Monday, September 14, 2009

This whole thing reeks

The net is a-buzz with this shit. Kanye stole Taylor Swifts thunder at the VMA's. Kanye's a dick head and maybe a moron. He has apologized...on his caps. Beyonce later won video of the year and called Taylor onto the stage to "have her moment." The only reason it mildly interested me Beyonce's face as Kanye does his thing. That aint surprise. She's not that good an actresss. She looks quite pleased about it all. And now everyone is blogging about what a big person she is. Taylor had no choice but to join Beyonce on stage..if she hadn't she would have looked like an asshole. Am I the only person in the world who thinks this whole thing is a set up? I wouldn't trust Kanye or Beyonce as far as I could throw those two faced bitches.


Anonymous said...

I know I'll be blasted for saying this, but I don't care.

First, I totally agree DD. When the camera pans to Beyonce, she is smiling, WHY?? She didn't act surprised to me. Maybe she was, and if so, I'm sorry for saying otherwise.

Second, Kanye is a total douche bag! He's not doing anything musically so to get attention, he does this crap. He's always talking about racism, and then he does this crap. Had it been reversed, a black person receiving an award and a white person stealing their thunder, you wouldn't hear the end of it.

I get so sick and tired of always hearing that white people keep racism alive, especially from idiots like Kanye. People like him keep it alive!

Angie said...

I didn't like that she had that smile on her face, but it looked kind of frozen, like she didn't know what to do. She would have to be a rock moron to go along with that shit, his name is going to be mud for awhile.

Anonymous said...

He is so full of himself. This guy's arrogance and sense of entitlement is almost entertaining to watch. Poor Taylor looked completely shocked.


Christy said...

I still like Kanye's music way too much to care about Taylor Swift. In a few years, T Swift will be lucky if she can land a role in a LifeTime movie of the week.

I thought the whole thing was overblown. Everyone is acting like he went up there and hocked a loogie in her face.

Unknown said...

Kayne west just wants people to talk. Bad Publicity or Good Publicity.. Its all the same.. It gets you talked about..

Anonymous said...

Christy - you like Kanye's music - 'nuff said.....

Christy said...

"Nuff said" about what? Now Kanye West can't have fans??? I'm not going to be a hypocrite and say I didn't like any of his songs.

Musical tastes are subjective, and it is pointless to argue about what a person likes or dislikes.

The whole Taylor Swift thing is ridiculous, especially when people pull out the race card. Grow up.

Anonymous said...

she looks like she is mortified... Has anyone ever heared of a nervous smile?? You could tell she was sweating and came totally out of nowhere and it was totally inappropriate. I think she was shocked. Kanye deserves to have all of his money and his bald girlfriend away!! I hate that dude

Anonymous said...

it's so whack when people can't control themselves. He did this before at the VMA's when he didn't win for his video "Jesus walk with me" He snapped b/c he spent like a million of his own money to make the video and didn't win video of the year!! aaahahahahaha!! So he's got animosity towards MTV award shows. I'll NEVER support that clown and if I ever see him I may just spit at him...sike :)

Anonymous said...

My daughter (hugest Kanye fan EVER) wondered why the clip didn't show him mounting the stage. She thinks it shows it was pre-planned. And I guess everyone noticed Beyonce's expression.
But I'm not convinced it was planned. Egos drive spur of the moment actions too, so I'm thinking it was that.

Dirty Disher said...

Anon, you won't be blasted by me. I thought the same thing.

Nina said...

I agree DD. These folks have to pull one kind of a stunt or another to keep people interested and tuned in. Plus, they love the fact that everyone is buzzing. All buzz is good buzz...Kanye, Taylor and B probably planned the whole thing months ago.

MonicaW42 said...

I am glad I am not the only one who thought Beyonce looked fake. It was a jackass thing to do. Hasn't he figured out his 15 minutes are up?

Dan Zinski said...


Ali said...

Pat, so i agree with you! I watched the replay of the events on you tube (don't really have time for much live tv, unless it is the news) and Beyonce is so self absorbed, as much as Kanye, Madonna and the like's of them, that her look was of surprise, not shock! Beyonce is not classy, sorry people I live and spent most of my youth in Houston, Texas, and Beyonce is a very driven lady with minimal talent, talent she has had to work at getting, and when you hear her speak, i mean hear her speak with her private group of close friends or away from microphones, you would think she lived in the backwoods or ghetto, no class in her private behaviour, she is a fake! Money and nice clothes do not class make. Look at Madonna, oh, she is so classy, right!

Anonymous said...

Matt Lauer on Today was pissed. He said Kanye needs to find his place in the universe & stay there. The gal substituting for Meredith said something about both Serena & Kanye's bahavior being so bad on the same day, no class. Something eluding almost to, I got the impression she was wanting to say "WTH is wrong with those negroes?" Seriously. It was funny. & I agee with anon #1 on here, the blacks love to keep it stirred up & remind us they are balck & they can say anything they want & we cannot. But we should show more class, he clearly has none. Beyonce'..I dunno. She is married to a music giant (J-Z) Kanye is probably trying to make some points with him too. I dont trust this sh** either. Shady. MTV is loving this. I didnt watch last night. I watched Mad men. But guess what? I will be watching this on reruns. MTV wins this one!

TVsnark said...

Kanye West doesn't care about white country singers.

TVsnark said...

Christy, liking his music is one thing but I've never seen anybody at an awards show jump on stage and grab the mike from a winner during her speech.

Also, you may think Taylor is just a flash-in-the-pan but I think she will have a long and successful career.

Anonymous said...

To Anon #1-Good call! Took the words right out of my mouth.

Anonymous said...

First of all the VMA's are not real awards. It's just an excuse for singers to dress up and pretend sing. So Kanye needs to STFU and go away.

Beyonce enjoyed that moment and you could tell.

It probably was pre planned.

Taylor Swift should have shoved the award down his throat.

TVsnark said...

I think Taylor carries herself very well. She's a sweet young lady with (what seems like) good morals and upbringing.

Anonymous said...

Notice how he is always talking about black people being oppressed, but obviously he only means famous black people. He doesn't do shit to help out poor people in the Bronx or anything like that, he only cares that a zillionaire like Beyonce didn't win another award. If he really gave a damn about struggling black people he would go volunteer in a bad neighborhood that is mostly black, but he doesn't.

meissa2112 said...

@Christy, liking someone's music is one thing, but the guy acted like an asswipe and was rude and out of line, planned or not. And yes, his behavior equals to flingin' "a loogie in her face".
I personally don't care for either one of them, I don't like country and I don't like hip hop or rap or the like, I don't even watch this kind of shows anymore. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna excuse the conceited "artist" shitty behavior just because I happen to like the music.

Peg said...

Sorry, but I think this whole thing is another marketing ploy. You can't turn on the TV without hearing about it. The net is flooded. Where is Kayne going to be tonight? On the premier of the Jay Leno show. It's all a ratings grab. After following the Gosselins, I've learned there is no actual media. All these gossip sites, TV shows, and magazines, are bought and paid for by PR firms.
Look for Taylor Swift to show up on the Leno show soon. Anyone want to make any bets?

Anonymous said...

Kanye's music sucks.

Anonymous said...

Kanye reminds me of Tyra Banks in that they act like they have a horrible, hard life just because they are black. Give me a break, they are both multi-millionaires. Just because you're black does not automatically mean your life is harder than someone who is white. They have more money and power than a lot of white people will ever have.

bored said...

Kanye and Beyonce are both idiots and shitty entertainers. Beyonce loved every minute of it.

I could care less what these two assholes do.

Frimmy said...

he snapped because he spent his own money and didn't win an award?

Award still means to grant when warrented or due, right? Or has it come to mean grant when paid for with own money? Has he considered the fact that he didn't get the award because it wasn't warrented or because someone else was better. Does he think white people get awards because they're white and not more talented? Has he heard Bill Cosby's speech "We Can't Blame White People"?

(I don't know if we're supposed to post url's to other websites, but you can google that title get it that way)

Kanye's a delusional fool and he really needs to stop yelling when posting because he has nothing valuable to say and he's SAYING NOTHING VERY LOUDLY.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you like his music, that is your right. But it is also my right to say an ass**** is an ass**** no matter what color he is.

The same point was proved by Obama when he was called a liar. If that had been Bush, there would have been a SNL skit about!

Yes, America is full of racists. And they are not all called Bubba!!

Bohemianmoon said...

he and his girlfriend looked like classless asses walking the red carpet, each chugging out of open full bottles of Henessey (sp?).

He has a habit of pulling the shit he did last night. Just one more low brow douche, IMO.

Anonymous said...

He's always been a dumbass. A few years ago he had a fit when his video for "Touch the sky" did not win an award. I distinctly remember him saying it should have won because (exact quote) "It cost a million dollars and Pamela Anderson was in it!" He is so frigging stupid!

Bill said...

LOL Even Obama says he is a jackass! Now that is classic. Christine there is no excuse for his behavior. You can like the man's music, but you have to call him out for his actions. He is a prima donna.