes out to you. What an awful, dark time you were in...with the responsibility of caring for little ones, as well.
Sometimes life sucks.
It is good that you know the warning signs, but be sure that your husband knows the signs, as well. Because when you are in the storm of depression, it is hard to think clearly.
Depression can throw logic out the window....make sure your husband understands that.
Mary-I'm glad you understood my post. I was afraid people might take it the wrong way and think I was defending the act of suicide, which I am not-I just know how it feels to be at the point where you feel you can justify killing yourself.
I am really sorry for what you went through. I don't have kids, so I've never had PPD, but my brother's friend was hospitalized for it a few months ago. (She is out of the hospital and feeling better now.) Good vibes to you!
Allison, I understood exactly what you meant and was confused as to how anybody could take it any differently. But it helps that I have been there. I do understand feeling that empty and helpless and worthless and how your family, friends - the entire world - would be better off if you were gone. Thanks for your well wishes!
Shmedelle, thank you for your kind words. I should probably clarify, though, that my husband didn't hate me, I just figured at the time that he did because I was just so. fucking. miserable. I mean, in my mind, he had to. I hated myself, how could he feel any differently? It was hard on both of us, but he was very supportive of me and did his very best and stuck by me. He knows the warning signs as well as I do and will always be able to let me know if I'm slipping downhill.
Thanks, both of you!
I am glad to hear you all say that she deserved to be punished for her evil acts. As a prison guard I cannot believe the sorrow people feel for inmates. People volunteering there time to visit and counsel these inmates that use them. We always (we being fellow officers) wonder why they dont volunteer to help the victims or visit orphans or sick children. Inmates deserve there fate.
Mary please remember your children need you. Your Husband loves you and you are the most important thing in his life. I would be lost without my wife. I love my children and would die for them. But Kim my wife she is my number one. Without her...I would die. She is my everything. She is the foundation. Please remember that Mary. Without you it all falls apart. I wish I was better with words.
Bill-I absolutely agree with your post about volunteers who want to "help" violent criminals. I don't understand people who take up the cause of trying to help convicted rapists or murderers. There are SO many good causes out there who need help, and yet these people are off visiting sadistic murderers in prison and sending them well wishes..what the hell? If it's a family member reaching out to another family member, I can understand, but there are complete strangers doing this! I could also understand if it was someone in jail for a lesser charge such as doing drugs, but killers?! I just don't get it. Violent criminals, as a whole, don't change.
Not long ago I saw a true-life show on tv about a woman who fell in love with a murderer and wrote him notes of support in prison. As soon as he got released she let him come stay with her at her house. He ended up murdering her and burying her in the woods about a week after he arrived. Surprise surprise.
1.15 million dollars was spent on her last months in the hospital...and another $300,000 for guarding her room. No comment.
She assisted in/or killed 9 people.
Her son was adopted out to a family who changed his name. She has had zero contact since. Hopefully that child never knew who his real mother was.
Amen sista!
I don't know how you could have said what you did to Mary any better. "better with words"? Seriously, I almost cried when I read what you wrote. Poor Mary. You are brave to open up like that here. I hope it helped. And your husband is an amazing person. (((Hugs)))
Bill, thank you so much. And you are fine with words, really. I do know that my husband and children need me, but back when I was at my lowest, I was sure they would have been better off without me. It's hard to believe other people care about you when you don't even care about yourself.
And Rox, thanks. I don't feel brave or "poor Mary-ish", I just was honestly explaining how I felt. For a long time I was resistant to help because there is SUCH a stigma attached to mental illness, but I wanted to be a part of my own family again. And now, I have no shame, whatsoever, and I will gladly tell my tale, stigma and all, if I think it could help somebody else who is struggling!
Thanks everyone. :)
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