I went to work yesterday and found a large copy of this painting taped to the glass right beside the shop door. I asked the shop owner about it and she said this women's group in town had put it there. I'll just call them The Ladies Of Importance. There was no message, just this poster. I asked what they said when they put it up and I was told "I don't know, I didn't ask." If it's for Constitution Day they're a little late. They went round and put one in every shop window. A painting of a bunch of white men in tights deciding the fate of our country with nary a woman in sight. I guess I'm not very enlightened.
The other job of The Ladies Of Importance is to beautify the town square. They plant flowers and trees. Every five years the trees get too big and they cut them down, grind out the stumps and plant more trees.
That's fucking weird!!
Please check your email!
I've been trying to email you for 4 days! It keeps defaulting back to me or disappears.
Could you email me at tvsnark@yahoo? Please.
i bet they are busy body biddies who cluck when they talk and think they are all that and a bic mac because they feel they are better than everyone else...
Sorry, Snarkie..I emailed you.
The leader is betsy ross. I heard she is the best seamstress. Next to Mz Washigton the best pie maker.
Sorry DD I couldn't help myself..
Und Ich wunsche dich also vielen Gluck und Gesundheit!. Danke. Es ist Oktoberfest, nicht wahr?.
Those guys had it going on with the fashion though. Amazing that it was only 233 years ago.
It's the Wednesday Afternoon Fine Arts League
they all need to get laid.
Do you have any town hall meetings scheduled in your area in the near future? Someone gave me a picture similar to this a while back to "remind me of the principals on which this country was founded". Draw your own conclusions.
DD I sent you 2 emails please check that u got them.
My spider Wolfie is gone by by :?0h well.
I wish you health and happiness every day!
Ich wunsche Ihnen Gluck und Gesundheit jeden Tag!
Je vous souhaite sante et bonheur chaque jour!
Hmm I'm stumped, but I like everyone else's suggestions.
My head is spinning from lack of sleep and being so busy, I've only had time to pop on and read w/o commenting... so hi! I'm still here. I know you were SO worried ;)
Maybe the old biddies finally turned in their S&H Green Stamps and these were what they bought.
I thought this was some cool conceptual peaceful protest........
I guess not.
I agree with Cut, they need a (good) cock.
When you see those very important ladies, would you be so kind as to tell them that Mrs. Johnson is wearing her skirts too short again? Just a head's up, as we are planning on addressing this at the next PTA meeting.
Harper Valley
Biz, of course we missed you. Silly.
Kiki, Wolfie is probably building a shelter for next years baby wolfies. That's what they're doing here. It looks like large dirty cotton balls.
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