Lissa laid claim to this one when it was a little knob. Now, it's too big for her to lift. I wish I could remember the name of these, they do get large. I had to get out the old camera, the new one stopped working. So did all the clocks. Oh, man, do you think there's some chaotic energy around here? Hmm. (That's a joke, a little crone humor.)
Pat, glad to see you in good humor. I am amazed that you had no trouble with white flies with your pumpkins. You've done a really great job of growing them. It will mean so much more to Lissa when she can carve a pumpkin that was grown in her very own garden! You're a great gramma. Hell and be damned about the rest of the world--she makes up for everything.
somethings wrong there. Good little pumpkin tho! cannot believe they missed this one either!
The force is strong with this one! Hmmmm....
Yes, the spirits of nature are not happy here. I must make amends, and quickly.
I'm glad to see magical, little Lissa's pumpkin survived the ravaging.
It's no wonder weird stuff is happening with the anger that was flying around it's lucky windows didn't start exploding.
hi DD :) So glad to see you posting on the positive side of things again, the stuff that really matter most Lissa & her happy lil punkin :)(:
I couldnt even speak when i saw the autricuos spite you have endured recently. I wish you well and peace I care about you and I love you and all your stories and pix Im so glad you are here for me and everyone else that visits you daily. You are truely a special lady and Lissa is fornunate to have you as her grandmother.
What will Lissa say when she sees this? What will you tell her? Maybe that is why your mom was so excited to hear that she wasn't comming this weekend.
Is it too late to stand it up so that it can round out? It's a beautiful pumpkin. Isn't it strange that something so simple can give so much pleasure? Beautiful color and shape--save the seeds!
Lissa, you did a good job!
I bet you she is walking around beaming with delight that she grew such a beautiful pumpkin.
It is a beautiful one :)
Is she going carve it? Has she decided on a face yet?
I love carving pumpkins, even with kids ;)
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