Monday, September 21, 2009

The neighbor stole her garden

Linzi Wood and her husband moved to a new home and put their old home in Hazel Slade, Staffs on the market. He mother went to check on the old house and found out the neighbor had stolen most of the garden, including paving stones, bricks, hanging baskets and even the gardening shed. It doesn't look like he got much to me, but, the point is, it belongs to her. Police are "investigating" but, the neighbor won't answer his door. Case solved, I guess. See? There are people who think everything belongs to them. I'm not the only one dealing with lunatics.


Nina said...

There are crazy fucks all over the place....ughhh They all tick me off.

Anonymous said...

I am so interested in the workings of the mind, and what makes people do things that others would never think of let alone do because it is morally or ethically wrong, and why would you do something that could hurt someone either mentally or physically. I just don't get it. I work with a counselor who deals with people and their co-occurring issues (those who have mental issues and self-medicate through drugs and or alcohol)..I work at a detention center for pete sakes. I just don't get people and could be the reason why I would be very happy living as a hermit somewhere just call me Connie the Recluse.

Anonymous said...

My neighbor stole my sons sled last winter when it flew out from underneath him when he was sledding. It went from our yard to her yard,she came out and took it. They asked for it back, she said, "no" and walked away with it. I had to go to the police station and they went and got it.
We call these wonderful neighbors the 'hairballs'....

Dan Zinski said...

But they left her belt, so it's okay.

lisa k. said...

WTF is wrong with people?? I can't imagine going over to my neighbors and setting up THEIR garden in MY yard like THEY had it...that is one sick SOB if you ask me...he would answer the door or I would steal his shit....I would steal my shit back....If he came out to see what I was doing, at least I would have him out of the house, stupid bastards.

lisa k. said...

Just a thought DD, that sounds like something your Mother would do.

miss tia said...

some people think they are entitled to anything and that rules do not apply to my one insane neighbor for instance....she would do something like taking stuff from someone's yard if they weren't around like what happened here and then she wouldn't answer her door...i bet when the police in the UK get the person to answer their door they'll come up with some 'story'....

the world is full of fucknuts....

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with people?! Jeez

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I saw a shed just like that one in a Louisiana bayou!, we paddled right next to it, it was stuck on some stumps. I thought for sure it was somebody's moonshine shack. Some enterprising young Cajun will make it his homestead by next duck season.


Anonymous said...

My parents grows lots of veg, frut and berries in their garden. Once my dad overheard the neighbour telling his kids off because they where in my parents garden eating raspberries. My dad would not mind them doing that if they had asked permission but of course they didn't. So the dad told them "Don't eat the berries".Good my dad thought but he almost missed thae awsome finale "because they are not ripe yet!"

Noelle said...

The crimes against gardeners need there own task force this year. Respect issues.

Anonymous said...

you cant leave hanging baskets & move! Take them with you or they will die. It looks like a real hi-class neighborhood so I'm sure nothing like this has ever happened before. Just walk over there get your sh** & put it back. How in the he** did he get that shed over or thru that fence w/o it falling apart? It doesnt look very sturdy. It looks like she's on his roof anyway. I don't get it. And Good One Crabbie! LOL...

Dirty Disher said...

I could move that shed by myself. I'd jack it up, put two round logs under it, take one fence pole down and pull it with a chain on my car.

Dirty Disher said...

Well, maybe not my Focus, but, a pick up truck, definitely. I'll bet that's how he did it.

Anonymous said...

Crabbie is jelez of everyones belts these days. hmmm...

Alanna Smithee said...

How hard is it to not take stuff that doesn't belong to you?!? I really just do not get it.