The Gosselin divorce frenzy and shut down of their crummy show stampede is at it's peak. I don't give a crap to comment, but, I finally caught up on my reading..you want to be informed when you hate on some bitches, right? You can go to Musings and Snarks and Reality Without Apologies (all linked here) to catch up. I just liked that photo because in the background you can see the reflection of a sheeple. Crazy bitch looks like she's ready to jump off a balcony to get a photo of her idol. Hey, it made me laugh and you have to take what you can get sometimes.
Whats up with wrinkly skin in her armpit?
That evil glare in her eye looks pretty twisted to me.
She looks like crap in those poly-rayon tank tops. They are so slutty and far too young for her. She has such a butchy build on her and they just don't work. Has the bitch ever heard of cotton or cotton blends?
The happy (harpy) couple.
I didn't mean the tits.
what fake looking tits....
I love this pic! So funny! I bet that is one of the more Rabid of the sheeple fans there.
I just looked again and the folds under her arms match the folds on her ugly tank top....
The skin between her eyebrows has folds. Her arm pits have folds. Her top folds. Her ass-flab folds. Her brains probably have folds too causing her idiocy and narcissistic ways.
One day her sanity will fold and then maybe they can fold up the rest of her dumb ass and stick her in a room with folded padding on the walls.
Nina you are flipping funny with all those folds !
hot bodyguard dude at 12 o'clock! Surely he can do better than Kates ass.
Sure, he maybe can do better, but, no one else will pay him 1600 a day to fuck them.
Merette! I was just about to say the same things? Why does she wear those shitty tops - and the colours do nothing for her.
I saw one of her pics in People the other day, same top by the looks of it. Also a bit of an obvious lip-stick malfunction in that shot unless they (whoever did her makeup) left part of her lower lip bare on purpose, maybe to try hiding something who knows.
Nonny905 again, dunno how that question mark get in there at the end of that first sentence... Pretend it's a period, that's what I meant to type. Thanks. :)
Nonny905..I have that top in white so please do not hold it against me. Please believe me, I am not a sheeple. lol
I hope that is $1600 a day on top of free health care.Oh and dental.
Who in the hell is ever going to hire Steve after this?
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