RadarOnline has a video of Kate at one of her stupid appearances talking to her brain dead sheeple and she is asked about the dogs. Kate said "He (Jon) called the breeder and took them back for a short period of time. I'm feeling like I have not enough time to take care of my kids, let alone give the dogs what they need, and the kids surprisingly weren't that upset about it. They'll come back I'm sure at some point. But for now, I just needed a break."
I'd suggested this might be a plan by Kate and her PR people on another site. Kate makes Jon look bad and then swoops in and gets the dogs back "for the kids" and looks like the heroine. I don't think anyone took me seriously, but, those people have never had a destroyer in their life.
I'd suggested this might be a plan by Kate and her PR people on another site. Kate makes Jon look bad and then swoops in and gets the dogs back "for the kids" and looks like the heroine. I don't think anyone took me seriously, but, those people have never had a destroyer in their life.
(From RO)..Kate also joked about the strength of the dogs. "I am amazed," she said. "They sleep in a metal crate... a huge metal crate. They bent the bars and got out. I think in the winter I'm going to have them pull the kids in a sleigh."
(From RO)..Kate also joked about the strength of the dogs. "I am amazed," she said. "They sleep in a metal crate... a huge metal crate. They bent the bars and got out. I think in the winter I'm going to have them pull the kids in a sleigh."
Well, how cute. That will make for some awesome filming.
she doesn't have enough time for her kids, but she enough time to make countless 'appearances' at events and on tv...maybe she should send the kids away too???
Where would she need to send them to? She's never home except on filming days.
maybe kathy lee's sweatshop has reopened? she could send them there and they could make kate MORE money! cuz it's all about the kids you know?
discombobulated today as i have the flu or cold and have to go to school ANYWAY....bah!
hope you're doing better DD!
The kids need to be taken away from their breeders and adopted out to a nice home.
I suspect these celebrity dogs will find a nice home. Hopefully the dog breeder puts this family on the "not a suitable home list." along with all other breeders. These folks don't need dogs.
Sad for the kids yes, but better they not have pets, than watch poor treatment of them.
What a train wreck!
Sorry off topic. Symbolism has come up before I just started Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol" can't put it down.
DD try to read it soon it will be fun to post about.
If anyone has already read it start your post warning me so I can read comments when I'm done with the book. wont be long.
What an endearing story.
Oh, it conjures up such a sweet picture.....doggies breaking out of prison-like cages.
You go, Kate!
You are so strong.
Where do you ever find the strength?
I worship you.
Your kids were not heart broken when their doggies left?
Good for you, Kate. You have raised such well-mannered and well-adjusted kids.
How do you do so much?
This whole situation makes me crazy. It's mentioned that they are Jon's dogs. Does anyone pay attention? They were a gift for the kids! If the house is for the kids and the dogs are for the kids, the dogs stay with the kids no matter which parent is there. But of course I advocate the safety of the dogs first and glad they are gone.
Also, when she "jokes" about how strong they are that they bent cages, what is she thinking? First it's not funny and second how long are they in those damn cages to be that desperate to escape?
Sorry for the rant but I am tired of the line of BS constantly being spun whichever way the wind blows.
Kate tells truths on herself in her pitiful attempts at humor. Those dogs had to be pretty desperate for food, water, or to relieve themselves to break out of those crates. She is such a stupid bitch and her sheeple are only a few notches beneith her.
Honestly, I'm glad the dogs were taken back to the breeder. They were obviously not being properly cared for and are better off away from that family.
Noelle.. Get back to me after you have read page 180 and Katherine steps out of her shoes. Does she then carry them around with her in the void and hang on to them while she's fighting for her life?
Other than that I absolutely loved the book!!
Back to the dog issue...
Spread the word. Do not purchase dogs from backyard breeders, pet shops, or the Amish. I have two Amish rescues with me right now as fosters.
A reliable and reputable breeder does not relinquish a puppy to a family with 8 small children and parents who have no experience with dogs. And they certainly would not release two siblings without a spay/neuter clause in effect. This Jeff Christopher guy is part of the problem not one of the solutions.
If you want a pure bred dog go to a specific breed club who will refer you to an ethical breeder who studies genetics and knows every characteristic of their dogs back at least 5 generations.
Or you can check the same breed clubs for their rescue organizations. I work with ALAC and help rescue and rehab Lhasa Apsos. These dogs have been fostered in homes like mine, have been spayed/neutered/microchipped, evaluated for disposition, and have been resocialized for adoption.
The Gosselins never should have been allowed to have dogs in the first place and it just breaks my heart that it's always the dogs who have to pay the price.
I would feel better if the Humane Society could have gotten them from the Gosselins. At least they would now be spayed/neutered and in good homes. This Jeff Christopher is just going to breed them and start another generation of inbred dogs.
I think the kids are quite used to people, dogs, relatives, whatever, coming and going from their lives. They have learned not to become attached. Not good for their future relationships...
What floored me about the dogs is the breeded said they had yet to be spayed/neutered! What the heck where Jon and Kate thinking. Nala surely has come into heat at least once...so there went a week or more being locked up!
DD interesting perspective on maybe the dogs will come back...for filming. I can see it. We are doing a show with the trained dogs this week....GOD!!!
Miss tia, feel better soon!
The dog situation is sad. I for
one am glad they are gone from
that home. FREE AT LAST!
Something is wrong with children who aren't upset when their pets are suddenly taken away. I could understand if one or two of the kids didn't care (not everybody loves animals) but NONE of the kids cared about losing their dogs? Either Kate is lying (which is very likely) or her kids are seriously emotionally stunted.
I think the kids could feel from the begining that it wasn't safe to get attached to these animals. When Mommie doesn't like someone or something it is not a good idea to show too much attachment to them or it. Kids know where their bread is buttered.
I never understood the need to keep dogs in a crate. If people are so afraid they will damage their property, or be "bad doggies" then why the fuck have a dog? I think if the dog is properly educated the crate is unnecessary. I had a big Rottie beast and I did everything possible to build good behavior patterns on her wthout sending her to a trainer. She turned out a good girl.
Is there a clinical term for what a heartless, cold, uncaring bitch Kate is? I mean seriously, she keeps the dogs in a metal crate and they chewed their way out. Smart dogs, that is their survival instinct kicking in. Gawd, how long were they in that crate? The metal crate probably cut the dogs' mouths.
Doesn't anyone have common sense in that household? What about all the people that TLC employs, the film crew, nannies, chef - weren't they the least bit alarmed that pets had to chew themselves out of a metal crate?
Why does everyone just sing their praises for Kate Gosselin after hearing this? Where are the animal cruelty folks?
Are we all drinking the kool-aid? When is anyone going to wise up to this cold, heartless bitch?
Narcissist is the term for a cold-heated beyotch like Kate. I can't believe they didn't spay the dogs. Going through heat cycles increases the rate of breast cancer for dogs and cats. I lost a kitty to breast cancer and it was soooo sad. She went through heat because the vet missed an ovary!!!! WTH?
Just Wondering---I was just wondering why not the Amish? I must confess, I know very little about the Amish, but I would think they would treat their animals well.
Please tell me why--I'm curious!
Bayou Jane, google Amish puppy mills. They view their animals as nothing more than livestock and a way to make a buck. I posted this over at BM's site for anyone interested. It's an eye opener and very,very,sad.
Narcissists and sociopaths.
When the Casey Anthony story first came out I read a great page turner.
The Sociopath Next Door
It's written by by a psychiatrist.
Some sociopaths are murders, some are just little old lady's who drive their neighbors nuts. It's the little old lady's with no criminal record, type of sociopath, that Stout devouts most of the pages to.
DD, I guarantee, that you would stay up all night reading this.
I did.
I don't get Kate's comment that the dogs will be back. Apparently she figures that if you own an animal, when you get tired of it you can just ship it back to the breeder/pet store/animal shelter where you got it, and then go pick it up again later when you want it back? WTF? Having pets doesn't work that way! God, she is so horrible. Jon is too.
She probably wants the dogs back for their annual family portrait. I wonder if they will even do a portrait this year. Or will there be two of them? Hmmm
Or they want the dogs only when they see fit for a show. Like the kids take the dogs to get neutered. Jon explains what a dog worming is.
Who knows?
Thank you for the link.
They knew they were splitting up when they had the renewal vow in Hawaii, they knew they would get divorced when they bought the McMansion, they knew all of that when they got the dogs.
Now Kate says that the marriage never would have worked way back, but they worked hard to have another six kids.
Do these people ever think of consequences?
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