I know..Mary and Rhoda were the very first independent UNmarried women ever featured on a TV show..that had a lot of appeal in the 70's when the times were a changin', but, truthfully, the stuffy networks were still behind the times. Way behind..but, beggers can't be choosers and I think most women loved Mary and Rhoda. It was progression..of sorts.
I know..Mary and Rhoda were the very first independent UNmarried women ever featured on a TV show..that had a lot of appeal in the 70's when the times were a changin', but, truthfully, the stuffy networks were still behind the times. Way behind..but, beggers can't be choosers and I think most women loved Mary and Rhoda. It was progression..of sorts.
My best friend and I lived together at the time. We were both single and raising a kid. The networks would never have put our lifestyle on television. We pooled our very meager resources and got a decent house. There was no such thing as child care back then, so we worked it out where someone was always home with the kids..mostly me. Kid raising was not her thing. And this is not a bad roomie story, we're still friends after all these years. But, back to Mary and Rhoda.
Let me start out by saying, Mary..did not translate to color very well. When she was Laura Petrie in black and white, I don't think anyone would disagree that she was the cutest thing on TV. Then the 70's happened and an older single Mary suddenly appeared in Minneapolis, alone and tossing her hat hopefully in the opening credits. Mary was originally supposed to be a divorcée, but because the network was afraid viewers might think that Mary had divorced Rob Petrie ( Dick Van Dyke, for those of you who lived in a TV-less commune in the 70's ), they changed it..she had fled from a "broken engagement" instead. We never really knew why she broke that engagement, but, he must have been pretty bad or Mary wouldn't have dumped him. She was way too nice.
Anyway, color wasn't good to Mary. She was supposed to be so beautiful that no man could resist her..in fact a lot of the episodes centered around that very fact. My girl friend and I used to sit on the sofa and look at each other and say "Why didn't that dude hit on Rhoda?" We weren't impressed that Mary was the skinny one, we were both skinner than Mary Richards and so was almost everyone we knew. The seventies was a skinny decade. Rhoda was so self-deprecating she introduced herself as "Hi, I'm beautiful Mary's unattractive, but, good natured friend, Rhoda." In truth, which was confirmed by my Mary and Rhoda marathon last night, Rhoda was gorgeous. She had huge sparkling eyes, luminescent skin and a great smile. Mary, in color, had deep wrinkles on her forehead, her teeth were so big they didn't fit in her joker mouth and she stuttered when she was nervous..which was just about all the time. And I'm not even going to mention that big polyester wig they made her wear. But, she was nice. Except when she was mad that someone was taking advantage of her good nature, which was also almost all the time. Rhoda was sharp and witty and her lines still hold up..she was funny. Except when she was complaining about how fat she was. When the director finally took Rhoda out of the knee length cardigan vests, she was all of a size 6. And that was back when a 6 was really a 6 and not a 12 like it is now. Rhoda was hot. They never did take that rag off her head, I guess that was her signature, but, they did give her her own show eventually. Her spin off was just as good as Mary, until they gave her what she wanted..marriage. That was the downfall of Rhoda, but, I'm getting ahead of myself.
Mary and Rhoda had quite the wardrobe, didn't they? Except no one dressed like that. My friend and I used to look at Mary's latest polyester nightmare and say WTF is THAT? And we'd crack up with laughter at their giant floor length culotte hostess gowns. I once tied a scarf around my head and annouced I was the Rhoda. My girl friend, Shirl was pissed. She said, you are NOT the Rhoda, I'm the Rhoda. I screamed, how do you get to be the Rhoda?? She contemplated this as she walked over to throw a vinal Carole King's Tapestry on our fireplace stereo. ( The plastic wood fireplace with spinning electric logs and a stereo in the top was hers. The Venus D' Milo lamp may or may not have been mine.) She said, I'm funnier than you. That was true. No one is funnier than Shirl. I always told her she needed to take her act to Vegas. She continued to make her point, everyone knows you're the hot one. All the guys like you. Then she added the final insult..YOU are nice. Like Mary.
Now that was just low. I said, I am NOT nice. She said (adding a Bronx accent), Oh, yeah, you are, you even like those things upstairs. What things, I asked? Those things, she said waving her hands in the direction of the stairs, those little loud things. Me: "Our children?" Yeah, them. I sputtered, I don't like them that much. All I remember then is us collapsing in laughter. And on the TV Rhoda at last had a date, but, he clearly liked Mary better. What a putz.
And I know most everyone on here has their own Mary and Rhoda memories. I want to hear them.
lol. I love that story.
ann southern in the 50s was an unmarried working woman on tv...
never liked mtm or rhoda....
"i'm the rhoda" THAT is funny!
"The Fat One" . . . That still pissses me off.
As soon as you talked about Rhoda getting married I pictured Joe beating up Bobbie Spenser.
Doesn't anybody know what I'm talking about?
THAT"S a strong image.
Nurse Bobbie from GH? Do tell..
Joe's dead. We can leave him alone. He was handsome tho. Rhoda was beautiful and sexy, Mary was anything but sexy. It's like Lucy & Ethel, when you look at Ethel's face in later episodes, you can see her beauty coming out. Like by the time they all went to Cali or Europe. I think they had her out of the house dresses & into some nicer clothes by then. She had killer legs. It's the same thing, thats why Ethel was (alledgely) told she had to be 20 pounds heavier than Lucy, to play down her beauty. Nobody could be prettier than Lucy or Mary? Right? It's true. How would we believe the stories so they dress them up in frumpy, dumpy clothes & they dont wear good make up, if any at all. Rhoda & Ethel are one & the same. And I still love them both. Mary drove me nuts but gawd, who didn't love & covet her fabulous apartment? Except for the fact that she slept on a fold out sofa, it was fab. I didnt know MTM was even on anymore. I love it. And DVD Show, thats NEVER on and it's one of my favs. Thanks for the time travel today. I enjoyed that.
Was the Venus D' Milo lamp the kind with the oil droplets running down the fishing line as the light changes from blue to pink to green?
I wanted Rhoda's apartment.
I really needed that story this morning, Pat. You just made my entire day!
Thank You.
Rox, DVD, Rhoda and MTM are on Hulu free.
Rhoda's pink apartment rocked, Mary's was boring. What was with that wood stove anyway?
The Venus lamp didn't have oil. It was just a giant lamp. She gave it to me because I liked art and she thought is was classy...the height of good taste. It's still one of our long running laughs. I still have it out in the shed.
The actor that played Joe (David Groh) married Bobbie on GH. He abused her and was so evil and abusive that I still have the image in my mind.
Just looked it up 1983-85, still clear in my mind.
Good actor.
I'm the Rhoda. Without the head wrap.
Try explaining Carlton the Doorman to your kid.
I probably watched that show when I was small but I don't remember it. If you want to share stories about how hot Jan-Michael Vincent was on Airwolf, I'm there.
ok, gotcha! I dont Hula, so thats why I didnt know. I donr get online at home, once my workday ends I'm done with phones & computers! Thanks for telling me tho! I have Hula'd just haven't in a very long time & was not aware that you can watch all those great shows on there! I liked Rob & Laura's house alot, that sectional sofa?! How cool was that? And that slipper chair with the tube pillow on it? I loved that house. I miss it. Maybe I will Hula? LOL
Rhoda could get away with calling herself unattractive because she WAS attractive. I thought the script was written to show how obsessed she was with becoming thin again.
Her accent made her less attractive than she could have been.
Crabbie, JMV was HAWT! Hope he still is! He was a Tarzan guy in a Dinsey movie "Worlds Greatest Athlete". Stringfellow Hawk -Airwolf, what a cool ass name! Yes, he's fab. I agree, he's kinda the John Stamos of the 70's! Super Good looking but no film career. Loved him too. Thanks for the reminder!
My mom and sister would wear them. Mere wore one that my sister had. I had itchy clothes.
Are sweater sets still in style??
Jan-Michael Vincent was totally hot
anon 5:53...good point! Ugly Betty is not attractive on the show, Rhoda was attractive, so saying shes fat or fug was not offensive to anyone , because they knew it wasnt true.
Meant to say "I hate itchy clothes."
Crabbie!!! Go look at this! He is so senile he doesnt even know who Brad Pitt is. Drinking has ruined his life! Aww jeez....he's just old. He calls himself an old man, if you can understand him! Jeez....sad. You can still see him in there somewhere.
I LOVED Phyllis (Cloris Leachman). I wanted to look just like her, with her blonde curls and pretty face. I thought she was hilarious, always imitating 'Lars' and flopping down on Mary's couch. Rhoda was second, Mary was third. Sue-Ann Nivens, though, come on! Has there EVER been a better female character on TV? So, so funny! Betty White and Cloris Leachman are the best!
While digging through an old box, one of my friends unearthed an old hostess culotte gown and immediately brought it to me. I cleared my schedule for the rest of the day, made my hair real big, put it on, and immediately started mixing cocktails for whoever came over. I had become Phyllis!
Yep, sweater sets have come back into vogue...go figure!
Cloris had the best body of them all. Sue Ann (Betty) had the biggest boobs! Cloris was funny acting like her in-laws talking Swedish! Too funny. Let me watch her in Young Frankenstein and I am not getting up till it ends. "Stay very close to the candles, the stairway...can be treacherous". LMAO!!!!!
PS: Young Frankenstein: Saying Frau Blucher would make the horses whinny, didnt know why till someone told me that means "glue"! LOL!!!
HA! Too funny!
Cloris, as Nurse Diesel in 'High Anxiety,' deserved an Oscar! She already had one, but not for "Best Performance EVER"
"Those who are tardy do not get fruit cup."
Yup, go Cloris and Betty. They both did it so well. Beyond zany into psycho with great ease and abandon, ha! I loved Betty in Lake Placid "If I had a dick, this is where I'd tell you to suck it!" And when she called the guy Officer Fuckmeat we all nearly pissed ourselves.
First time I saw Jan Michael Vincent was in Buster and Billie. I have had a special place in my heart for friendless sluts ever since.
This was fun! Cloris and Betty deserve their own post..they are brilliant. I always wanted to slap Georgette.
Buzz..this is Carlton..your doorman. Bwaaaaa ha.
Georgette's voice made me think of baby food, for some reason. But with her came the spectacular TED BAXTER! I loved when he would burst into tears, all blubbering and bouncing shoulders.
Buster and Billie!
OMG. I remember that movie. 1974, I was 12.
I wasn't born until the 1980s, so I don't remember this show, but I've seen clips of re-runs on TV and personally I've never understood the big deal about Mary Tyler Moore's looks. Rhoda was just as pretty as Mary and maybe prettier. Mary had a horsey mouth and teeth.
The earliest sitcom I remember watching is "Three's Company"...I loved Jack Tripper!
I loved both shows..but "Three's Company" is also a fav just because it is so silly....and female "buddy" comedy Joyce DeWitt was so much more attractive than Suzanne Somers..but she was supposed to be the less attractive one. ???? Suzanne had huge horse teeth, droppy eyes, and was just generally homely. She looks better now. Big boobs and playing really really dumb were her claims to beauty i guess.After Suzanne left the show, the much more attractive Priscilla Barnes took up her place in the apartment....but no one liked her because she wasn't Suzzane!
Rhoda was my favorite and I was crushed when it was cancelled. Hooray for hulu!!
The house that Mary's apartment was in is near where I live. It is a show piece, a single family home--a dream house. It was for sale a while ago for around 2mil I think.
I was young (10ish) when the show was on, but I remember watching it with my family--and also the Bob Newhart show. Classics.
Loved Mary and Rhoda, they seemed perfect, but I wanted to look like Phylis. I loved her hair.
I miss the olden days!!!
I loved watching reruns of this show with my mom. When I was little I would ask my mom what was the matter with Rhoda and why did she says those things because I thought she was the pretty one.
There is a movie that came out a few years back "Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion" that is absolutly hilariously silly and the title characters get in a huge fight revolving around who's the Mary & who's the Rhoda. You might get a kick out of it Pat!
Romy & Michelle rocks! Its great. Post-Its???? LOL!!!!!
I loved this show, too. I loved Mary's apartment, thought Rhoda was funnier than Mary, and remember being doubled over laughing at Ted Baxter.
Thinking back, for one show it had so many great people on staff aside from the main characters. Ed Azner, Cloris Leachman, and I've forgotten what Murry's real name was.
Thanks for the post, Pat.
OMG! Murray went on to captain the Love Boat!!! I used to love Saturday nights. Love Boat, Fantasy Island! Friday was awesome too: Miami Vice & Dallas. I loved those times. I hope they do make a "Dallas" movie. I would soooo go see that. If they dont fark up with the casting. Gawd, what is this Retro-Rewind??? LOL
this thread has become The 6-Degrees of Classic TV!!!! It's great!! Thank you
Three's Company, now there's a post. It was so ridiculously out of touch even at the time. Absurdity beyond bizarre.
Murray was Marys Scarecrow, Lou was the (not so)Cowardly lion and Ted was the tin man,a big cry baby that rusts! I always thot of "murr" as her Scarecrow.
Pat, a little off point, but there are two sites about Classic TV that might interest some:
You can play full episodes for free here:
Thanks for this blog, Pat. I've enjoyed all the comments.
Thanks, Coyote. I'll check them out.
I always liked Rhoda best. She had a real personality!
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