While Jules is a successful business woman in life, seemingly intelligent and skilled socially, even raising a not obnoxious teenage son, she becomes mentally retarded in any single social situation. I have to wonder why walking through the door of a club would suddenly make a grown woman a clumsy, stuttering, mentally deficient sex fiend? But, there it is. After an appalling two glasses of wine, Jules ends up taking home the first younger man who talks to her and gets caught giving him a blow job in the back yard, by her son. It is never explained why she thinks this young club guy is attractive. The conversation on screen was "May I get you a drink?" To which Jules replied yes, and you're hot as balls! (He wasn't.) Jokes include asking her son if his high school friends are single and flashing a high school kid on a bicycle. And so, I am now to understand that not only do you become a mentally retarded sex fiend at age 40, but, your body falls apart and that's the only other thing you can think about. Will any man ever want a woman over 40? Will Jules find a man? Can there be a man anywhere? Does this imaginary man, perhaps live next door? Will she ever be able to talk to a man or will every man be turned off by her hideous over 40 body? Tune in next week, when her son commits suicide because of his shame and Jules meets a blind man at the funeral. Only a blind man could want a woman over 40 and she'd better be careful of the braille thing. How long will Jules be able to hide her disgusting 40 year old heap of a body from the hot blind guy? ( I'm assuming he's in blind high school.) I can't wait.
jeez...between this & "Made" Men I don't know which is more explicit! I didnt watch Cougar Town. I like Courtney tho. I bet this thing is cancelled soon. We already have Real housewives of Every Major City In America. Why do we need this? But I might catch an episode anyway. Wonder if her husband will make an appearance? She is the producer, isn't she? He will then.
This show sounds wretched, beyond the fact that it references the word "cougar" in the title. Not interested in the least. I actually like Courtney Cox too. Her show Dirt was not bad and I started liking it and then it was cancelled. Story of my life.
i did watch it cause i was watching tv & it came on. i like courtney cox so i was curious about it since i hadnt heard anything about it until it was coming on. i laughed some, was a bit slow though. i like comedies & i think this is supposed to be one. i cant stand those dumb real housewives shows. those are reality shows, plus how are those real housewives? i am a housewife, a REAL one, doing cooking, cleaning, 4 kids, pets, marching band stuff, school stuff, driving to appts., etc. that is a real housewife, those are trophy wives that dont do squat. when was the last time they cleaned a toilet? anyway, i think i will watch a few more times to see if i really like it. i never watched that dirt show. that girl, i cant think what her name is, the blonde that is her friend, she is funny. she was in the movie white chicks. about courtney's son, i am guessing he is gay? it is strange how it isnt clear. obviously her ex husband is a douche bag, that is clear. seems like there is going to be some hook up with the neighbor guy too. anyway, i am on the fence as of yet about it.
GREAT....im going to be forty in a minute, this is what i have to look forward to ????
Off topic but Susan Atkins has died. Karma's a bitch you witchy woman. She was 61, had had a leg amputated, underwent brain surgery and was paralyzed and had difficulty speaking.
I have followed this case over the years and am glad at least one of that murderous clan is no longer wasting space on this planet.
OH! Gawd...it took me a sec to get who you meant Matilda. Gawd...she was looking bad in court the other day. Well, she was a murderer. Had she gotten her original sentence she would have been executed long ago. So, she actually got to live a very long life in compariaon to that & to Sharon Tates life. I am not happy , not sad. Thanks for the heads up Matilda. That case has always been a fascination to me. Growing up as a teen back then, I remember all the details from the evening news. How scary it was.
COUGAR = Cute Older Unattached Girl,
originally a COUG.
Of course, 'cougar' sounds so much more predatory and the public is never known for its intelligence.
isn't this on on wednesday nights? If that's what's about, I'll stick with Glee and SYTYCD. Glee has been addressing real life issues along with the far fetched high school stereotypes. One minute you are laughing hysterically and the other you are crying like a baby when the characters are going through some ordeal. And Jane Lynch (the infamous psychiatrist of Two and a Half men, and Julia Child's sister on Julie and Julia) is in it, and she's hysterical as a villain. Yeah, I love Glee.
I like Courtenay but I wonder about her taste in material since she left Friends.
I don't have tv so I won't get to watch it. I count on Pat to keep me informed!
I wish these actors would get away from Hollywood formulaic productions - Aniston seems to be in a rut of silly, so I guess that's the best she can come up with.
Aniston keeps making the same movie over & over with a different guy! Same-Same! She needs to get a part thats not about finding a guy. Gawd..story of her damn life!
Hopefully this one will last longer than Courteney's last show, which lasted about as long as one of Aniston's relationships.
1:53:00 I know, I almost posted on that too, but, why bother? I would think Jen would have enough money by now to take a chance.
Yep I was disappointed with it also but I love Courtney and thought she was great in Dirt. Was hoping to get something good out of Cougar Town, sorely disappointed.
How the hell do they cancel good shows like Dirt and with the same breath justify keeping some of the shit series that need to go away. Execs. sure know how to flog a dead horse!
Love Courtney Cox because she's 45 and she is still able to get work in Hollywood.
Cougar Town sounds like another trashy show that glamorizes bad behavior and stereotypes women. I won't be watching.
i watched "modern family" , a new comedy.prety funny. stars the dad from married with children. I lol'd quite a few times.
This sounds terrible. I checked out Flash Forward instead. It wasn't bad, actually.
Anon-11:00. I remember reading the book, Helter Skelter, along with my girlfriends. We were so scared and shocked. Today, horrible things like that happen much more frequently. I don't think today's teens would be so wowed.
I still get a funny feeling when I hear the Beatle's song.
Whoops, commented on the wrong post!
I just cannot stomach anyone from "Friends". I hated that show. I know it's been off the air for years but I just can't stand to watch any of them. I especially hate Jennifer Aniston and if this show lasts I just know she'll be making a "special guest star" turn on it, ewww.
This show was horrible. I love how the first scene is Cox examining her flawless body, her flat stomach and being depressed by her physique. Really? It's true we're all super hard on ourselves most of the time, but this is absurd. Picking at your elbow skin? It's annoying, completely unrealistic, and Cox is trying to do slapstick which doesn't really work for her.
Wasnt bad, hard to judge a show on the pilot. Some lines made me laugh, some cringe. Way to early to judge yet. Did like Modern family that was on before cougar town. Bundy is back baby!!!! Anyway Kim thought Cougar town was ok. She thought the acting was bad in parts.
Bill, Modern Family was more interesting to me too.
her inflections annoyed me. I'm 45 and if i had her body, i wouldn't be worried. annoying show. disappointed.
This show was painful to watch! I kept thinking that it was going to get better, but by the end I couldn't believe I had wasted a half hour on it! What happened Courtney? I loved Dirt- how did that get cancelled and this crap get the green light? wtf?
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