Anna Duggar had a daughter, Mackynzie Renee Duggar and if that photo (from Yahoo) is any indication, Michelle Duggar heaved the infant out of her eternally busy uterus. Small favors, eh Anna? "Josh was excited to participate in the birth as well." I'm fairly sure Josh did not participate in the birth, but, that won't stop him from giving his story of labor and delivery. I hope he got stretch marks.
that pic looks to be the new baby's grandma holding one of her own babies. Either way...like it matters. Yea. Same-Same.
Get some cable TV already! Go dancing instead once in a while.
For as much as I dislike many things about this family, I still wish the Gosselin kids lived there instead of in the orphanage. At least they would be loved and honored.
I just wish ALL so-called Reality
Families would go away and live their lives. I do not care about Ma & Pa Duggar or their kids or their kids kids. They all make me sick. The Duggars are using their kids just like the Gosselins
--it's just about money.
In some ways the Duggars actually disgust me MORE than Jon and Kate. Kate is a greedy beyotch, but she doesn't try to hide it. The Duggars, however, act like all they care about is God and family, not money. Yeah, right. They have sold their children to TLC and yet they keep blabbering on about being morally superior to everyone else.
I get pretty pissed when Dad acts like "we" labored. I had my last baby naturally & the only thing my husband did was stay out of my reach so I didn't twist off is nut sack.
That poor girl Anna had her first baby at home and she weighed 8 pounds. That had to hurt like hell. I can't stand Josh Duggar. Hopefully she will get a year break before he knocks her up again and we have to endure another Duggar special announcement where he looks at the pee stick and tells her if she pregnant. WTF? Can she not even do anything for herself?
There is no way I could be anything like this family and not even kiss till your wedding day. Hell no. I would have to sample the goods before marriage.
You recken that's the family "birthing" bed?
It should be worn out by now.
YAAAAAA. WTG duggars... Another one to the CLAN. who pays all these medical bills??
Mama Duggar will never beat the russian lady who had 69 kids.
The duggars remind me of that me of m shyamalan movie The Village.
Josh Duggar is the worst famewhore of all. He called the filmcrew to come late at night and waited until they got there to see if Anna was pregnant or not.
The clip for this week's show shows the crew in the delivery room filming while Anna gives birth.
This is beyond sick.
I do not dislike the Duggars by any means, but come'on Michelle give your uterus a rest and let the older girls be girls and not moms and servants for once in their young life.They are better parents than the Gosselins though.
I actually do not like Josh. He has a 'wife beater' look to him and is such a media whore. Anna just seems like a naive young girl who has this fairytale idea of what life will be like with all these babies and is going to be depressed when reality really hits her. Josh wants to be his dad and is just coming off like a pompous asshole. He is too controlling over Anna and any women and he needs to STFU and let Anna talk for herself for once. That kids just bugs me.
Actually all those boys in the Duggar house bug me. With all those males you know dam well there is one that is a complete wierdo and has some screws loose.
Being that i am such a synical person and really despise Kate Gosselin...I am truly surprised by some of the backlash the Duggar family receives.
I really understand the comments but kind of wish people would see it through and not just label them.
The way they live their lives works for them & they seem to be a very loving family. I think their thought process is that they are doing a service to those interested in how they do it. I find it truly amazing. I know from listening to my granparents that families used to work together as a team to raise children and to serve God the best way they could. I am in no way a Bible beater & haven't been to church in years...but I can not see a problem with their morals when they are only trying to live in faith and serve the best way they know how. If we don't like it....we don't have to watch.
I am personally rooting for them & the table for 12 family!
The clip for this week's show shows the crew in the delivery room filming while Anna gives birth.
This is beyond sick.
Anna gave birth at home. I don't think they were in the delivery room with her.
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